I'm not sure why we're even fucking around anymore. Its tea party time.
fuck your internet, and DDoS EVERYTHING we love to prove they cant abuse our love.
I'm not sure why we're even fucking around anymore. Its tea party time.
fuck your internet, and DDoS EVERYTHING we love to prove they cant abuse our love.
Sources say OP is a faggot
have fun in federal prison retard
>fuck your internet, and DDoS EVERYTHING we love
>we love
You do realize that LOIC is a trojan right?
>fuck your internet, and DDoS EVERYTHING
You know, if my internet went down due to DDoS I would probally be happy right now.
If they did it for days on end, it would almost guarantee some sort of mob type of violence.
No faceberg for america may be enough to trigger 1776+214.
LOIC is beyond compromised. You've been warned.
if everyone wasnt so worried about their next facebook post, they might take a look up at the real world.
if everyone goes to a website at the same time, put it on a calendar, its not illegal
oh dear god you whiny bitch, get over the context. its a picture i choose from google that represented some part of what i was saying. how about you fucking read the words i put on purpose rather than the sourced image
let me skip a whole lot of life for you
>anything given, that facilitates laziness, is malicious
>its a picture i choose from google
you are really in hardcore mode
go outside and play the wizard, fag
>using a CIA bug
Have fun in jail lmao
That doesn't explain how "LOIC is beyond compromised" or is a Trojan. I wasn't even directing my comment toward you.
Oh say can you shart
This is some straight nigger black lives matter shit.
>Let's pillage our own town!
Good idea you fucking dumb nigger.
This is probably a shill slide thread trying to get unsuspecting normie conservatives to try and throw themselves in prison.
You having a meme with HIMYM is the gayest shit I've seen here, and people occasionally post gay porn.
im not implicating breaking the law. If we all went to a website, on our personal portals, as a form of protest, it would hug it to death.
the reason why the boston tea party was a big deal was because people really fucking liked tea.
thanks i guess
I nearly wavered and recoiled until i read this
god bless you man
ok we'll just all go at the same time and hug it to death. its not illegal to use the internet.
Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
All of these people are wrong. LOIC away, little burg.
if you use a coconut to kill someone you'd still be charged for murder with weapon
stfu faggot
you're the one painting a story man
>if everyone wasnt so worried about their next facebook post, they might take a look up at the real world.
I don't have facebook. Also, never used reddit. This is the only "social network" that I use.
Thanks for playing. Very poor troll attempt. Very sad. Many such cases.
i just used loic picture for nostalgia sake. Proposed would be hugging globalist web services to death. All just go at the same time. nothing illegal. Not hurting anyone.
A reverse boycott if you like
i sure am
Agreed... What a pathetic little faggot
if i got a million people to go to salon on their computer at the same time, and it crashed their server, its their fault for not having those servers.
Yes we are exploiting this but its not illegal. Use their tactics against them.
>key your car before anyone else can
you prove my point? you actually understand as to whats going on in the world. you arent blinded.
refer to text thread
throw away the tea before anyone buys it
Do you know how loic works?
>when you realize you've been here long enough to remember using this in late 2007
loic doesnt matter
We were still cooler than kekistani new friends right
a 21 year old was 11 in 2007
time to make the internet ~25+