What's the red pill on Abraham Lincoln?
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nigger lover.
the true beginning of america's downfall
He was a half nigger, homosexual.
This user is a retarded.
The confederacy was a small group of rich kikes who sent thousands of poor white men to the grinder, the same poor whites who the slave owning kikes took money and jobs from. The large nigger problem in America today is due in large part to these rich confederate kikes importing millions of Africans. Lincoln never viewed blacks as equal and wanted to deport all of them back to Africa before the bankers had him killed, he just recognized slavery was a kike Institution that would fuck America's demographics in the long term.
Non-american's depth of knowledge on the topic:
The redpill is that he deserved the lead pill to his skull.
Anyone who says otherwise is probably a Civic nationalist cuck.
spotted the nigger lovers
He was murdered by a Rothschild agent John Wilkes Booth
He should have sent the niggers back to Africa after freeing them. Our country would be so much better today.
He fucked up.
Wow, trips in the id too. Didn't know this about Lincoln.
t. Aussie with no knowledge of American history.
Supporting the confederacy and slavery is supporting the importing of millions of retarded, violent shitskins into your country. It means you're a cuck. An actual ethnonationalist would not support stealing labor from whites while fucking your white nation's demographics with Africans.
He was going to do this until this happened
Lincoln should be one of Sup Forums's favorite presidents if not for confederate retards not understanding history or National Socialism. He opposed big Jewish banks and wanted to fix America's disproportionate nigger demographics, and predictably the kikes killed him for this.
>nigger lover.
no he just wanted to enslave whites also
>He was a half nigger, homosexual.
so he was just like Jefferson
he did not free the slaves because he liked them, he freed the slaves because the south was becoming stronger and more powerful then the north
*than economically speaking
That Lincoln was right about ending slavery and deporting all blacks.
I always equate him as;
Andrew Jackson is to central banking as Abraham Lincoln is to slavery
Abe wanted the institution of power that benefited from slavery to be eradicated and wanted as many slaves sent back to Africa as possible. The abolitionists wouldn't have and their support was ley to winning his second term.
Importing blacks hadn't happened for almost 60 years in America by the outbreak of the Civil War. At the point in time, the slave trade was entirely internal.
The south lost the war because they werent as economically strong as the Northern, industrialized states.
Italians should stay out of affairs that don't concern them. We know what happened last time they meddled in other countries business
And? Millions of Africans were in America and would breed and spread. The damage was inflicted, deportation should have been the only option.
That's... Not the case. The North had a larger population, had industrialized, had a better railroad network, etc. Economically, the South was far behind the North. The North was actually developing a middle class, while the South was, by and large, stuck in the your either poor or filthy rich stage of development.
he was a sad boy
You said supporting the Confederacy was supporting the importation of slaves when that's not true. The Confederacy never intended to import any slaves. All the importation had already happened.
Thomas Dilorenzo is where you want to go
Textbook fascist
See? Look at these fasces
He destroyed State sovereignty. He is the reason the US is a shithole with no actual freedom.
His ultimate goal wasn't to free the slaves, but to send them back Africa
(((they))) got to him before he could achieve that of course