>I'll knock out the hell of ISIS in 30 days, trust me. I have a secret plan!
>I'll knock out the hell of ISIS in 30 days, trust me. I have a secret plan!
He naively thought he could cut off ISIS's western funding without a hassle, but Israel doesn't want that I guess.
He asked Macron to let them into France.
Problem solved.
he never said that, frog.
>no attack in America
He seems to be doing great to me he's got my vote for next election
he's the first combover president, he lies to us and he lies to himself that he has hair
did he say he started his 30 day plan?
>obama holdovers block his work because they're sore losers
>attribute this inability to function because of Trump, not petulant, nigger tier children who refuse to do their job
macaroni gonna fuck your country up faggot
it's funny how french people think this is a fucking game.
We have Trump, an ally, and even he can't work as fast as we need him to.
They've got an enemy in power because they're inept impotent and cowardly little fuckers. They're F I N I S H E D.
Implying he can just wait all 4 years and say he never really started it
Why would he kill Israeli agents?
Sure sure ... and how your muslim ban doing?
He will never remove ISIS
Weak shit President.
Obama was tougher on them lmao
To destroy ISIS one must also destroy Israel.
No, they're actually a sovereign nation that see the trainwreck that is electing populist niggers that have little more than promises that even if they come through, don't solve jack shit. Thanks for beta testing electing complete fucking idiots to the presidency but no one else wants to play.
>i-it's just f-fucking obama holdovers guys!!
then why doesn't he replace them retard
>He thought
I'm gonna have to stop you there.
No he said he was going to give advisors 30 days to give him a plan.
So the media per usual listens to him then reports what they think he meant.
Its like "I support the 2nd amendment", "Drumpf wants Hillary to be shot"
ISIS was already losing during the election campaign, Trump's winning or losing wouldn't have contributed much.