top kek
is this real
holy fucking shit , i busted a nut
in your school ?
>when a jew pepe looks back at you but you can't wake up
What kind of shitty community college is this?
Yeah. Presentation is over desu
Your teacher is redpilled, and this is his way of redpilling others.
oy vey
pretty old news
>What kind of shitty community college is this?
It's MIT
fucking based
what was the reaction of the students
All of the girls immediately began sucking OP.
>epic jew lord
>(sheckle master)
There is no way. I took a few worthless community college courses years ago during the summer. Everything about those pictures looks like one--the goofy presentation, the small room, etc. Also, I'd have been laughing my ass off if I ever saw the merchant pop up in a presentation.
>perpetual war on terror
why are people so willfully ignorant?
But OP is a gay??
>Paying money to learn about Sup Forums
It was a torture method for exposing the Jews.
I seriously hope nobody here cites the Protocols. Instead cite actual words from Jews. They're arrogant enough.
haha what the heck? Does this make any other fellow /politicians laugh hard? It's like they took stale /pol memes from 2009 and are only now starting to circulate them. Liberals are so behind the times.
this is one of the oldest merchant memes u newfag
What's wrong with the Protocols? Everything that's happened since the beginning of the 20th Century gives validity to them, if anything.
I'm the giga kike imhotbqhwyf
Haha. Which one of you did this?
Can I get the whole power point presentation?
There was no Sup Forums in 2009 you namefag hard-on.
>mfw this is how it begins
They fucked up.
yeah, hehe
probably somewhere along the lines of " Oh its THAT guy, well uh.... *checks phone*"
If you have to give a presentation, do it on conspiracy theories and drop dem redpills instead.
You can cover your ass by showing the REAL reasons many hold such theories to be true.
What a hero
They dont even hide it anymore !
Is that mother fucking Stu?
Protocols were written by the tsar's police chief. It's a slav meme.
Actually Jewish quotes are, well, Jewish
Michigan Institute of Technology.
>pasa me mas tinto, se vino la judio!
Fuck. Him and Liam Neeson have the same fucking forehead....and face in general.