If it wasn't for Government these little ducks wouldn't be able to be with their parents. If you are against Government then you are for the murder of baby ducks.
Checkmate Lolbertarians
If it wasn't for Government these little ducks wouldn't be able to be with their parents. If you are against Government then you are for the murder of baby ducks.
Checkmate Lolbertarians
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But I am for the murder of baby ducks. It's a gourmet dish in Portugal
Obviously that is not the ducks natural habitat.
There was a chance for evolution of jumping ducks. Not anymore.
gas the ducks, fowl are foul
who pays for and maintains the duck ramps in a libertardian society?
balut is murder
the community
I'm a libertarian but I am also 100% pro ducks, now I'm confused
>libertarians hate the Duck Ramp
Do libergtarians also hate the Goat Tower?
Libertarian ducks have hovercars, dumbass.
>it's in the bylaws
>government builds new caping with design flaw.
>we need government to fix the faulty design the government used.
>Don't feed the ducks
It's a compromise between equal access and food stamps
Reminds me of when some swedish greens made a slug tunnel under a highway.
How the fuck would they know?
so local government?
You are the beast!
Many keks were had
U fookin w0t!?!
There's hundreds of bridges for animals over here. Though it's a genuine problem because otherwise they'd jump in front of traffic all the time.
Yes, animal tunnels are a complete meme.
Sometimes they place camera traps to count the number of animals crossing.
Usually it's only a handful a year.
>otherwise they'd jump in front of traffic all the time.
No they wouldn't.
It was never a problem.
>a slug tunnel
Thats my nickname for your mom
I was mistaken. It was a frog tunnel.
Pic related is in Germany though.
A frog tunnel actually makes some sense.
Frogs will cross roads and get run over.
It's people like this user or me that would have built a duck ramp if they saw the need. Government absolutely not needed in this scenario.
Also your pic doesn't even have any baby ducks in it so fuck you for being a disappointment.
It's what they said though. Don't forget that many of our highways go straight through the few patches of nature left in this country which are already incredibly small so it's no surprise deers etc have to cross them more often than in countries like Sweden where they got plenty of room.
Take a semi-largish stick.
lay it down for the ducks to walk up.
How much do you think some faggot was paid to make these fucking jokes.
Government is a fucking joke and this right here is a perfect example.
>but a stick would be ugly
hahhaaha fucking women
>local government does something funny
>autists sperg out
Would be a paradise if not for the niggers t.b.h.
We put bridges for animals over high traffic streets here but they still gather in the middle of the streets with signs and shit.
Somalia has ironically enjoyed a higher standard of living since the government collapsed. Let that sink in for a moment.
No, we either need to stop building roads or simply accept that animals like deer can't survive in the Netherlands.
Those "eco passages" are only a trick to shut the protesters up.
>"this road won't destroy animal habitats, we made a little tunnel see?"
Building a multi billion euro tunnel so 3 deer can cross is stupid.
If you must, shoot them with tranquilizer darts and carry them across - much cheaper and far more effective.
>multi billion
Meant to write multi million.
Let's not exaggerate.
>little ducks wouldn't be able to be with their parents
Adapt or die.
Looks like typical irrigation tunnels we have all around here to let the water flow under the roads in the drives so it doesn't pool and flow over the roads.
I would much rather spend money on duck ramps than welfare
Libertard here.
I think that shit's pretty cool and funny myself. Some business was paid to fabricate that ramp.
My issues are these-
1. Don't pay for it with taxes, use lottery monies.
2. Don't build infrastructure that blocks wildlife in the first place.
>A couple wood planks and a coat of paint
Individuals or private companies certainly couldn't do that. Thank goodness the govenment spent thousands of taxpayer dollars on that!
Or do like America does and sell deer hunting tags to control their population. Makes tax money because the state government sells the tags, plus hunting is a type of revenue in and of itself because it brings tourism (not necessarily for deer, but for other animals), and you help keep their population down, for their good and the good of public safety because they're so god damn retarded they get hit by cars a bunch, hurting and killing people.
>a baby duck will use this steep, slippery ramp with scary letters on it
That duck ramp probably cost $20,000 to install.
I think frogs will just try to cross the road anyway.
The (((governement))) is helping weak ducklings reach their parents and helping them survive. Then the weak individuals breed more weak ducks thus pollute the duck genepool. In Libertarian society without (((duck ramps))) only the strongest and the smartest ones would be able to find a way to the rest of the group therefore survive and pass their genes while the (((statist))) will produce cucks-ducks and other nu-birds, which can't compete with genetically superior species.
I hope it will help you open your eyes and see the truth
We very rarely have those problems in northern europe.
>inb4 CNN
but it's really a frog tunnel
>public property benefits ducks more than me
tragedy of the commons at work
I can save those ducklings with my own libertarian hands and I will feed them from my own free speech mouth.
Which plate?
>If it wasn't for Government
obstructing their way of life, The government wouldn't needed to patch the problem in the first place, sound familiar?
Pato à André Correia (finge que é um prato real para enganar os outros)
please don't look at the filename
There's not even a sign in frog to tell them that's the right way. Pure silliness.
At least we have deer crossing signs to tell the deer which spot is best to get hit by the 18 wheelers.
i get your point, but i seriously cant see anyone admiting that irl
Fuck ducks, invertebrates are better than those winged niggers
around here this would be thrown into the water the first friday night
You're retarded but lolbertarians and ancraps are also retarded. Sup Forums is a natsoc board. GTFO faggots. Also sage for low effort slide thread.
>I think frogs will just try to cross the road anyway.
They place additional fencing to stop that.
Sup Forums is a transhumanist board, neetsocs can go back to ironLARP
>Sup Forums is a natsoc board
Do you repeat this mantra to yourself as you look into the mirror while masturbating and wearing Hugo Boss?
If those ducks were smart, they'd be able to figure out how to get to where they need to go. Thus ensuring their survival and strengthening the duck species as a whole.
If you help weak and stupid ducks survive thereby allowing them to procreate, you are condemning the entire species to a slow and painful death due to a weakened gene pool.
It's kinda like the welfare system.
Sup Forums will call me a shill, but fuck ducks man
Oh I didn't doubt that it's a frog tunnel, I'm just saying if you posted that pic without telling me what it was, I'd instantly just assume I'm looking at a typical irrigation tunnel we see around here.
Fuck you, bruv. Ducks are brilliant.
ducks dindu nuffin dey was getting they lives back on the water need mo money for dem ramps
Suicide cultist.
What do you mean weak ducklings? None of them can fly if they're just too young.
>Read that as DUCK FRUMPF
These memes are playing games with my head !
How can Sup Forumsacks be against this?