I ask myself, why is do white folk have no cultural history?
I ask myself, why is do white folk have no cultural history?
Why do African-Americans excuse their massive fucking failure of a community on slavery and century long racism, while simultaneously claiming descendance and heirship to ancient Egypt, a civilisation built on slavery?
We have a rich culture history, we're just not allowed to learn about it in school anymore. It's been shelved in favor of WE WUZ stories like Harriet Tubman
They're very, very stupid.
Ever heard of the Roman Empire?
>a civilisation built on slavery?
FALSE but then again niggers wouldn't know that, so your point is still valid.
All history is black history
Whitey stole it from us
Because they have no history. They are descended from hundreds of different tribes, with little to no common historical or cultural background. They therefore feel the need to claim another nation's history as their own.
American blacks are worse than FYROM "Macedonians", imo.
Dick Washers....
>a 2 thousand
>thousand years ago
Neanderthal era was from 800.000y-30.000y ago. And everyone outside of Africa has Neanderthal DNA, east Asians have more of their admixture.
Egypt wasn't like that a 1000 years ago. There was only one "black" Nubian dynasty, and it sucked.
For a supposed "superior" people they certainly suck at history.
nice integers.
Nice digits kang
See, this assumes that the Ancient Egyptians were black when genetic evidence points to more Semitic/Berber descent.
The "Egyptians were black" meme is a hold-over from Black Supremacist propiganda from the 60s and 70s.
Well probably there were some black pharaoh's so lets give them that.
It was all aliens anyways.
Most if not all menial labor was done by slaves under the supervision of Craftsman
Funny how niggers claim cultural heritage to a kingdom that ultimately fell to Islam and failed to remain a world power and tell white people that they have no culture except the one which currently dominates the globe
Please prove that slavery wasn't part of Egyptian culture.
Slaves were sold all over the Middle East including Egypt. Slavery wasn't as popular as it was in rome, but let's not ignore that it happened.
"...the woman Tapmut, his slave, who has on right hand the marking "Of Meshullam.""
-Pritchard, James B ; ancient bear Easter texts pg. 548
They don't understand how evolution works.
Wait, they were hunting them for sport?
How will niggers ever recover
>/sci/ autism level detected
uhm try again sweetie
> algebra and soap
> niggers can't get your change right at the mcdonalds drive-thru
> niggers always smell like a bucket of shit and cocoa butter because they never take showers or bathes.
Well, so much for that claim....
probably a batlle against some nubians
>niggers actual believe this
I pitty their stupidity
Must be pretty embarassing to have such a sophisticated society and still get raped and enslaved by white people.
Almost as if it's the other way around , and white people had a sophisticated society while africans were dancing around trees , naked.
Really makes you think.
I ask myself why so many fucking retards reply to obvious b8
> two thousands years ago
Probably a troll from OP but 2000 years ago, Egypt was entirely controled by Romans.
4000 years ago though, the first nubian dynasty could show off to the proto-celts in Europe.
>blacks are a thousand years ahead of whites
>now they are in last place
What did they mean by this?
Stupid, ugly, smelly ape
pic very related
Could be but it does look like some sort of hunt with dogs, bows etc.
>Not having a hot negress wash your dick
Since when was Jeanne a Chaos Warrior?
Do we really need to answer stupidity by stupidity.
At least two of the Egyptians dynasties were nubians and most likely black. One of them was pretty successfull, the others was a failure. Most of the others dynasties had lighter skin.
More important, most people at the time, including the Roman Empire who took over around the start of our time COULDN'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT SKIN COLOR. Identity was built around culture, religion and language, not origins and skin color.
White slaves and black slaves existed, white kings and black kings too, even some roman emperor wouldn't be called "white" with today standards.
Why do you stupid niggers keep this egyptian crap?
You dumbfucks are from West Africa that is further away then Finland to Spain just so you know so the genetic distance between you and Egyptian blacks is high like say an indian and a brit.
Individualism was their downfall.
British propaganda
She also was a balrog and an oompa-loompa
>mfw blogger needs clicks
>mfw nothing is happening in the world today
>mfw write a ridiculous bullshit from some random shit a handful of niggers believe and make it seem like its a pandemic
>mfw bored faggots with no goals in life and too much free time see batshit article
>mfw said faggots click and rage batshit article in a misguidedly attempt to direct their apathetic frustration towards something "worthy" of hating
>mfw some even go as far as to convince themselves blacks are reason for their failures / depression and not their own lack of ambition
>mfw rage is very profitable because everyone wants to laugh at dumb niggers
>mfw shitposter / blogger faggot give zeros fucks about the detrimental effects they have on impressionable neet drowning in self-loathing
>mfw faggots will try to pretend they're shitposting all along
>You dumbfucks are from West Africa
This. Why american niggers can't be proud of Malian kings who built a trade empire the size of Europe ? Could it be because what they trade was their ancestors ... ?
what dogs? All I see is horses and niggers
they had ZERO slaves
No unless its in the west african coast its not their heritage at all.
because they steal from eberybody else. examples include colonosiation, slavery, and music to name a few
I see they have powerful geography class in Bahamas...
they WUZ kangz
we IS kangz
pic related