This is your today's average "educated" American woman.
This is your today's average "educated" American woman
How well you do in school just shows how indoctrinated you are.
'educated women' are a meme. women cant learn anything more complex that common houshold tasks, but ever since they got replaced by machines and public school they've had nothing to do for the last 70 years or so.
>all those meme courses
Americans really are fucking retards. I mentioned flat earthers to a coworker the other day to laugh at them, and he went "well, they do have a point!" and went on to try and shill it by quoting the fucking bible as proof. Except he didnt even quote the bible, he just said the bible says the earth is flat and when I asked him what part he just said "you have to know how to interpret it"
hes black btw.
>subject: chad
what does this mean?
The bible says it's round, only ignorant savages (non humans aka non whites) ever thought it was flat.
We say the globe has four corners. Do we think the globe is flat?
Uhm doesn't a D in college count as a fail.
I couldn't get below a 95% if I tried
>Taking shit social "sciences"
>Being terrible at it
>Will go on to get a job anyway for some bureau
Just fuck my country up
My roommate is a black flat earther, but my brother who is white is the one who brain washed him so I have to listen to flat earth from two people everyday.
Most girls here would get an A in CHAD
The bible explicitly calls the Earth a dome on top of another dome. Fucking niggers every time.
>this cunt is going to be a teacher
>and can barely pass some of the easiest courses in university
nah, any girl taking CHAD will inevitably get a D
Never heard the phrase "D's get degrees?" It's every dumb sluts moto.
This is great for me. She'll be on SeekingArrangement soon because she can't find a job and need funds for her week-long vacation with friends in Cancun. More supply means lower prices.
gets D
Child and Adolescent Development. It is where most ECE (Early Childhood Education) majors end up, and consequently most of the preschool and kindergarten teachers.
The indoctrination starts at a young age. There are several reasons why teachers are mostly women with the ratio increasing as class ages get younger. This is one of the more important ones.
>sharing "memes" with "friends"
>having "friends"