So beautiful...
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You can see her botox scars ew ew ew
Too nigger
why she got a mustachio doe
Fake news, that person is not fat enough to be American.
but will they have slavic descent?
There is no way that all of america will be race mixed by 2050.
Plus this is only a decent looking light skin with dyed hair, nothing else.
American blacks are slowly going extinct in America because of abortion, and very soon Central America will mass immigrate to America making the future americans look more like spics than any mix with a nigger.
>light eyes
Burger land disgust can they see theirselves going under 56% and doing nothing about it
Bunch of cucks
I think a latina rosie would be more accurate
Yeah you're right.
White genocide data mining thread..
Botox scars? Or maybe that's just a real beautiful full lipped women. Flat-lipped cumskin women can't even compete against women with real features.
> title telling you how to feel
I hate this
>full lipped women
Spotted the low test cumskin.
The whole world will be a brown mongrel race with an IQ of 90 and it will be an honor for them to serve us, while we sit like effendi and eat
Look at those strong, dominant eyes and those juicy, delicious lips. The future's going to be great.
Thankfully my grandchildren won't be subjected to this fate.
Personally I think those huge lips look terrible
Are we really doing this gain? Come on, leaf. Is canada actually this far behind on memes?
>mfw black, blue-eyed people will be on the rise forever and ever
That is how liberal propaganda works, it is subjective...control their feelings and you will control their actions.
How much did the JIDF pay you for that post goy?
>beautiful full lipped women
I bet you're the guy who thinks Kim Kardashian or Nicki Minaj are sexy too.
Blacks/African Americans account for a higher proportion of new HIV diagnoses, those living with HIV, and those ever diagnosed with AIDS, compared to other races/ethnicities. In 2015, African Americans accounted for 45% of HIV diagnoses, though they comprise 12% of the US population.
>the face of the hapa mongrel
truly a beautiful creature who wouldn't want to look like that? "hey guys im 45% white can i join the clan?"
>"...and it's beautiful"
>"...and it's stunning"
All the fucking time with this mass conditioning bullshit. Instant Buzzfeed article, just add a phrase at the end of every headline telling the reader how to feel
>Car Runs Over Pedestrians In Times Square, And It's Gorgeous
Birth rates of all races have been declining by about the same rate except Asians.
I don't think most studies account for mixed babies though.
If we're going by "muh 1 drop rule", whites a declining by the most.
Holy God.
Low I.Q. mongrels.
They're going full Aldous Huxley.
>what Americans will look like
...and that's just the men
>80 IQ
Cannot wait to get forcibly feminized by the elegant mixed-race dommes of the future.
All part of a plan to destroy Humanity & also this connects to BioWeapons.
Also, when Genetics combine enough......things get messed with down the line.