Why are republicans trying to ruin vaping for everyone? It's 99% healthier than cigarettes and they want to treat vaporizers like combustion sticks... fucking stupid and dangerous.
Why are republicans trying to ruin vaping for everyone...
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Vaping is degenerate. The whole vape movement thing is degenerate.
thanks doc
Honestly vaping is gay as fuck. It's like being a flamboyant faggot in public. But so is fucking dudes in the ass, and I don't care about faggots being faggots in the privacy of their own homes.
Don't subject me to your meme smoke.
Republicans are cigar men. Organic tobacco.
Democrats hate cigarettes. Blue states have the harshest tobacco taxation.
If you haven't figured it out yet, the GOP is a party of pure evil. They don't give a shit about your rights or your life even.
Vapes are for fags
What is ((big tobacco)) ?
>It's 99% healthier than cigarettes
Please provide proof of said claim.
In addition, it is totally irrelevant. You think it is normal to inhale unnatural and processed chemicals is right?
t:Current "vaper" and 100% irrational nicotine addict.
Amen. The whole "duh imma vaper hurr more healthy than smokin wif cigurets" is a cancer.
This is coming from someone who actually vapes (eLeaf iStick, for the "duh imma vaper hurr whashur vape bro?" faggots)
Don't care if it's healthy or for faggots, people have the right to choose, and pay the consecuences. Get out the goverment from my lungs.
Vaping looks goofy as hell but at least I'm saving money and not smelling like toxic waste 24/7. I hate the whole vape culture tho, it's extremely cringey, you don't see cigarette enthusiasts who won't shut up about their Marlboros everywhere, do you? I wonder why people can't just admit they are addicted to nicotine and vaping is a way to sort of solve this, and that's it, you don't need to turn it into your fucking identity ffs
>Fellating the robot dick
I don't know if it's dangerous. but it is stupid.
I thought Republicans were for freedom.
Because the mod you posted is a fucking piece of shit that keeps autofiring all the time
Fucking chinks ripped me off again
Definitely - I started vaping because it's cheaper than smoking and more pleasant to those around you.
They are trying to fuck with vapes over here in the UK too, yes I know vaping looks faggy as fuck but they honestly are a great tool to stop smoking.
I just find that I can get more nicotine and less withdrawal with a small cartridge based vape with 50mg liquid compared to cigarettes. Also cigarettes have far more unidentified chemicals that I don't have the time to research. I'm pretty hesitant to believe it has no long term side effects like some people are claiming though
>220 watts
How are they fucking with it? I understand it might be healthier than smoking, but they want to make sure it itself doesn't become a hip thing that kids start doing. It still has an addictive substance in it and they should get taxed like cigarette companies.
Well there isn't tar in vapes so I assume having cleaner lungs is healthier than massive tar buildup over the years of cigarette smoking.
I don't vape it's just my thought since people who switched from cigarettes to vapes report greater endurance and getting winded less frequently esp. from mundane activities such as walking up a flight of stairs.
How do you even get addicted to nicotine, I smoke about 7-8 a day when I'm at uni, probably about 15 on nights out. When I go home over summer though I can go lurk 3 months without touching them just like that.
Thanks doc
What the fuck are you talking about? Go buy juice in California or New York. It is more expensive than any republican state because Dems tax the everliving fuck out of everything to pay for gibs.
Well stated
No hash oil, no care
The only person screwing with my prices right now is a Democrat.
Tobacco companies don't make money from vaping and e-cigarettes so they lobbied for harder laws and procedures for those products to be sold.
Because they are all shills for big business and in this case its for big tobacco
Mine hasnt autofired..i got the all blqck one.
I use to smoke cowboys(Marlboro Reds) and was coughing up a storm,and every morning i'd wake up and start coughing violently. Than I started vaping.
>no more smokers cough.
>no more violent coughs.
>I can breathe better.
>all the bitches wanna hit my vape.
no, republicans are for theocracy and enforcing their personal beliefs on others - their marketing campaign focuses on freedom but only like 2/15 of their positions are pro freedom
The only thing wrong with vaping is that vaporizers aren't dispensing sarin, cyanide, or zyklon B
Vaping is retarded, who gives a fuck.
It's different for some people. My parents are chimneys but my brother can just smoke like once a month or something. I don't smoke at all so can't say what I would be.
Was told the firmware update was supposed to fix it but nope
Probably just gonna go back to squares at this point
It sells the stuff. Pretty obvious that manufacturers have a pretty big hand in the vaping culture. People in the West are looking everywhere for a smidgeon of identity and turn to the market to buy it. Anyways, big tobacco's gonna big tobacco. That's why they're going after vapes.
they're doing autists that vape a favor by trying to make them not look like complete fags. Remember that cringe kid in middle school that would always do embarrassing things and needed guidance to not act like such a fool? It's quite a lot like that. They're helping vaping spergs out, they should ban fedoras and cargo shorts while they're at it.
The uncertainty over whether or not vaping is healthy is born out of very loosely "scientific" studies, and its propagation is textbook lobbying by the (((cigarette industry)))
sort of not really.
Wait till your older it gets worse.
>It's 99% healthier than cigarettes
Please provide scientific proof of this.
Cigs are almost harmless, you've been memed by the vaporized jew
so edgy, don't you have homework to do?
No autofiring on mine. Got the all white Empire starwars edition.
>I don't have the time to research
Wait. So basically, you have time to make up random statistics but don't have time to "do research".
Because there is no research. You are a ass-hat sperg who just makes shit up for attention.
Shut the fuck up.
I got a statistic for you. 99% chance that you have had a cock in your ass in the last 72 hours.
>It's 99% healthier than cigarettes
[citation needed]
you prob aren't smoking it properly.
Anytime you actually inhale, even after smoking for years, you get a slight buzz.
Nicotine is a poison, if you get it in your system and you don't have a tolerance, you get sickly feeling. Once you build a tolerance you don't get it as easy. If you don't smoke for months at a time, and then smoke, and don't feel buzzed or sickly, then you're doing it wrong
>not being statist communist fucktards
Over 400 chemicals in one cigarette
>4 in vape juice
You don't smoke just fags, homo.
Vaping is gay as uck
I smoke. Everyone I know smokes. We are the longest live males on planet earth despite so many of us smoking. Just smoke fucking cigarettes you dumb pussy
Smoking cigarettes is absolutely destructive to lung tissues. Vaporized nicotine is not.
t. chemist
PS to OP: It's because, like all politicians, Republicans are fucktards.
You know what you should do? Ignore the law. Why? Why not?
This picture is a hoax btw. Smoking doesn't stain lung tissue
>t. Surgeon
Vaping cuts into jews tobacco sale profits...
Jewpublicans must do as told by their jewish owners, so no more vaping for you goy!
You tighten your own belt because he's not after your girl.
>people who switched from cigarettes to vapes report greater endurance and getting winded less frequently
This is totally true for me. When I switched to vaping to help me quit smoking my lungs just cleared out over a few weeks. It was amazing how shitty I felt all the time without even realizing it. Now I'm down to a couple vape hits a day with a little pen vape and the lowest nicotine level juice I could buy at my local shop. Vaping is dorky af but it saved me.
Vaping is smoking for fags.
go fuck yourself dude
>Nicotine is a poison
Every fucking chemical is a poison retard. Even if the "Poisoning" is osmotic leeching
Question: What about the artificial flavorings? Is there not a chance of carcinogens or other health risks associated with them?
>implying you aren't feeding the jew by buying vapes
Why tax it if nicotine is good for you
This. vaping in public is top-tier faggotry
I wonder what they taste like
>this new product without any long/term studies is safer than the one which has existed for hundreds of years!
>why don't republicans just blindly accept this?!?!?
shareblueballs -> "oh they love vape post abt repubs hating vaping trump is done for lulul"
shill thread
Just smoke weed, It's not that gay and even healthier
Trump. Of course it has to be Trump. Don't ask how or why. It just simply has to be Trump.
>Vaporized nicotine is not.
Your in-progress bachelors degree in chemistry with your 1.9GPA doesn't make you an expert retard.
>t. Surgeon
>ctrl f lobby
>one result
based Aussie telling as it is.
cig companies try to fight very hard to block it, they suffered enough from no smoking policies already
We have a winner.
>It's 99% healthier than cigarettes
nicotine is still nicotine faggot
No one's going to mention your obvious fuck ups?
>tfw most of this board is so new no one even understands the culture well enough to protect it
Google "Popcorn lung" for a fun view of how safe vaping weird chinese chemicals is.
Nicotine isn't good for you, it's just not horrible for you. There is still some shit in e-cigarettes though and nicotine is creating an absolute dependence on something so now you gotta buy it forever no matter what. It's potentially the best way to make current smokers "healthier" but it's no doubt becoming a fad too for new users.
>protecting an internet culture
shut the fuck up newfag pretending to be an old fag
t;;; 4chang poster since 2004
LoL... you haven't live surrounded mudslimes yet...
Fuck you
fu hilary
idk. maybe logically speaking, the reason is because of the advertisement of vaping that said 'it's healthier than tobacco'.
Although it can brings smokers into a healthier habit (is it? that's what you said so i will go with for argument sake), it also brings attraction from people that doesn't smoke in the first place into joining this less dangerous cancer-inhaling hobby.
But i highly doubt politicians can think that deep :/
Also, smoke tricks are gay.
still gotta make money on cigarettes
I didn't make up random stats. I just said I find I can get more nicotine with less side effects. Anecdotal, but I'm not making up statistics.
Ffuukkk you
Yeah... And nicotine is not the harmful ingredient in cigarettes. It's on par with coffee in regards to toxicity.
That was actually just one specific butter flavor that was well known to cause that problem. But I see your point, we don't know if others may have adverse effects
Mommy no
Shut up
Because 10,000 little faggots with battery tubes does not even make 1 Marlboro.
>Only happend once :D
>Buys weird chinese chemicals
>Doesn't understand or even have their composition labeled
>Heats them to 350C +++
>Inhales them into his lung
>Heats them to 350C
Actually usable temperature is aroun 200C
Not really. Here's the gestalt on artificial flavorings: They're the chemicals that give natural foods/materials their flavors/smells.
For example, butyric-based compounds provide both butter and artificial butter flavoring their noted flavor.
There may be contamination in a poor-quality mix however, so don't buy off-the-wall shit.
The levels of nicotine in nicotine products is actually good for you. It acts as a nootropic substance. The dose makes the poison my friend. Inhaling smoke, esp. fresh smoke, is what causes the harm. Particularly with fresh smoke that often only partially oxidized, and tends to be quite reactive with other organic compounds in the presence of oxygen, like those found in mucus tissues in the lungs. This leads to inflammation which can lead to carcinogenic or mutagenic effects.
Males in my country have the longest lifespan on earth, and one of the highest incidence of cigarette smoking in europe. Smoke cigarettes is not particularly dangerous. Ameribugers and their anti-smoking meme is always hilarious to me while I watch them eat deep-fried triple mayonnaise butter bars