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Lotta projection from a hired kike

I've not been in pain, what's he going on about.

Fuck off shill

how come people like him act like we're ceding ground when we're the ones who keep getting things they said we never would?

trump even refused to cuck on the Jerusalem question

He sound exactly like the paid shills. Or is he actually the one posting here?

>months of pain

Its been pretty bloody entertaining.

To top it off, we masturbate to anime.

Cockblocking kike

>months of pain

Maybe for his kike ass. I have yet to be affected in the slightest with the exception of some premiums going down.

Rick. Please go home to your cuckshed.

No Clinton more than makes up for that.

Begone, shill.

>this got delusion

>still has plenty of time to get tax cuts done
>Obongocare is going to be repealed or collapse on its own (mathematically determinant)
>China is already buying our coal, cattle, and natural gas again

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Isn't that the guy who said something about jerking off to anime girls on national TV or something?


We got Neil Gorsuch as SCOTUS Justice. That's all I needed (aside from Ginsberg being replaced by a conservative too)

>he still doesnt get that pol is only in for the memes
>trump deliver memes almost on a daily basis

I'm 100% satisfied so far


no idea what the fuck he's talking about.

24/7 of rick wilson crying on twitter was kinda worth it desu

>You. Get. NOTHING.
>Nothing but months (years) of unbridled laughter and schadenfreude you didn't know was possible.

I'm still not tired of winning.

I get exactly what I came for: Status Quo and tons of drama. Having Trump actually do anything would be just an added bonus, because compared to Hillary his changes would benefit the nation while Hillary would try to take muh guns and expand gibmedats.


He has at least 4 years to do what he said he would

All I really cared about was shifting the overton window, which we did. Change will not happen over night, it will take decades. I was not delusional enough to think Trump could come in and just burn everything down. The important part is, that there is now a dedicated 25-30% of the country who future politicians will have to appeal to, that hates niggers spics and muslims. We will never get a Mccain or a Romney again.

yeah its him

its funny that calling pol anime masturbators on national TV will be the peak of his carreer

Months of pain is worth it. Seeing these chucklefucks wallow in agony

Also thanks Ameri-kuns for not electing the Witch. Nothing Trump does can be as destructive as what she would be doing.


Also, kek'd

Ended TPP
Ended Common Core
Arrested thousands of pedophile rings
Ending Net Nuetrality
Fired Comey
Prevented NeoCon's Syrian war
Prevented Korean war
Deported Thousands including dreamers
Demoralized La Rasa
Hiring thousands of boarder patrol
Destroyed Clinton Foundation
Ended Michael Obama's school lunch bullshit

4 fucking months and no help from Sup Forums or Republicans.


Never forget.

Lol that must piss off quite a few merchants.


What a fucking legend. I always mix him up with Eichenwald for some reason. Same kind of lunatic I guess.

no coincidence all tyhe neocons that switched to trump after the syria strike like mccaine want him dead now

When is Rick Wilson's October surprise?

id take months of hurdles over decades of no house, no senate, no supreme court


I voted Trump so I could feast on liberal tears and butthurt.
I got exactly what I came for.

So because Rick didn't get a white grandchild the whole world has to burn?

Do these people not realize how close they are to being hanged or passed in a shopping mall and a knife into their kidney?

At least America gets to keep it's sovereignty.
If Clinton had won the US would have met an even worst fate than Germanistan

Maybe, but I get to fap this cute elf so who cares??


Worst girl

>Trump supporters
>months in pain
Is this what projection looks like?

The day of the rope will be great

>w-we didn't see it coming h-how could we


>elite telling the lower classes they can't get what they voted for
Yes I'm mad.

President Trump has eight years. I can wait a bit longer.

For now he was worth it just for the autistic screeching and temper tantrums of the globalist left.

Trump doesn't get to put in his first budget until the end of the fiscal year in October. So yeah...not a lot of Trumps priorities in Obamas last budget. I don't know if this guy is being disingenuous or he is just fucking stupid.

y-you take that back!

so judgemental.

>Rick Wilson
He's a literal who cuckold who shitposts IRL on msnbc.

Right if he's considered "elite" we're slumming it now.

>Illegal immigration already down 70%, just from the fear created by stepped-up interior enforcement
>Preliminary stages of tax reform and obamacare repeal already well underway, even getting as far as running test-bills through the mill
>TPP is dead, and NAFTA partners have already agreed to renegotiate

That's an awful lot of "NOTHING" to get done in the first hundred days, even while the opposition kicks and screams like it's the end of the world. And that's without even discussing other accomplishments, like getting Gorsuch onto the Court.

>a leaf

He's an employee of the elite, not one himself. If I'm remembering the right guy his job was to basically make sure populists like Ron Paul and Trump don't get elected in the Republican party (clearly he failed).

I hope someone kills this faggot in front of his nigger grandkids

>blocks everything he does
>heh drumpfkins looks like he broke his promises and is a failure

>his job was to basically make sure populists like Ron Paul and Trump don't get elected in the Republican party (clearly he failed).
Well then...I hate his propagandizing as just on principle.

Dear RickWilson

You scared of what Trump is doing? :)

Do they not realize Trump has 4 years to do all of this?

Obamacare repeal is already happening.
Tax cuts are already happening.
Trade deals are being negotiated.
Wall will happen.

This guy is an idiot. What's the alternative? Hillary flooding us with muslims and Mexicans? Get the fuck out of here.

Obamacare repeal is hot happening. In fact the senate is t even voting on the bill and since reconciliation ends in June they will need 60 votes.
Mitch Mcconell said tax cuts are on hold
Wall is not being constructed amd if Dems get the hoise in 2018 they wont allocate funds for it

Ouch, indeed.

True dat. Instead, we got globalist commies Jared and Ivanka, and Powell and Cohn (thanks to Jared and Ivanka).

Trump betrayed us. He has not said one word on the brutal beatings of American citizens yesterday by Turkish bodyguards. Not one word. Why? I thought Trump was for America and Americans? Yet he does not care when a foreign embassy sends out their thugs to beat up American citizens on American soil?? And it is the second time it has happened. It happened last year under Obama's watch and the media did not even report on it. The Turkish embassy needs to be kicked out of the USA.


Can burgers explain to me what Trump is even trying to do?

He has a republican house and senate, and yet he is doing absolutely nothing of what he said he would do. Why? He could do it if he wants to. Why doesn't he want to? What does he really want?

>>blocks everything he does
That is Trump's fault. He could have kicked out Paul Ryan, but he kept him in. He could have cleaned house of RINO's and Obama holdovers during his first week in office, but he kept them. Then he brought in his globalist commie daughter and son-in-law and allowed them to bring in more globalist commies into the administration. Trump is an idiot. He is a con. He is not the "great business man" or "great negotiator" as he claimed.



There is only one party in the US. Anyone who tells you otherwise watches too much TV.

I'll tell you something else I'm not getting, a nigger grandchild.

Most of us did this to see the left's heads spin. That is all. The way they act is proving how unhinged the American Left truly is.

>Can burgers explain to me what Trump is even trying to do?
We don't know.

>he is doing absolutely nothing of what he said he would do. Why?
My guess: his globalist commie son-in-law and daughter. They have been running the show, and Trump is allowing them the power to do so.

Why? I don't know. All I know is he was elected on a specific agenda, and he has betrayed us all. He has not done anything he promised he would and he admitted he is a globalist. We were duped by a con-man.

Why do white supremacists support trump when he doesn't look white? His skin color is not white.

>Lotta projection from a hired kike
That's what it is. He probably fondled himself with one hand as he typed with the other on this tweet. Why do liberals love jews and Israel, who tricks them so much for? They faggotry?
Not like liberals can look in the mirror and judge themselves, like everyone else has to do at some point or another. I think they are allergic to red pills and in their heads they are all trapped in some fantasy (((Hollywood))) TV show....they don't call them "programs" for nothing. But they don't wanna hear that and only accept lies for truth and truth as lies seems like to me.

What will you guys do in 2020? Vote for him again? Do you think someone even more racist will appear to replace Trump? Will you vote fo that guy?
I think Dems will win 2020 though. In case Dems win, what will you do?

You do realize midterms come fast right? You do realized an independent investigation is going to go on for years right?

>In case Dems win, what will you do?
Laugh at all the twats in /ptg/

Can someone enlarge this picture of this Rick wilson fag and put the just fuck my shit up hair on his head and turn his face red and shit? thx

Yep. I didn't expect him to be a good president, but I voted against virtue signaling, BLM, the obsession with sexuality and gender, and ill-informed "anarchist" or "socialist" college students.

as opposed to 8 years of obama? Yeah i'm fine with not having immediate results in the first 5 months.

wow dud u totally saved that from one of my 4chang posts thx

>as opposed to 8 years of obama?
>Yeah i'm fine with not having immediate results in the first 5 months.
Tired of losing instead of winning. Woahhhhh... shills btfo am i rite

I bet you like sagiri, you fucking sicko


Hmmm 7.9 years to go and you dont even have a party. Be patient there son. Its coming

I like the pain
I like the suffering


7,9 days more like

>The bail out king
>Did everything in his power to fuck over the american people every step of the way
>Dindu nuffin rest of his presidency other than virtue signal
Anyone that expected the wall up day 1 is probably on the retarded side. Other tasks are taking more time thanks to a liberally appointed officials still rotting up the core of the government.


Jews confirmed for not liking fun.

yeah, the few months of pain i'll experience while waiting for those things (some of which have already happened) is gonna be kind of a bummer.

it could be worse, though. i could have to deal with 8 YEARS of pain as a result of being a little limp dicked, chicken shit bitch who can't stand the fact that his candidate will NEVER be the 45th POTUS.

Because its not about color its about character. It just so happens that most of the murdering robbing niggers of the world are black and brown

does it mean bernie can still win?

>7.9 years to go
Have been you been in a coma? Check the date.

We see jews as the good guys.

To be honest, the only thing painful is hearing these grown adults bitch and moan about nothing 24/7. I know these fags online don't deserve attention but they need to be outed, too many people are blindly following msm.

More like months of liberal butthurt.

Trolling aside, do people think the wall was going to be finished in 100 days? 200? They don't know April was for applications, May they would choose the developer, and June building would start.

Congress should get off their ass. Some how people think Congress is worthwhile now.

I prefer Obamacare crashes. Said it for years, but when it does fail, Republicans will be blamed for doing noting to save it.

Wasn't NAFTA renegotiated?

>Vote for him again?
I would only vote for Trump again if he (1) fires Jared, Ivanka, and the other globalist commies in his admin; (2) actually does what he promised he would do, the agenda he was voted in on.

Otherwise, I would vote for a Third-Party candidate. I will never vote Democrat.

If the Dems win, I think we should do to them and their candidate what they have been doing to Trump and his supporters the past six months.

Maybe they should stop standing in the way. The fact that Trump's administration and the FBI have leakers is proof that liberals are doing everything they can to oppose the President. Even if there is no 4th branch deep-state (there is) there's still an organized effort to undermine and obstruct Trump's attempts to save this nation.