did he go too far youtube.com
Bill Maher Calls Donald Trump Fat As F*** & Compares His Butt To Kim Kardashian’s
He uses 90s mom jokes cringy af
>fat shaming is bad! unless we do it of course..
I don't care, this is just more hypocrisy from the left.
The thing is, I don't give a shit what they say, it's their massive inconsistency in when they say it, who they say it to, why they say it. I wouldn't mind all this scrutiny of Trump if they didn't spend the last 8 years with Obama's dick down their throat.
I find it Ironic that Colbert called Trump Putin's cockholster, when the entire mainstream corporate media served as Obama's cock sleeve for 8 years.
No. He just saw coalbears ratings jump and is trying to revive his show.
so all the fags like bill maher and stephen colbert just insult trump every night? and they keep a steady audience doing so? epic stuff
You realize he used to host a show called Politically Incorrect, right?
Bill Maher is a lot of things, but he has never claimed to be PC or a champion of justice.
I'll give credit where it's due, he's an outspoken and proud asshole.
>(((Jew )))
>going too far
To many layers of armor there... Roman Polanski can fuck children and still be applauded by these people...
You realist calling yourself "politically incorrect" doesn't make you politically incorrect. The only unsafe target he aims for is Islam and that's just to maintain atheist cred. Everything else is applauded by his clique of howler monkeys.
>cock-holster is the benchmark
Literally anything up to and including cock-holster is fair game... this wasn't even close.
Also Joss Wendon sexualizing cancer patients... not a problem...
Donald Trump is FAT
Literally who?
>hes fat
>le reference XDDDD
Oh man so funny, these comedians these days are a hoot!
even Ann Coulter and William Barbera are making fun of Trump so who cares at this point
Question not "did it go too far?" Instead ask the more important question: "was it funny?"
Fat old people look healthier than skinny old people.
Maher will look like a AIDs patient when he is Trumps age
Pretty much. Jimmy fallon blames being neutral as the cause for why his numbers have fallen
Trump is THICC not fat.
>Call a libtard fat
Fat shaming, must apologize
>call Trump fat
Well obviously he should be impeached
Last time I was called "fat", I lost 20lbs and hit the ideal body weight for my height. I support fat shaming.
Maher loves to shame fat people.
When they go low!
Yeah and he was an annoying faggot kike back then too
does that mean he said kim was fat? wow hate speech much?
>did he go too far
no, he's right. what's the problem?
So he chooses to follow the Trump curse. Chris Cornell was the last victim, let's see what will befall on ol' Bill.
Should've voted for a hunky president, like Trudeau
This is where your normie friends get their opinions from
He is fat tho. I bet he drinks diet coke.
Needs to cut back a scoop
>implying POTUS isn't T H I C C like Kardashian tho.
Bruhh... He didn't go far enough famalamtbqh.