Will India be the first country to poo on the moon?

Will India be the first country to poo on the moon?

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If that's a satellite then why isn't it in space?

Checkmate, poos.

Was pretty sure some professor and his students made credit card sized satellites that were meant to be flung out like a sprinkler to make one bigger satellite.

This one doesn't say what it does other than it will operate for 12 minutes and will demonstrate the performance of 3D printed carbon fiber.

And whites will be first janitors to clean it on moon.

>that's a satellite
a cube of plastic with silicon in the center is not a satellite


I fucking hate this type of msm garbage with the fire of a thousand suns.

Shitpost of the day

you mean poles.

Yeah and 100 years later kangs will claim that they were the first one, but the evil crackers stole their glory.

>yfw when that's Ho Pussay Virus

cant anything fucking orbit if accelerated enough? isnt that basic physics?

>Jack Blackish-brown makes a "satellite" with a five-minute battery and no way to deliver his pooload into space
What a genius.

> Ri-fath


>Finally we can send our Poo into outer space says fat fucking shitskin

You know that isn't a satellite right? It has to be in orbit, since you don't have a space program good luck with that.

Indians, explain yourself. How can you produce so many geniuses, and yet still can't poo in the loo

If it can circle the earth in orbit, then it's a satellite.

Did they actually launch this thing or just sticking to a weather balloon?

I would assume it needs to transmit something back to Earth to be significant. Or could be Ahmed's Clock again.

Article says NASA is putting it into space for him

That boy genius is a Tamil Muslim, he named his sat after another tamil muslim 'APJ Kalam' the father of Indian nukes

>tosses it next to the other space junk

What an honor

>If it can circle the earth in orbit, then it's a satellite.
Literally anything can do that. A spec of dust can do that if you launch it at the right trajectory and speed.

Pretty sure a bolt could be a satellite if you used a rocket to get it into orbit.

If a screw orbits the earth than it is a satellite, so nasa did that shit fucking decades ago


Pooing in loo is not a concern.

Dear India,

Please do not poo on moon. It is beautiful in the clear night sky. It will look terrible covered in brown stains.



Their high iq has made them realize that squatting for a shit is more ergonomic

India has a preddy gut space agency running on a shoe string budget. Whats your excuse rich first world nations?

>smartest doctors
>Smartest scientists
>Still can't shit in toilets

What did poos mean by this?

This is for real: I designed a satelite when I was 12, it was a tennis ball. It didn't have any technology and it was empty inside but it was much more aerodynamic than a fucking cube. Yeah, I never put my satellite in orbit but hey, this kid hasn't either.

>Whats your excuse rich first world nations?
Public safety. About 90% of that rocket is duct tape and plywood

Tranquility base here, Pajeet has landed.

Too bad your white or you'll have news article written on you.

Sdill more successful than non-existing british space agency. It put a satellite around friggin mars in first attempt.

she boo in the loo

I've seen a very similar designs before desu.
That looks entirely copied and not original in the slightest lol.


it's a pretty big concern for your general population

>muh high caste
>muh wealth

you're only as strong as your weakest link. even our underclass was trained from an early age that when you poo, it goes in the loo

literally our entire history

>Pooing in loo is not a concern.



science is COOL you BIGOT

Its the perfect size for a stool sample


typical amerifat doesnt know what a satellite is

fucking retard

India is one of those countries where the bell curve runs extreme.
Their scientists are among the top in the world, but their lower class is sub-nigger.
Consequence of millennia of caste system.

>you're only as strong as your weakest link.
Thats leftist talk. Underclass gets free food here thats enough, government can't provide free home/toilets. Ultimately its better to let them learn to fish for themselves then to give them good and make them a liability.

Turk I supported you yesterday.

Too bad Neil Armstrong already pooed there

Can it though? Can that tiny piece of plastic withstand the speeds and temperatures that come with falling around earth at 28,000 kph? I get that it costs fuel to get things into space, but is weight really a big problem once it's up there?

>A spec of dust can do that if you launch it at the right trajectory and speed.
no it can't, you fucking retard.
it can achieve an orbit where one of the foci is inside the earth, so it'll never "circle the earth"
to do that, you NEED a burn while already traveling.

>let's create more dangerous space trash


2/2 scoops


Why youre all so goddamn ugly you fuckin degenerate poos?

Does that not qualify as CheesePizza?

Are we being trolled by clockboy 2.0 ?

You can boost any object into a an orbit trajectory with disposable boosters.
Does it look like that guy's cube is capable of performing a burn without assistance? Yeah, shut the fuck up healthpack.


Obligatory poo in space comic.

reddit tier post

good for them

>implying nanosatellites haven't been a thing for like a decade at least
good job at the NASA contest fatso, I'm sure they'll put your little cube right next to the computers they use to doctor images


lol... Bongs BTFO. East India Trade Co. BTFO...

How will they ever recover?

>Does it look like that guy's cube is capable of performing a burn without assistance?
No, and neither can your speck of dust. Neither of them will achieve a stable orbit just by throwing them with certain parameters.

>signed, humanity

You have to go back.



That is a great webm, seen it before. kek'd heavy.

I think it was a suicide, he looks at the truck and everything. planned.


I'm surprised it isn't orbiting around him, the fat fuck

try to ignore the ifunny watermark.



Do you clean your shitty street Pajeet?

>building a computer is "inventing it"

TIL I am an inventor, where is my article

>saved money
>put parts in a motherboard like lego pieces

This is a huge accomplishment for the negro communitay.

I hope they at least get too poo in a black hole.

Proper British gentleman there.

I already done that when I met yo mama.

What's his name, Sup Forums?

Did Indian scientists find a way to use methane as a rocket fuel?

>send all the shitskins to space
>whites prevail on Earth and bring it to its former glory
who's the true winner here?

A yo mama joke, really? Are you even 18?

You could have cropped the watermark



This. There is already shit on the moon

What, you think they brought it back home with them?

No Americans did that first too. There are literally four bags of astronaut poo on the moon because they didn't take it back with them.

So what you're saying is their caste system was a self-fulfilling prophecy? By enforcing the idea that some people are inherently lower than others they inadvertently practiced a form of eugenics that sealed their race into having an actual genetic caste system?

Sick Wicked.

Hmmm.I've read in many sources that squating truly is the healthiest and most natural position to take a poo. They are onto something


We already planning to launch gslv m3 next month , capable of carrying 5000kgs payload.

Its going to carry our observer to Venus next year , isro are planning to revisit mars again in 2019 ,followed by a satellite to orbit the sun ina 2020.

we will officially start constructing our space station in 2020 , if all goes according to plan.

When you guys gonna build a dining room table and stop eating on the floor?

>"Pooing in loo is not a concern"

We've already poo on the moon.

Entered thread for this. Was not disappointed. Would enter again.

It's literally arduino in a box.
>their scientists are among the top in the world
Where does this meme come from?

We whites tried to clean up your shit during the Raj era, but you kicked us out and now your streets are flowing with poo.

Have you ever heard of an black scientific genius (not meme one, but genuine)? I haven't, but i've seen plenty of indian ones. There's like a billion of niggas, and 1,3 billion pooinloos.

That's from a protest , people in India do weird stuff to get attention. Like your fat femnazis running around topless.

This protest was about wanting to give media access to the the (now decided)chief minister of tamil nadu , who was allegedly already dead for days but the state government & docs allegedly lied to get the military & reserve police organized expecting riots. (Because politicians claimed docs were incompetent to save her even though she's a obase ape with a history of heart problems)

Undesignated street.