Another nothing burger fake news story to distract from trump russia. This has already been debunked by sources like snopes. It's nothing substantial hyped up by right wingers.
HAHAHA using snopes as a source. Now I know your liberaly retarded.
Try and be a better shill next time
>His name was Seth Rich
Yeah! Sources are for pussies, it's all about made up news, like infowars or Fox News!
Sources are good. Snopes is a fucking joke. Go watch your wife fuck her boyfriend. It will calm you down a little.
shut up shills you are so obvious
Your job is covering up politically motivated murders? You should be ashamed of yourselves.
Oh wow, how delusional are you?
Praise god emperor cheeto dorito!
Do you think Roger Ailes' tongue popped out when Trump was strangling him to death?
What a way to go.
you like to know how to counter deep state who cant openly act?
Disarming honesty. Here I said it. Now good bye forever
lol, who fucking cares what Snopes has to say?
I think you're in the wrong webzone newfriend.
Canadian douche
At this point shilling for the Clinton crime family reveals you to be either dumb or evil
Try harder shill.
I believe most of them are both
>His name is seth rich
Anyone looked into the Frank Winstead story?
Destin Blevins got killed after he meet with him.
Snowflake wanna cry?
>Sources like Snopes
Calm yourself buddy.
Are you even trying to hide the shilling? You realize where you are right? We're smarter than you.
All canadians are faggots. Canada is a limp wristed nation of cucks
reeeeeeeeeee. bump forSeth
Lmao, americucks can't even speak their own language.
Let me educate you stupid fatass amerilard. The proper word for this sentence is "was" instead of "is". The goy is ded, so you should use past tense.
He's not death in our hearts.
Last post to kick a Nigger in his cum dumpster
Past, not important
Present Important
Fuck off György
he had the face of a certified cuck
this guy was a liberal shill
also visibly out of shape
Remember PizzaGate? Yea, I don't either.
This is ten percent cucks, zero percent chill
Fifteen percent concentrated power of shills
Five percent justice, fifty percent pain (you're a big guy)
And a hundred percent reason to remember Seth Rich
I do fucking shill, motherfuckers killed Destin and I liked him he was funny.