Just wondering everyone's thoughts on this.
Would Racism exist if everyone was white?
Probably. Go to sites where they discuss White phenotypes and there's arguments among them.
if some individuals identify as POC, then of course! race is a social construct, and is chosen. all white societies are inherently racist.
yes, because it would then be separated into different kinds of white. we wouldn't have "white" as a concept because that would just be human.
instead it would be subhuman red haired people, subhuman people with noses too big, subhuman dark hair, subhuman light eyes, subhuman whatever the fuck we find in tribes that are separated
groups of people who seem exactly the same to everyone else in the world still hate each other for their differences
we'd hate each other's size instead
>manlets are the new niggers
Yes because being white is racist.
No, it would just be old fashioned ethnic rivalry and tension.
>s-same thing
Once is between races, one is within races.
"Racism" is just an extreme type of in group preference. In group preferences are biological in origin, and necessary. If everyone was white, we'd move to a different indicator of group identity, probably facial/body structure.
The only reason whites as a group share interests is because we're the scapegoat for everyone else's problems these days. If that stopped, the Meds, Nordics, Anglos, and Slavs would all go back to shit talking each other like God intended.
nord nigger pls
Hell no, because only White people love peace and harmony. If every one in the world is white, there would be no war or famine. Imagine that.
haha epic lol
You remember WW2 and the slavic subhumans?
everybody would hate jews like good old times
s-so Jews are actually good?
We'd keep hating stupid and criminal people, that's only natural.
It would just be harder to spot them.
The europeans fought each other for the most of the history. Racism is linked to rivalry and is a part of being a living creature.
Monkeys look the same but they still fight each other. It is the same for almost every kind of animal out there.
Italians are basically black
shut up you lesbian
shut up
>spaniard paler than portuguese
No fuck the Germans oh and Albanians.
yes of course
>doesn't realize that the dinaric race is the best race
little jew
Quadroons are like half white.
they are though
from what i've seen irl spainard's are like 3x whiter than the poortugese
That's funny because the guy who drew those on the left is ethnic portuguese and completely rejects the concept of white.
Depends on the region, Spain isn't homogenous. Portugal mostly is.
It would still exist, but only among people who are actually small-minded human garbage; the type of people that leftists strawman us as. People that make "x isn't white threads" height threads, and so on would still be divisive and create problems while the people who only dislike nonwhites because of their hatred of us and the problems they create wouldn't make trouble.
Just look at Europe from the classical through Napoleonic time periods. It might not be racism, but we would dann sure find ways to hate each other.
No chance. Whites slaughtered each other over the smallest differences in Europe.
You read his question wrong. He asked if rascism would still exist. Your answer was correct though. It would still exist.
Theyre a fourth??
semantics dude. Being shot dead because you are irish or because you are a nigger won't matter much to the person getting shot.
Irish and Italian immigrants say hi
>inb4 Shitaly isn't white and potato niggers
Yes. The US was heavily whites fighting whites when it was just whites and black slaves. Irish and Italian people were treated as subhuman, and there was ridiculous infighting between Anglos, French, Germans, etc.
Then Europe itself has had a history of Europeans fighting each other for centuries as pagan barbarians. They divided themselves among religious lines, and I don't think it was a coincidence that different groups tended to have different hair colors. (E.g. Brits fighting the Scottish and Irish, or German Barbarians fighting the Romans)
People will always fight each other and truces and group inclusion is a temporary farce used to destroy whoever is more different from all groups as a collective. Once the most different group is taken down, you take down the remaining group that's most different, and so on.
Humans are incredibly intelligent creatures.
That being said, if we were all similar facially and otherwise, we would still find ways to discriminate others that are not close or family. Those factors could be anything from trivial things to something big like wealth. Prejudice comes naturally to humans and only by learning and studying about how and why it can be harmful we can educate people to not act on such things instinctually.
That last part though, seems to be impossible given how many people would rather act based on their instincts and won't empathize with other human beings.
SJWs have taken this too far though. They are lunatics and racists of another sort and it's mostly them in the US that are to be kept a check on.
yes, people still are retarded enough to argue Slavs are white while Spanish (even Basques like myself) aren't.
ultimately whites will should only band together to fight the Jewish and nigger threats, then we can return to shitting on eachother appropriately as we should.
You don't know much about Europe do you user.
Of course they are shitting on each-other because of ethnicity, but oddly enough it takes on a more violent and personal approach to it.
Euro's hate each-other.
I'm a former Euro, and by God all this nonsense about White people coming together is a purely American thing.
We solved that problem by creating big countries, it sems that theres a limit on how big it can be, when they over expand it usually colapses very fast.
Europe is trying it right now but with wrong leaders and its failing very hard, they thought that German mentality was the correct one to follow and did the one thing that you shouldnt do in a big union, fucking flood everyone with regulations and bullshit people that dont want to live with you.
The US also made it work but now it can colapse by their endless proxi wars, to many wars at the same time in diferent places and you are fucked.
You don't understand what drives evolution. There will no be peace. Ever. It is not a matter of being dumb. It is nature. It is reality. It is life. From the very first sign of life on this earth, there has been battle, and as long as life exsist on this earth, there will be battle.
No education, no high iq, no appeal to pacifism will change this fact, no higher God will ever change this fact. Never.
If we were not violent creatures, we would not be the highest lifeform on this earth. Even herbivores kill the babies of omnivores when they get the chance.
Constructive acts are bound take over everything non-constructive. This is what has driven the civilization and what will drive the civilization in the future.
It would because racism is just a form of groupism. And white people have historically killed more white people than any other group in history as a result of their pointless wars in europe
I'm not even sure if you disagree with me, so vague is your answer.
I partly disagree.
It would be ugly genes against attractive genes. Literal racism.
>their pointless wars in europe
Not pointless you fuckface. WW2 gave massive technological advancement. It gave us the jet-engine. The rockets to go to the moon and send satellites out in space. It gave us the radar we use to keep track of airplanes. And even more shit I can't come up with right now. Not pointless.
Then you are wrong my streetshitting friend. The will to kill and dominate was what drove the chimps to use spears. Not peace and love. The will for power is what drives humans. Always have been. It is what created Western Civilization.
Go shit in the streets and worship a cow.
You still didn't get my point and then you resorted to personal attacks. People like you make people like me lose hope in humanity. But this mere disappointment, hardly matters on the grand scale of things.
Pretty much like we do here if there's no sub humans in the thread
Whites have now become weak, and asians/blacks will conquer. Also, no whining, its simply the natural order of weaker races getting killed off by stronger races.
>stay mad whitey
Not mad. It is just the wheels of history. You are projecting my coloured friend.
I get your point, you are a weak coward.
yeah, actually.
no, you can see it from the fact that there exist no stereotypes or jokes about whitepoeple, esp east euros