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Watermelon you say?

RIP in piss

>I'm in that one part of Indiana that is in yellow

>not even gonna rain in South jersey

who cares? this is fly over country and im sure trump and fema will build their homes back at MY expense

EF5 incoming. Nice knowing you Wichita.

When's this happening?


shame we rarely get big thunderstorms here in dc compared to the midwest

I like the sounds of it if not the damage

>grew up in western kansas
>moved to wichita when I got older
>never seen a tornado in my life
maybe today is the day

deep state bumping HAARP up to full power

Thank you for skipping Wisconsin Tornadochan!

>vote for drumpf
>get tornadoes

Deus Vult!

Oklahoma City here, weather is starting to look like it. The cars are getting under carports and garages (except mine because work).

I am a Midwesterner. There are tornado warnings here, we are outside looking for the tornado, drinking a beer. I love it when people from the coasts come here, and the sirens go off. They start freaking out like it's the end of the world. Well, if an F4 plows your house, it might just be.



>oklahoma is ok

I'm inside the orange and literally nothing is happening

take me to oz

I mean, it isn't wrong it's pretty OK here.

How the fuck do tornadoes even work. They don't make any sense. Look at this video and try to explain this thing with any sort of logic or reason. You cant.

"watermelon sized hail"

hope it stays that way oakbro good luck out there

Can't tell if being sarcastic....

Flying into tulsa tomorrow afternoon
Am I gunna die?

Wichita here.
It's actually pretty bright and sunny out right now. Does feel like there might be a storm coming, but nothing too bad yet.

Hopefully we do get some action, been far too long. 28 years here and I've never seen even cloud rotation, let alone a full tornado.


any streams?

It happens, but rarely this big. I have seen softball sized hail. Smashed out all of our car windows and some house windows, all of the local homes had to get new roofs.

Which parts of the world, aside from North America, experience tornados?

South America, parts of China, Japan. The United Kingdom has more tornadoes, relative to its land area, than any other country....but we just have huge plains in tornado alley here so we get a fuck ton.

start watching when fair weather cumulus start forming quickly, that means the cap has been eroded and thunderstorm development will probably be explosive


i think everywhere else calls them cyclones

Off the top of my head I know there's some areas in India that get them fairly regularly. Quick look at Wikipedia says

"Tornadoes have been observed and documented on every continent except Antarctica. However, the vast majority of tornadoes occur in the Tornado Alley region of the United States, although they can occur nearly anywhere in North America. They also occasionally occur in south-central and eastern Asia, northern and east-central South America, Southern Africa, northwestern and southeast Europe, western and southeastern Australia, and New Zealand."

Basically anywhere you've got relatively flat plains. Central US is just the biggest since we've got the biggest plains.

We have had tornadoes in the past 5 years at least I remember the QT at Harry and Webb getting btfo that long ago and a trailer park was hit as well. Nothing like this best though I will give you that

/comfy/ weather thread my body is ready m9

Bumpin for max wind speeds

califag here, all you flyover losers who make jokes about us getting nuked, sucks to be you now faggots

>vortex descends from the heavens and starts rekting stuff with the power of megatons of tnt
yeah, just being sarcastic, maks perfect sense. no mystery there

Just wait for that snowpack melt homie. Hope you live outside the valley.

Believe me, the last thing we make fun of you guys about is getting nuked. There is so much better material.

Actually people make jokes about you guys being water leeches.

Well, okay. Maybe you were sleeping in class during this one.

>watermelon sized hail

Jesus Christ how horrifying.

You got about three hours before anything starts

Lots of things we make jokes about ahead of that. Like paying millions for a shack built on an active fault.

Pray for /ourguys/

For anyone interested KFOR in OKC has one of the best weather centers in America so go there to keep up.

This as well as KWTV News 9 with David Payne who used to work at KFOR

OKC here too. I work in Brick Town. I'm probably going to leave work early so my poor car doesn't get beat to shit

Gonna give a shot out to my main weather nigga Dave Murray of Fox 2 STL

>"How the column of air begins to rotate is not completely understood by scientists"

Yeah they are flying planes out and stuff. I just moved literally where the red is there. Feels bad.

>admits to living in Commiefornia
kys spic

I thought it was because of the opposite air masses (hot and cold) moving in opposite directions causes the rotation.

>"How the column of air begins to rotate is not completely understood by scientists"

Their fine. They deal with this stuff all the time.

snow has been falling off and on here for 3 days now. Fucking snow, in may. Y'all gonna get clobbered by this storm.

Michigan user here. We're getting gusty winds currently, peaking at about 45 MPH. Marginal risk for severe storms tonight.

Only fools build their homes in lands where nature destroys everything you have
You dumb cucks built literally on land that shakes and splits apart

It is known by scientists. It is a combo of updrafts and downdrafts. Low level cold wind shears combining into hot air starts a tumbling effect. What they don't actually know is how once they are formed, how they keep going on a destructive path for miles. Most tornadoes never even touch the ground.

Strong wind shear is the prevailing theory.

Hey now, to be fair it also catches fire in the summer wind.


Comfy tornado music.

313 here. Power keeps going on and off.

>Douglas County, KS
>no tornado yet but will keep updating
You guys what live feed of the sky?

>tfw in Canada and still in a fucking yellow zone

Kansas here, it's pretty nice out right now. No rain, no hail, no tornadoes.
Everything is fine, there is literally nothing to worry about.

Oh really. So I guess its no problem for scientists to say which supercells will form a tornado and which wont then, yes?

Yes, i saw that. But a quick google search shows that scientists do know. I may not have been 100% correct .

Where? I'm in southeast Michigan and I'm not seeing anything like that.

I'm in Buffalo

I saw a tornado the first day I moved to Grinnel KS lol

Yeah, it's that way in Michigan. Back in 2012 we had a pretty significant tornado hit the town of Dexter. There were locals standing out in the middle of the park, watching the tornado form, like it was no big deal. Then when it starts getting wider, and looking like the black walls of swirling death they always get in Texas and Oklahoma, everyone starts running around going "OH SHIT! Oh fuck.....time to go! HUGE TORNADO!"

going off of
All the storms start at 4:00 EST and onward, looks clear as shit there now and out of the blue it's projected to be storms HAARP?

>phone poster
>that font

Yeah, when the tornado sirens go off, everyone rushes to the windows to check out the storm.

> (OP)
>who cares? this is fly over country and im sure trump and fema will build their homes back at MY expense

Hurrr durr I'm a fat cunt and don't realize most of my food comes from "fly over" states..... The mid West keeping neckbeards like you to continue to live in your mom's basement

Predicting something, and knowing how it works are two different things. That is why we have Tornado Watch warnings. They know when the conditions are ripe for a tornado to happen, but they can't predict it with 100% accuracy.

They know what cause earthquakes, but they can't 100% predict an earthquake either, for instance.

Iowa here. Had some high winds and small hail last night. Nbd but my inlaws had their grill blown off their deck. Tornado sirens blared for over an hour but the only casualty was some corn

Boring happening desu

That clear as shit is actually all the ingredients brewing, nothing happens until afternoon

Actually, thinking of California getting nuked never crossed my mind until you brought it up. Thanks for the suggestion!

Good thing it didn't hit Jolly Pumpkin. That would have made me very sad.


>yfw a new speed record is set at Indy qualifying for a tornado assisted run

I have no garage or basement. It was nice knowing you guys.
.t Oklahoma.

>massive watermelon-shaped-icy-projectile
>same name

Not same thing

>climate science

The scoops, Daahnald. Give them to me, or this tornado will be unleashed.

>snow in May
Global warming sure is cold

517. Jackson Michigan

It's electromagnetic

The niggers in Tulsa will pay for beating based green shirt during the protests last night.

Same here, just north of Ankeny. Decent wind but no hail. Think there was a small tornado over by Eddyville or at least doppler indicated but agreed boring happening.

Emily says shit starts in the next hour and a half.

>jokes about us geting nuked
When has anyone from the midwest joked about commifornia getting nuked?
I mean, don't get me wrong, we all do fucking hate every single one of you jews, fags, niggers, spics, and cucks on both coasts but if commiefornia gets nuked you can bet that the entire country is getting mushroom clouds too.

Our jokes are more subtle, like how we secretly hope you fags are right about climate change so you all get washed away in a cleansing tidal wave

well if doppler radar could penetrate the earth's crust then who knows maybe we could predict earthquakes. seriously dude? fuck off with your inane comparisons. tornadoes are products of infinitely complex atmospheric conditions and so will always remain somewhat mysterious in nature.

Flyover states are the free states sweetie

>oklahoma is KO