>be American
>get the flu
>go get treated at the hospital and get charged $100,000
How are amerifats okay with this?
>be American
>get the flu
>go get treated at the hospital and get charged $100,000
How are amerifats okay with this?
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't want my Twinkies being $20
the problem is inflated healthcare costs, making the government pay for it would just make the problem worse. I dont get why this is so hard to understand
>be American
>get flu vaccine
>get charged $20
wow that was easy
the other $99,980 is an appropriate retard tax
>neets think healthcare doesn't exist unless its socialized
>neets are willing to pay more for healthcare because they are too stupid to shop around
Why do democrats constantly vote against their economic interests?
well there is a reason gringo is the only super power in the world...
we have the worlds 3rd largest population, do honestly think our economy could support 10,000,000 Juan's and Jamal's and comin in to get they baby checked?
Because in reality you go to doctor, pay $25 co-pay, get prescribed tamiflu, pay $50 co-pay and you are healthy again
That's a dumb meme picture; if I don't sign up for Obamacare I get hit with a near 1,000 dollar tax penalty. He seemed to think I made enough to be forced into his healthcare even though I only brought home 15k last year.
Fuck Obamacare. It doesn't help the poor--it taxes the piss out of them.
by sageing this thread
Yeah but the trade off is the rest of the "civilized" world gets free military protection from the most formidable military on the planet. Want free shit? Move to Canada/france/sweden/germany etc. Any other shit hole muslim overrun shanty town will do.
>not having health insurance
Wow, It's almost like Americans are subsidizing the rest of the world health care costs.
>How are amerifats okay with this?
muh enterprise?
I always understood it like this: Americans have a weird thing for middlemen.
Seems like everyone in America that's not a blue collar is a middleman.
And their healthcare is fucked because of middlemen aka insurance companies.
If they went full privatization - middlemen go bankrupt, oy vey ensures.
If they went single-payer - middlemen go bankrupt, oy vey ensures.
It's like americans purposefuly chose to get worst of the both worlds
Guys we have to stop making fun of Americans. It's not their fault. USA is the Zionists HQ . They run things over there, they are the ones fucking op the country. Americans are to stubborn to realize and keep making fun of everyone as if their country was perfect because they elected Trump, who btw is a Zionist controlled puppet. It's no use making fun of our American Sup Forumsacks when they aren't the ones to blame.
They dont have a real national identity so they dont care about fellow countryman.
Tell me how it's free in the Netherlands.
Partly subsidized private insurance if you're poor to middle class but that doesn't make it free.
"Free" Healthcare:
> hit your head
> go to doctor / hospital
> told that you can be put on a 3 month or longer waiting list to get an MRI OR you can pay for it out of your pocket and get it today
> take the "free" route and die 2 weeks later from an embolism
Yea, you can keep your "free" healthcare.
America is also the only developed country with a Second Amendment.
Don't like us having these freedoms? Too fucking bad.
>be genelet
>be an eternal burden on normal people
>die and make the world a healthier place
>muh asthma
>Be Israeli
>Dont have healthcare
>Loose foreskin after birth
Damn wrong pic.
>Saying anybody else is fucking up their country
>going to the hospital for the flu
Yeah nah kill yourself weakling
>Burgers try to defend their current healthcare model
>Rest of the world can see how retarded it is
>Burgers can't
It's like covering your ears and going "nanananananana"
Would you rather wait 5 months to get treatment or die? I'd rater wait.
Or you can just stop pretending to be retarded, go to an E&A and get your compulsory CT scan within an hour of you getting there?
Having no "free" healthcare is your least problem when you're a nation of niggers, kikes, spics and beaners. And I hate all of you mongrels. David and Martin already have to subsidize Shaneeqahs 600 pound lardass, manufacturing Tyrone's 9 children on industrial nigger scale. Because that's what niggers, from the desert and the jungle love the most: shit out niglets. That passes for work. On the continent and the diaspora.
So shut it, leave, and stick your oppinion where you stick Jamal's cock.
That shits a lie though.
The leftists like to say " hurr durr you got hurt and now have $100,000 debt"
So lets say you make less that $140,000 a year. You subtract your $100,000 healthcare bill and BOOM, you qualify for medicare. The government now pays for your healthcare.
So lets say you make more than $140,000 a year. You just say, "fuck you hospital im not paying"
You get bad credit for 6 years, no loans or credit cards will be approved, then it drops off your credit assessment.
You didnt have to pay for the treatment.
Or lets say you have a job, employers are required to provide health insurance.
You would pay your deductible, it was usually around $1,200 /yr before obamacare meaning once you had payed $1,200 on healthcare, the reat of your healthcare is paid by your insuranxe provider for the rest of the year.
The poor people, and old people have had free healthcare for the past 60 years.
Middlemen are cancer though i conpletely agree with you
Dude, with social housing and free healtcare how can you provide 1 million of slave sex underage in California for the hollywood and hipster elitist creeps?
Still whiter than you, Justin Chang the 3rd. usatoday30.usatoday.com
Would Europeans want the EU controlling their health care instead of their respective countries? That's closer to what we'd be than say Sweden controlling Sweden's health care. And while Canada and Australia are similar in land mass to the USA they are still not as geologically diverse and have smaller populations. If Canada were to suddenly grow in population size, you might find that national health care would be better if it was controlled by the provinces than trying to make the Fed. in charge.
You people do realize we have discounted county/state healthcare clinics in most places in the US.
The hospitals in America are mostly reserved for emergency scenarios like getting in a car accident or getting shot or something.
It's far more efficient to handle shit like a common flu individually at a private clinic.
Massachusetts fag here
We actually get free healthcare from the state government.
Ya bro, medicare has been around for a long time, its sad your whole state qualifies
What happened to muh capitalism??
>We actually get free healthcare from the state government
No you fucking don't, not unless you're poor as shit and can't afford private insurance.
So you'd rather pay through the nose to cover the lavish lifestyle of everyone working at Bergblattstein Insurance Co. instead of chipping in with every employed citizen of your country?
Massachusetts has never been about capitalism. They are labor union capital usa
Its almost as if you foreigners dont know what you're talking about when it come to murrica
Mostly to do with longer sentences rather than more people being imprisoned iirc.
>Be American
>Get cancer
>Bankruptcy, but survive
Thanks Nixon for declaring war on cancer.
>Be Brit
>Get Cancer
>NHS doesn't want to pay
Also UK has sites for what to do when you are on the waiting list.
Most of those costs can be explained by a few things.
1. There's a very big difference between states, mostly to do with some states going with the most expensive route for every little thing (Like MRI scans for everything)
Also regional differences, MRI scans have different prices in difference places. (Other surgeries like knee caps too etc. etc.)
Cheaper states have much cheaper healthcare than more expensive states.
2. Single payer Medicare (mostly act D)
The federal government can't negotiate prices.
3. Very rich Americans willing to pay a lot for marginally more effective treatment.
This also inflates the figure.
If every US state provided healthcare as cheap as Florida, that would already be an average difference of about 2000 dollars yearly.
This is the issue Americans want nothing to do with free healthcare, because we don't want to pay for other peoples healthcare. If you're too lazy to work, you shouldn't get free gibs just because.
Not true actually, all citizens of MA qualify not just welfare niggers.
cool story muhammed
No dumbass, think of it this way, all the workers at a factory chip in and pay for coverage for them and their family. The more family members one worker has insured, the larger the amount he chips in.
Now all these workers arent having to pay to insure the lazy bum sitting on the corner down the street begging
>Through the nose
My employer provides healthcare plans and covers a lot of the cost.
>have insurance
>pay $120 per month for it
>hurt my knee
>charged $80 for x-ray
>$500 for MRI
>$30 co-pay for the visit
>have no insurance
>hurt my hand
>pay $75 flat fee and everything is covered
Why exactly do I need insurance again?
A knee is far harder to treat than a basic hand injury. Try getting an MRI without insurance.
>If a treatment or drug is not available on the NHS, talk to your cancer doctor.
>If you and your doctor agree that you may benefit from the treatment, you can apply to the NHS for funding.
>If a treatment still isn’t available, you may decide to:
>pay for private treatment yourself or use health insurance
God bless the queen.
>Be Brit
>prideful about free healthcare
>Get cancer
>Get denied treatment by the NHS
>Pay for private treatment
>Shit on American healthcare on reddit
Depending on where, it's less than 500 dollars.
Except they are retard, because those bums go to the ER when they have a toothache and clog up the emergency system that gets paid for by taxes.
they're not okay with it, they're just oblivious. corporations meddle in US politics to benefit their bottom line. money = power. politicians pass this on to the tax paying public in the form legislation that benefits the companies and not ordinary people.
at the end of the day, when it's time to vote, people just vote for whoever says the right thing and has the best optics. track record, sadly, doesn't matter much.
>Most of those costs can be explained by a few things.
also lack of Torte reform. Lawyer's Guild has effectively lobbied for allowing medical malpractice lawsuits not being capped. IIRC most Euros cap off the lawsuits. If the sky was the limit for what someone could sue over, European health care would probably greatly increase.
You realize those aren't raw costs, right?
Ok Pedro. You can stop LARPing now
Once you and the rest of europe is full of 3rd world mudshits, you'll understand the issue we've got with Niggers and spics.
And more of that is your solution?
Hey Leaftard - America's purpose is not to care for its citizens. It exists to enrich the ((bankers)) and run an empire.
What makes you retards so convinced that unemployed people like bums receive healthcare free of charge?
we spend so much on our military because we have to keep your sorry Canadian ass protected.
do health insurance payments go up after you get hurt or sick and seek treatment?
desu health insurance seems like a really awful way to go. i don't want to put my health in the hands of someone trying to make bank off me not using treatments...
This. The Republikikes have it all wrong. The prices need to be forced down by government. You don't just write these companies blank cheques and pay them whatever the fuck they want.
Trump was supposed to fix the problem of spics here, that didn't work.
Then make it less expensive. Government can pass some law to make necessary treatment cheaper (but still profitable to manufacturers)
You mean it doesn't include the cost to have the results read to you?
Yes, the tort system has been a bit crazy for a long time.
>be in Toronto
>get the flu
>go get treated
>wait three hours or more in line because office is full of pakis
Kill malpractice suits, relax regulations, let the fatties die. Shit would sort itself fast.
were you dying?
The additional large portion of it comes from how one can sue if an illness isn't detected because a test wasn't run. So someone gets sick and the doctor is 99% sure that it's problem X, just to "be on the safe side", they then run a test for X AND Y because in order to CYA. Also a hospital can be sued if they don't have equipment on hand to run a certain test even if that equipment is almost never used.
from what? last time we were invaded was by you fuckers.
and really most of the wars the usa fights are out of self-interest, so don't try to act like the us military is some altruistic force of good will. even wwII took you faggots so long to help what were basically allies.
((((((((((((((((((((((FREE))))))))))))))))))) HEALTH CARE
>Then make it less expensive. Government can pass some law to make necessary treatment cheaper
"By the design of the program, the federal government is not permitted to negotiate prices of drugs with the drug companies"
They can't
Your Canadian healthcare is not free. its socialized medicine wherein your taxed a flat rate and it is pooled and the non contributors to society withdraw funds for their own health needs.Go away canada fag. Nothing in this world is free. You pay a tax that goes to your healthcare, americans have private healthcare and socialized healthcare as well. IE medicare for the elderly and medicaid for the poor. canada sucks!
most ive ever waited was 45 minutes for some faggot university doctor.
once woke up with nausea and severe chest pains, went to the ER on a sat morning and saw a nurse right away. got an ECG, then waited 30 mins to see a cardiologist. then waited 20 minutes to have an xray or some shit.
paid $0 and went home.
Imagine hating poor people so much you pay extra just to see them suffer lol
biggest savings in social serivices happened during the reduction of services provided to illegals when there was a requirement that you had to be an illegal for 5 years before being eligible for welfare. IIRC, this was during the Clinton presidency when republicans controlled the congress and forced Clinton's hand (and one of the reasons why Clinton known for having decent budget, ironically). If ALL illegals were never allowed to ANY subsidized healthcare, then we could do more for the citizens. Dems would never agree to this tho. Instead the do what they always do, sacrifice poor to middle class income and wellbeing for non-citizens of the world.
>Going to the hospital for the flu
>and one of the reasons why Clinton known for having decent budget, ironically
Also why government spending relative to GDP decreased under Obama.
GOP congress.
Vaccines make you sick
Every faggot i know that gets a vaccine still misses a week or two of work due to flu like symptoms.
they should charge that here too. people waste resources by going to a hospital even when they have no need to.
>going to a hospital for the fucking flu
You deserve to be destitute.
We already do. They all get medicade/medicare. We live in country where being unemployed is more profitable than working a low end job
Are you an idiot? You would rather pay out the fucking nose to spite a bum than paying less on the whole?
Hospitals cant refuse service and the emergency rooms cost 4X in preventative care. Our union gives tons of vacation and free medical the worker run company must pay for. Its 39 employees bringing in $17M a year. Our workers generate as much per person as IBM. Since we unionized, bankrupted, reconsolidated and kicked out the shareholders and legacy owners we've grown by 12% quarterly. We dont pay shit and we could all bail anytime we want. We wont because we wont make as much on our own. There is PLENTY of money in the cookie jar and its betas like you that allow companies to slide their dicks down your throat while you thank them for it and force us to live in a country that caters to globalists instead of our own citizenry.
What's it like having the Jews steal the sweat from your brow? Our CEO is one because we know hes the best one for our company. Fuck I've been so pissed about the ACA staying in. It protects idiots like you, I bet your family has diabetes or some other uneducated disease.
>not knowing how vaccines work
Theyre supposed to get you sick retard.
They inject a weakened version of whatever theyre trying to vaccinate against so your body can identify it and kill it. Then when the real virus comes around your body has already developed the antibodies to deal with it.
Maybe we should change it. Too many people that are too sick to work.
>going and wasting a bed in a hospital for the fucking flu
At least you can blow your dog while you wait for Pajeet to get his nose wiped.
> american gov spends trillions in foreign nation building
> Literally international socialism
> Trillions of dollars to build foreign nations, fucking trillions
> Gives billions to israel each year, other countries (egypt etc etc...)
> American logic: it's ok to spend astronomical amounts of money on socialism internationally, but fuck my own people
>be American
>too weak to survive the flu
>die because you are a filthy nigger that can't afford the hospital bills
first 2 years of Obama's presidency were Dem controlled. That's when huge expenditures are created and when Obamacare was passed and many social services reforms were gotten rid of. Later when repubs wanted to cut govenment spending, Obama forced a government shutdowns and campaigned against evil republicans. Repubs never had a super majority under Obama to get past his veto. Obama never wanted to compromise like Bill Clinton did. Repubs never had an effective leader like Newt Gingrich
>> American logic: it's ok to spend astronomical amounts of money on socialism internationally
Nobody thinks this. We want to stop international aid too. I shouldn't have to pay to help some country that can't keep their shit together.