Why do millennials curse and use lowercase letters so often?
Why do millennials curse and use lowercase letters so often?
They write their posts with mobile phones. You don't have a shift key on a phone.
Because they gangsta.
>snitching is unconstitutional and worthy of impeachment anyway
i have no idea what these people believe anymore
Uppercase letters are just impossible on iphones
Because they are chill af brahhhhh
>snitching is a sign of a weak leader
Why is this pretty boy twink talking like a nigger in prison?
fuck you, i'm not a millenial
I remember being in chatrooms when I was a teenager back in 2004 and people thought I was a cop because I capitalized the first letter in a sentence and used punctuation.
I have the same grammar on a phone as I do typing on a keyboard because I'm not lazy. I capitalize, spell every word out correctly, and use proper punctuation. Don't even use auto correct.
In doing it this way I've become very efficient at texting, I see everyone else using the auto correct constantly.
>having an educational system
>not using your education
The left, everybody.
>snitching is unconstitutional
oh my fucking GOD
>snitching is unconstitutional
I always thought it was because it's on Twitter. Sometimes you have to trim off punctuation from your sentences, and often whole words, so I guess I guess people just stopped attempting to use capital letters at the beginning of sentences since they don't have punctuation.
>posting in a "1 post by this ID" thread
Everyone above my post is nu/pol/
>ayo nigga, raising your kid after you fucc some blacc beauty is unconstitutional
>Why are millennials so lazy?
Poor grammar, shit schools, and just all around lazy faggots.
You put a comma in there. Nice attempt at impersonation though.
In all seriousness though, please do your own impersonation. I wanna see it.
You aren't too bright are you?
>snitching is unconstitutional
The opposition, lads.
lol its 2 easy 2 do just use as many shortcuts you can and no punctuation
I'm not going to be able to imitate the way they speak, I'm too autistic to pull that off.
They also say "why you" instead of "why are you." Peterson says words matter for a reason, and the jew tricks behind the degradation of our language are a serious threat.
This is the result of hood nigger culture infecting and deteriorating our society.
>reporting illegal activity is illegal
basically you just have to talk like those tumblr pics
and use words like guys and gay and ahrjhshd
>Like that. Overall a soft sounding voice that isn't too determined to do much.
hahaha this shit is making me understand why faggots go out and shoot up a bunch of normies
That's not a good sign.
They do not like being Bourgeoisie Capitalist.
This shit is like reading cancer.
Because grammar doesn't matter much on social media sites.
This. It's not impossible to use shift or CAPS LOCK on a smartphone.
"ayo don't be a snitch nigga"
t. abdul the sandnigger
Seriously though why the fuck does every minority group in this country have to fall in culturally with the nignogs. Fucking niggers can't stop ruining the country for everyone.
Use a fucking app!
they interperet the law in the same way a criminal would
It's become more of an "urban" culture now. Every race is capable of it, blacks just make up the bulk of people in the urban centers. Brown people also flock to the inner cities too, so they adopt that shit. At least the ones who are second generation anyway.
Strangely enough, an alarming amount of whites have adopted it, even the ones who live in outskirt towns, albeit "ghetto" areas of the smaller town. The town I live in has a lot of scrawny white guys who act like a hybrid between a nigger and redneck. It's a bad combination.
>telling a parent/teacher the truth of something bad is bad
are they aware of how disgusting they are?
>owning an iPhone
Kill yourself redditor
idk but I just sent him a message that is likely to get me banned from twitter.
Because they're shitposting phonefags. Just look ITT at all of them.
Get the fuck off my board. Fucking PC user fags.
Honor? Integrity? Truth? fuck dat nigga, jus don be a snitch gnomesayin bitch ass nigga?
The future is dark.
uhh, because fucking tumblr? omg i swear u old guys are legit retardzzz
Because they see social media as an informal conversation where proper etiquette isn't required.