At some point we have to stop this.
It will probably require gassing the Jews again. There's no other way, and the risk is too great not to.
At some point we have to stop this.
It will probably require gassing the Jews again. There's no other way, and the risk is too great not to.
It's mostly niggers and those dark skinned latin girls.
and yet the picture has to be WWBM
>le americans arent cucked xdddd
Just a coincidence.
Move along.
white pussy was made for black cock
>Picture is
>White female black male
This shit is insane. How obvious does it have to get that there's an agenda here?
because a picture of a single couple is representative of the real statistics?
ncie catch user
>flood country with nonwhites
>think everyone who was there before just changed their minds
I think the problem will resolve by itself.
Many and many women will be beated badly and then abandoned, other girl will see and they will stop doing that.
Dont refer to mestiza spics as "Latin".
Why do you think we care if some coal burner decides to destine her child for a favela?
Brazil exists we know what a country coal burners create looks like....White people will be the ruling class , their mutts will be the lower class living in abject poverty
theres nothing cuckish about simply admitting your place
>theres nothing cuckish about simply admitting your place
Very clearly the top of the food chain and niggers are by far the bottom of the food chain...Because they have 70 IQ's
>top of the food chain
>maybe a hundred years left on this planet as a race
just keep on larping
Its our world get over it.
Funny how interracial cuckoldry trend came out of america...
God damn i hate burgerland.
Revolutionary national socialism is only a matter of time. I hope you're ready.
>keep on larping
>Revolutionary national socialism is only a matter of time
thats the spirit :D
>Its our fault you didn't kill off the jews when you had them all round up in camps
You will be shown no mercy.
really makes you think
promise? ;^))
Taylor Swift's new boyfriend is a British Aryan.
lmao and?
Highlighting how stupid your meme is.
Admit it. You're jealous because you're a nog.
true. pic related
Is Latvia even a country?
Chance is no ordinary nignog, he rapes your ears with his shit music instead of your orifices.
Protip: It's mostly whites intermarrying with spics.
Niggers have disgusting fingernails. They look too long and distorted
Her mother?
nah, we really don't. White Americans are mutts anyway. They're not pure.
Look at those disgusting hot-dog fingers on the lady.
I don't like niggers but that woman is probably grotesque
this is the reality nig
All coalburners should be forced to live in shitty ghetto black neighborhoods.
>look at this interracial cute couple!
>dumb single mother and spastic black child
every fucking time
mudslime version:
>look at this interracial and progressive couple!
>mom covering herself to hide her wounds, extreme stockholm syndrome, forced to shit out billions of kids
I don't think you know what a protip is. what you just did was tldr
Literally just a function of multiculturalism. Proportionately white's out-marry FAR less than minorities. Only 7-9% of new marriages involving at least one white person were interracial in 2016. Definitely not a good thing given that number was about 2-3% in 1980 but that's what's the numbers are. Could be worse. Still really pissed about it but most of them are white men marrying asian and hispanic women. White women, when pressed to it, are one of the demographics that out-marry the least.
>gassing the Jews again
Nice bait
you do realize all her "relationships" are corporate sponsored marketing/pr campaigns?
>how stupid your meme is
that pol's aryan princess is a hollywood bicycle?
>get dicked down by the bbc
>marry some beta while the cum is still leaking
no that pretty much fits in line.
the fuck am i jealous for? she's not fucking me or cucking me.
Just spread the actual facts about niggers having ridiculously high STDs and AIDs, along with the highly disproportionate amount of rapes among niggers and the black-dad-leaving meme.
>different ethnicity
>could be any white combination
you really know how to beat a dead horse dont you
>Still really pissed about it
Why? It's simple eugenics; genetic trash eliminating their mixed-raced offspring from the pool of potential mates for the remaining, increasingly ethnocentric White population.
Niggers have their own strain of syphilis.
s. niggeralis
The kinds of white women who fuck niggers aren't the kind to care about statistics. They are perverted in the same way a pedophile is. They'd still fuck nigs even if it were made illegal, just to satisfy their fetish.
You don't live in a country where children under 5 years of age that are white are already a minority. We need every white body we can have at this point.
nasty jewish rats
Without us you'll last maybe 100 years after that. Maybe if you're lucky the chinks will keep a few of you as pets.
Pure coincidence, nothing to see here goy.
I am a white man with a black wife.
We know 5 other wm/bf couples.
White women and black men are terrible so it makes sense
Progress is hard work and no coincidence.
You went with a nig because your sorry fat ass couldn't land a decent white woman. Stop tarring all white women with the same brush and accept that youve flushed your genes into the sewer, where they probably belong. Don't try to drag others down with you.
Yes, albeit a real shit one.
My wife and I are professionals who met at church.
You sound bitter an alone. I will pray for you
No, most white Americans are not mutts. Sadly for you though your ancestors decided to fuck a bunch of negros and gave birth to a mixed race mutt like you.
They really do need to be exterminated, tbqh.
Link to study:
Honolulu is highest at 42% marriage being interracial, then Las Vegas at 31%. Basically, the top cities are either very diverse or next to military bases, the military having a higher rate of racial intermarriage than the civilian population.
Jackson, Mississippi is lowest at 3%. Actually, all but 1 of the bottom 10 cities for interracial marriage are in the South.
And despite Sup Forums's bitching, the unintended takeaway is that everyone BUT black people are intermarrying, that it's Whites, Hispanics and Asians marrying each other but Blacks not nearly as much.
>These areas are all relatively diverse in terms of race and ethnicity, and this diversity likely contributes to the high intermarriage rates by creating a diverse pool of potential spouses. In Honolulu, for instance, the “marriage market" is made up of 42% Asians, 20% non-Hispanic whites and 9% Hispanics. In the Las Vegas area, 46% of people in the marriage market are non-Hispanic white, while 27% are Hispanic, 14% are non-Hispanic black and 9% are Asian; and around Santa Barbara, 52% of people in the marriage market are non-Hispanic white and 37% are Hispanic.
>However, the same does not hold true in Jackson or Birmingham. The marriage markets around those cities are fairly diverse: In Jackson, the pool of potential spouses is comprised of 61% non-Hispanic blacks and 36% non-Hispanic whites; in Birmingham, the marriage market is comprised of 57% non-Hispanic whites and 37% non-Hispanic blacks.
They try to blame racism by Southerners and Midwesterners but that makes this post too long.
Shit, it was 2 out of 10 not in the South.
>1 in 6
So basically its doubled in the last few decades, holy fuck
Mestizo are Mexicans mixed with with European and indigenous therefore Latin descent. I'm guessing your some sort of Argentinian trying to pull at straws.
>gassing the jews again
>gassing the jews
>thinking the holohoax happened
>being this new
It has risen with the number of minorities due to more minority mates being available.
Social Engineering.
Latvia taking credit for anything done in Europe, now I've seen everything. We have more of an impact in Europe than your skid mark of a country.
>being a homo for nig dick
l m a o
Ayy lmao
I'm ok with thick latinas.
Its a genetic death sentance
Nothing wrong with a good culling
This. Just realize that the woman is an infallible measure of good genes, and the fact that without our patriarchal brainwashing they choose all other races of people before us serves to prove that we are worthless.
What value are White people who lack an instinctive loyalty towards their own? Think of them as Jews; for all intents and purposes, that's what they really are: they're sleeper agents who turn the social capital they receive from White ethnocentrists in virtue of being perceived as part of the White ingroup into a weapon. These are the people the Jews used to subvert Western civilization, and without whom they could not have succeeded.
>but chicago sun-times, races doesn't exist, or do they? are you racist?
You can't stop it. Embrace it.
I am a white guy with a black wife. Never once in my lofe have I ever given a shit about other whites. Poor white trash is g as rabage and I wnst nothing to do with them
>black pussy was made for white cock
the problem sorts itself out, genetically
“Examining the Birth Trends, Family Structure, Economic Standing, Paternal Relationships, and Emotional Stability of Biracial Children with African American Fathers,” Tiffany Calloway
1. At the time of your child's birth were you and the father married
Caucasian: 97% NO
Asian: 85% NO
Hispanic: 95% NO
2. Did you and the father of your child eventually marry?
Caucasian: 80% NO
Asian: 92% NO
Hispanic: 99% NO
>give the milk away for free, why buy the cow?
3. Number of children the participant has
Caucasian: 1 50%, 2-4 49%
Asian: 1 86%, 2-4 14%
Hispanic: 1 15%, 2-4 80%
>asians learn their lesson, whites + hispanics can't keep their legs shut
4. For women with multiple children, do the children have the same father?
Caucasian: 82% NO
Asian: 75% NO
Hispanic: 81% NO
>wow, look at these worthless fucking whores
5. Annual earnings
Caucasian: 15% unemployed 75% once you go black, you're a single mom
9. Does your child have a good relationship with their father?
Caucasian: 94% NO
Asian: 89% NO
Hispanic: 98% NO
>black "men" = horrible neglectful fathers, probably abusive too
Id rather be poor white trash than rich white cuck
Dude, I know the feel. I cannot find white women attractive anymore, they all look plain or inbred.
BW/WM is the final red-pill anons, embrace it.
Flag checks out, americucks are pathetic mutts truly.
Case in point. These people are doing us a favor by having their offspring be visible members of the outgroup, thus disarming them vis-a-vis White nationalists. This is a desirable, eugenic process for the White population.
But i make more than 63k a year.
If two people of different races want to get married, that's their decision. Really, you could only consider such a position cuckoldry if you're some kind of perma-virgin betamax who thinks all they are entitled to 24/7 exclusive pussy access to all white women without question.
oh no
this makes me so sad
>White women, when pressed to it, are one of the demographics that out-marry the least.
marriage statistics are fucking useless since they ignore casual sex, affairs, people who are together and don't want to marry etc, for every white man who marries a asian or latina you will find 10 coalburners
kinda cute
Did that movie really red-pill black men like it seems?