I'm just not buying the whole "we are nice caring people" bullshit.
What is the real reason the EU wants so many new residents?
I'm just not buying the whole "we are nice caring people" bullshit.
What is the real reason the EU wants so many new residents?
Other urls found in this thread:
Cultural Marxism
Also this
fear of the state
the people could end this if they were brave enough.
Bring in an unstable populous in order to trigger martial law and further state control.
The end of freedom
Lower wages
Destroy cultural identities
People divided in ghettos and with no nation to identify with are easier to control
Then put kikes on power
Literally this
>import foreigners
>give free shit
>let them freeload
>when other party says that's bad, foreigners vote for people who give free shit
>they shit out retarded liberal children to further their ideology
>political party stays in power by destroying their nation
Europe created an unprecedented welfare state and predicted the post-war "Baby Boom" would last forever. It didn't. Those Boomers had fewer children and are now living on massive benefits their grandparents never dreamed of. Old people are the vast majority of hospital costs and the system needs cheap labor and a constantly increasing population to work and pay for it.
So they either accept fewer benefits or they import millions of low-paid coolies to wipe their ass while effectively destroying the country. Which do you think they'll do?
Pretty much this
The destruction of white civilisation.
I have to add that it's been a great piece of work to watch the media avoid discussing this. British politicians and lefties habitually present immigration as enabling their NHS, but they act as if there's some mysterious lack of doctors and nurses that no one can explain and only millions of people from Ethiopia can solve.
It's hardly ever discussed. They don't mention that the cost is ever-increasing due to aging boomers because then you would see the nature of the problem (aging boomers leaving us with their problems from their poor, selfish decisions again) and the solutions (cut the welfare state down to fit the size of the working population paying for it).
Businesses and shareholders want cheaper labor and more consumers.
Landlords want more people so they can hike rents.
Leftists want more voters.
Minorities want more influence at the expense of whites.
Jews tend to be all of the above.
you think democrats for example would support illegal immigration if hispanics voted 99% republican?
or any 3rd world immigration?
also liberals WANT the 3rd worlders there
Destroy working-class unity, destroy tradition, destroy culture
The future is a small number of mostly Jewish elites living in gated communities and ruling over a cultureless deracinated mass of low IQ shitskin drones
So that all countries are poor countries and control is easier.
Before, places like germany and sweden cried about paying for shit countries like greece.
Now you've all got shit countries so theres no reason to change things
it's all about replacement migration.
an official program sanctioned by the UN and fcilitated by the EU.
The aim is to achieve this:
Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi is well respected amongst EU globalists
The flaws of capitalism and international jewry.
It makes the people at the top more money and gives them more power because the populations that they control will be divided.
It's how divide and conquer actually works.
You don't actually divide people but you push them together and then they start clashing naturally.
Europeans have debt.They are debt free - so they can borrow money to keep the consumer cycle pyramid scheme going -
>less people = less consumers
>less consumers = less $$$
>Murderous illiterate shitskins don't pay for anything?
>Not a problem - generous welfare system takes care of it
>Now the shitskins have money to spend
>Government runs out of money
>Needs to (((borrow))) them
>Continues borrowing until they need to borrow even more
>All the while taking more shitskins in
Money is made twice - both off the government borrowing and shitskins buying retarded nigger shit.
>What's the REAL reason to import zillions of Africans and Arabs?
Divide and rule.
If you want to do big shit like destroy the nation this is how - it's a tactic that has been used since BC.
It ALWAYS ends in a bloodbath, usually one that simmers for decades or centuries.
Social security for the Babyboomer's old age.
They didn't have enough children so they think importing a bunch of people who are scientifically proven not to provide a net gain for the economy will get them their fix.
It's a mug's eyeful, and the Jews abuse it.
Have a bump
These sum it up quickly
>a new population of consumers
>now when banks and corporations fuck with shit, not only do we have to deal with class divisions, now we have to fuck with ethnic, religious, and racial divisions
foreign hostile entities such as Saudi Arabia support these destabilizing forces
Prettttty much
By mongrelizing Europe you remove whatever roots there are to the old cultures and peoples. That is also why they say Germany and France have no culture. They are hoping to dillute "europeans" so they can do away with entire nation states and create the United States of Europe from the ashes of the old continent. They (the elites) will rule over the dumb masses of shitskin slaves.
The Aliums from Solar Warden Saie so. GOYHS.
Really those involved in causing this are the worst criminals that have ever lived.
There whole bloodline should be ended like Hitler's was.
capitalism my ass
if you remove the welfare state, all the cockroaches will crawl out to nearest gibs
bump for visibility on this truth here
Social Engineering,Demographic Replacement(to create a more easily controlled population), Order by Chaos, Causing Jews to flee to Israel, etc
Many different reasons for many different groups.
pretty much this
That's a quick, concise, and accurate rundown.
Western doctrines of Capitalism require infinite growth. The populations of the West are stagnating. This is normal for developed countries. Unfortunately it means that infinite growth and in turn infinite spending is not possible. The reason nations dont have balanced budgets and have massive debts is because they have been relying for decades that here will be more people here tomorrow to pay off the debts of yesterday. In order to prop up the faltering tax base and to keep raising the national debts they have to import people. Its not about jew, marxism, communism, liberalism or anything else.
Its just about money, immoral monetary spending and dumb as dog shit politicians.
The final bubble that burst will set the entire world back 500 years.
>Western culture is a debt based economy
>most everyone is in debt already
>Muslim "migrants" have no debt, clean credit
>so the bankers and politicians (who live in gated communities) push for the mass immigration
>these migrants get immediate credit
>then those credit numbers are turned into debt that is owed to the banks and state
>this in tern boosts the debt based economy and the world banks and politicians generate more money off their investment.
What these jewish world bankers don't seem to understand is that this is very bad for them.
The migrants will not conform to western culture, they will continue to reproduce and continue to hate jews and Israel.
once they reach sufficient numbers they will elect their own people to federal high office and have the nuke codes and button.
then one day soon after that Israel will get nuked by a western nation.
Succinct summary of the situation.
>if you remove the welfare state, all the cockroaches will crawl out to nearest gibs
If you really believe this then you're a moron.
To have a class of subhumans you can rule over from your mansions who are
1: Too weak to be black
2: To stupid to be white
It's fucking bullet proof.
Just remember that the people who espouse open borders are the same people who want the world to be their own private theme park.
yep that too.
Yes goy, it's the "western culture" that natively has massive debt and usury.
this is the most stupid thing that I heard in my life
do you think that politic is the villains from the cartoons? why would they harm themselves?
Baby boomers want a pool of cheap labor and a tax pool to support their social security.
No. that is what news programmes will tell you but it's horse shit.
Pure lies to try to explain away their crimes against humanity.
No wonder France is the most doomed country if your so susceptible you bring that crap to pol - where are the statistics and economic data? You don't have any because you imported your opinion from MSM.
What a fucktard - someone call a lorry of peace for this guy. It's Macron with a wig and a false moustache.
>One possible reaction for Europe is to accept that migration from the rest of the world is inevitable — and embrace it wholeheartedly. Europe’s debt-ridden economies need an injection of youth and dynamism. Who will staff their old-age homes and building sites if not immigrants from the rest of the world?
In Europe this is the case m8. Got a few buddies in eastern Europe, not many if any refugees there, because they literally have no welfare to hand out - thus, the "refugees" do not go there. They go to Germany, France, Canada etc where they are promised free room, board, stipend and entertainment.
Canada has already had over 12,000+ "refugees" from the USA jump the boarder ffs, all for that gibs that Turdeau promised them
Are you really this stupid?
>I'm just not buying the whole "we are nice caring people" bullshit.
wow, you're super smart
Are there actually people who still fucking believe this?
Outside of "conspiracy theories", it's likely replacement migration to sustain the aging white populace, it also pumps money into the economy in theory (in practice, they're probably a huge time and moneysink for the most part, not including the burden on police resources, cultural and social impact and health service burden as well.)
not bullet proof
see my post
>Canada has already had over 12,000+ "refugees" from the USA jump the boarder
*In just the first 4 months of 2017
Pic related, some refugees getting YIFF'D lel
So there can never be annudder Shoah
To weaken white countries. Divide and conquer. Make everywhere the same to implement a one world government
Are you Afrikaans? How has Zuma not killed you yet?
you aren't the real one
>do you think that politic is the villains from the cartoons? why would they harm themselves?
How are they harming themselves? They're doing very well for themselves, thank you very much
The system we live in requires infinite population growth in order to remain stable, and as countries develop further socially and technologically they have fewer children.
That means that when generation A dies, there's no generation B to replace them, which means that the government runs out of money because nobody is paying taxes, and the economy crashes because nobody is consuming goods and services.
Thus they think that to avoid this inevitable crash, they have to import more people. That of course won't work, because brown people do not work and they do not pay taxes, they simply reproduce while putting nothing back into the system that sustains them and that only hastens the collapse.
The correct way to avoid this is to change the way our society functions and embrace things like mass automation and basic income, but there's also the incentive of cheap labor and free votes from dependents. Some Indian woman with ten children isn't going to ask for maternity leave and medical insurance and pay raises.
It's what every boomer tells me.
Probably because it's what the boomers have been told is the only solution for their incompetence.
Of course the Jews use it to mobilise the old cunts against their own best interests, just like they did contraception and the sexual revolution.
It's only part of the game, but not a part to ignore.
Checked, haven't seen this one in a while
Social dumping, driving wages and cost of work down, demoralization.
It's so funny because leftists or so called socialists are supposedly for the support and defense of poor people against evil big money and companies.
And yet they are the most adamant supporters of unrestrained, mass immigration, which harms their fellow poor and middle class countrymen.
It's simple, if you let tons of Ahmeds or Pajeets or Juans or Tyrones in, that are willing to work for a lot less than natives, you drive the wages down. Soon, the natives have to accept shitty work conditions because tons of immigrants are willing to do it.
Also, it's a way of having a worker surplus at all times. Maximizing demand is in the interest of companies, maximizing offer is in the interest of workers.
>kendall white?
One answer and one answer only:
It's the same reason why the american government never did a fucking thing about securing the southern border.
It's all about who's pockets are getting lined, and when it comes to this, it's the companies that would rather see their country turned into a nigger-fuxated shithole than lose a penny in profit.
Just think, if welfare didn't exist, and niggers that refuse to join the rest of civilized society were expected to work in the fields or factories in exchange for food and roof over their head, this would've never happened....at least in america.
You're conflating the "refugees" who are there for gibs with economic migrants, who are attracted by the higher wages and standard of living in the west. Both of these types of migrants are shit but just because you can get rid of some doesn't mean you'd get rid of all.
>hurrr they'll all just leave if we cut off the state money
>yeah not like they've already established parallel societies that have their own services, stores, restaurants, etc
>not like they'd stay here because even without the gibs it's better for a lot of them here than back home
Whatever you say though... fucking dickhead
those who contribute to the erosion of European diversity and culture via mass migration and stripping countries of their right to independent governance receive this prize:
Angela Merkel is a recipient of this prize as well as many others
Beautifully put.
>Sup Forums the smartest hax0r resistance group in the world
>Still has no clue what the fuck is going on
Jesus fucking Christ, you pigheaded cunt swabs.
Alright fuckers, what are Middle Eastern countries mostly comprised of? Guerilla forces. Right. And how did the USA do against Vietnam
and their guerilla tactics? Not good. Right. So, what has been the biggest question the US military has asked themselves since? "How do
you defeat a guerilla country?" And it's simple. So simple that they probably smacked themselves because they didn't see it sooner.
Notice how all the migrants are men, young and old? Well, what happens when a good brunt of men from a country you have your sights on
is let into multiple countries in the west where they'll eventually make enough money to bring more of their people to where their new country?
The country they came from loses bodies. They lose potential nutjobs who have been fed patriotic bullshit that'll bust out of a random window
and light up a bunch of US soldiers trying to keep civilian casualties at 0. They lose the very backbone of their strategy; hiding behind their own.
So you take all your enemies civilians, you house them all across Europe and even some in your country until it's just you and your enemy on
their soil, with no one for them to use as a human shield. The West has been welcoming chaos at their doorsteps to dwindle the population of
potential civilian warfighters who are high off religious fervor. So while the West has a bare assed enemy in their sights, you know what's happening?
They're potentially creating widespread racism, hatred, and bloodthirst from our people. What better way to get men to join the fight than to bring
chaos in their doorstep and to then inform them that they just won a war and successfully occupied the enemy. Run them through a roller coaster
of emotion only to show them a light at the end of the tunnel by telling them "WE WON!" and deporting the migrants.
I wonder.
it is a eugenics program to get rid off genelets who are attracted to other sub humans
Top tier post
Thanks for the rundown
Debt is needed to expand economy. Used to bring in more consumers. Also to eradicate whites and keep Jews in power through (((democracy)))
Orthodox talmudic bearded supremacists wants to genocide whitey amalek
Israelis and globalists want to balkanize the entire world and erode peoples sense of collective belonging (no nations, no culture, no race, just consumerism and debt slavery)
Capitalists and politicians put the (((economy))) above the people, and since low birth rates are a natural response to economic pressure, they need to import third worlders in order to avoid the job market tipping heavily in favour of the employee (low population > low competition > higher wages)
>tfw (((they're))) doing to us what (((they))) did to themselves
By being strict about "in-group" and making us minorities in our own countries, they're helping us! Thank you Chaim!
Make the world into a pre Tower of Babel world again
Wrong. The population of third world shitholes grows at a rate the dwarfs any sustainable level of immigration in to the West, even at high levels.
It's about money and votes, simple as.
Nope, if you really believe that they will vote for German parties, then you are dead wrong. When reach a certain point and start being a bigger minority they will simply call for sharia or make some Islam party like Islamic German Union.
This is probably the best description I've read yet.
How do you not know this? I'll give you a brief rundown: there are certain groups which benefit from mass, unskilled (see also: nonwhite) immigration. These are:
1) Extremely wealthy industry leaders and businessmen can bring on laborers who will do the menial jobs for cheap and won't demand benefits or basic employee rights, like healthcare and dental. This fucks over the native population's poor, but who cares about rural white racists? (((They))) certainly don't. Hence they lobby politicians to bring in more immigrants. This also extends to H1B immigrants, who contrary to popular opinion, are not "doing the jobs Americans won't do." They're simply doing it on the cheap. This is why you see many instances of American tech workers being forced to train their H1B replacements. Supports of all this are the Fox News-brand republicucks. If you oppose this, you are "libcuck" and "hate the rich."
2) Social engineers who have deep-seated ressentiment and hatred for white people - this group is composed of Jews almost to the man, e.g. Tim Wise. If you oppose this group, you are a Nazi bigot racist conspiracy theorist. This group is supported by legions of useful idiots who have been trained by Marxist universities to hate white people. Barbara Spectre is another good example of a leader in this group. This group tends to operate on the fringes of official politics via think tanks and NGOs.
3) The empty suit spineless politicians, most of them white goys with no pride nor compassion nor identification with their own race. These are tools in the hands of the wealthy and powerful. Because the American system legalized bribery (see: lobbying system), the empty suit politicians do what they're told. They get reflected because the media is part of the great game too. The media controls what the braindead voters think and what they see. The voters keep reelecting empty suits, and "Progress" marches on.
the question is how do we get the general public to understand what's really going on? red-pilling the younger generations is especially important
we should be infiltrating the media and the education system like they do. as well as other institutions
who will protect the politicians from getting hanged by angry citizens? the military which is almost exclusively made of conservative white men?
They vote for them.
How are conservatives / republicans going to get into power when over 50% of the demographic is arabs / africans who universally vote for the other party?
I didn't say it was bulletproof. I said it was the reason.
It's destined to fail because the people they're importing will not conform to their ideology. Sooner or later they will be the majority of the electorate and will have control of various nuclear arsenals.
They will then proceed to renegotiate the status quo agreements with the international Jewish banking system.
I don't think I'll be alive to see it, but a part of me sure hopes I am.
more like a dysgenics program to create the most fucking shitty race of humans possible.
They say once you create the ultimate untermensch, that is when the reckoning begins.
ASAP is wealthier than your entire country.
This is the answer
This. Was going to mention the Kalergi Plan myself
Good watch
I've contemplated this theory often... By god I hope it's right desu
It's so unlikely, yet so simple...
God let this be true. It's mad, but please let this be the whole plan. Old school imperialism is so much easier to feel.
This. The Jews want to rule and make money off of us. The willing participants are either selfish/fools who are making a shit ton of money and gaining power or they are just plain useful idiots who believe what they are doing is right.
>not to mention the niggers and sand people who would like to destroy us too.
Nailed it.
>feminist and degenerates want to weaken the system that has told them they are disgusting