"I don't smoke weed, but I think it should be legalized."
Said no one, EVER.
"I don't smoke weed, but I think it should be legalized."
Said no one, EVER.
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't smoke it and I think it should be legalized. I have actually said this a number of times.
I don't smoke weed, but I think it should be legalized.
Marijuana here, not going to lie it's hilarious inhaling me while I burn, but seriously we can't let this guy onto the pot farm
I've said this a hundred times.
How can you declare something that grows out of the ground in the woods illegal?
If someone wants to eat a plant or mushroom, you can't stop them
It's dumb to even try.
If you don't understand how taxes work, you will see when the FED fails and only states with excess tax revenue are able to maintain roads / schools / fire rescue etc....
How are you posting from China?
I didnt smoke weed for 2 years now and I think every drug should be legalized, bantard
The internet....
>Hey guys, if you don't engage in this activity, that only means you want to ban it.
I think everybody will love it if I post the exact same thread every day, said no one EVER
I say it all the time. My cop brother even supports decriminalization.
You get it.
Shills are trying to Shill
I say it all the time
I vape thc concentrates and I think it should remain illegal. Fucking normies are ruining pot culture. Getting high used to be cool and illicit, now grandmas smoke bong hits on YouTube.
Hardly any libertarians actually take drugs. In a totally free economy having a clear head will give you an advantage.
I have said this numerous time actually
>I don't smoke weed, but I think it should be legalized.
If you can buy morphine in a pharmacy
Why not weed?
Stoners and druggies are the biggest assholes on the planet. Just from reading their smug, elitist comments, I can tell they need a good, hard punch to the face.
if you are doing something because its cool, you arent and it isnt.
you are hipster tier trash kys
blaze one faggot
Cyanide is found in nature too
Off yourself, cocksucker.
I have smoked at least a hundred marijuanas and i think it must remain illegal because it leads to criminality. You always have to find stuff to steal and sell to afford the your next marijuana.
I swear to fucking Christ, if I met anyone who smoked weed, I would fucking snap their fucking necks like a fucking twig. They are insufferable.
>pot culture
i dont smoke but respect to those that want to. said me
Why do you post this shit everyday? I don't smoke because I like being in control and keep my body pure ,but I know people who were in horrible pain whi bebefit from it.
Who opposes legalization?
>police unions
>cia - drug smugglers- where do you think the opium for those opiates comes from ? the cia/fbi/dea/nsa run all drugs thats why they havent stopped it in 50+ years
>big pharma
I fucking hate you people. I feel it in my bones type HATRED!! YOU SICK FUCKS ALLOW KIDS WITH CANCER TO SUFFER TO MAKE A PROFIT!!!!!!
Think about that .Pot helps with pain when a nightstand full of pills doesn't touch it. They don't make money from pot though, they make BILLIONS from the pills.
420 yolo drift bro
Ben Shapiro
>Authoritarians don't think people exist who love freedom
He's a kike, of course he smokes.
You'd snap my grandmothers neck because pot is the only thing that helped her pain when she had breast cancer ? Hahaha ok kid. You fucking pussy tranny.
I'd cut off your eyelids with a pearing knife then skin your dick with an apple peeler and make you eat it .
Who's stoping you from taking a cyanide pill? I would highly recoment it.
>Said no one, EVER.
Said I.
I am for it and I don't smoke it. Suck it
The only real problem I have are those who drive while stoned. Once Weed is legalized we can start reducing crime related to it.
Gov't doesn't want it legalized because that cuts into their potential profits.
If people want to get stoned, that is their choice, but if they wind up hurting people because of that choice, they should be held accountable for it.
I smoke weed and try to get people to SWAT me so I can be killed for being such a degenerate faggot. Death to all stoners, white sharia now.
(((they))) can make a killing off of selling/regulating pot, you're just falling for memes.
Marijuana is not without its faults, it comes with a load of side effects and there is a wealth of studies that prove that. Don't give me the marijuana is safer than peanuts shit, only a literal retard will believe that.
Personally, I think a synthesized form of thc that doesn't produce a "high" and reduces/removes the side effects will be used in the future.
eat shit OP
I don't smoke weed, but I think it should be legalized.
>I don't smoke weed, but I think it should be legalized."
>Said no one, EVER.
1/10 bait
Cyanide kills you retarded caucasian. Krokodil isn't edgy enough for you?
I know you retarded leaf. That's why I'm recomending you take a pill.
Your retardation knows no bounds
OK, and? People should be allowed to off themselves.
That's a pretty common opinion among the sane.
No, it's not.
>another psychotic progressive expresses the urge to murder people
The only progressives around here are potheads like you.
How would you know? You're mentally ill, like every other drug warrior in the country.
So everyone who doesn't smoke weed is mentally ill?
Why lie? Prohibition is a core tenet of the progressive movement.
Yes it is you mong
No, just the chimps who want to spend trillions of dollars trying to stop people from smoking it, and failing miserably.
Well. You're so dumb that I think you should neck yourself.
Yeah, because the current progressive movement is the same exact shit as the original one. SAME EXACT SHIT.
That would be everyone who doesn't smoke weed.
Can't prove me wrong, can you?
>ITT: nu/pol/ falls for stale copypasta
How many times you gonna post this shit?
The Republican wing is more or less the same as the original.
pretty sure Ron Paul said exactly this
if you legalize weed the people of that country will either lose interest in it or the weak ones will fall wich means the strong ones have babys wich in turn means evolution
Not gonna lie, former cannabis tree here. This is fucking hilarious watching you guys smoking and getting high on me. But in all seriousness we can't stop the paper monopoly.
i really dont smoke weed and im in favor of legalization so yah.. roasted yr preconceptions faggit
I hate stoners.
I don't want pay to put them in prison.
I'm in favor of drug testing for employment.
This is what every libertarian thinks.
>want drug testing for employment
>bitch that stoners don't work
Also, I thought China had locked-down internet?
>Just from reading their smug, elitist comments, I can tell they need a good, hard punch to the face.
do you see the irony famalam
These threads are literally cancer.
Disagree. Have said this many times before. Weed's a waste of money in my opinion but some people want it and it's a waste of money to jail users of a drug that's so common that I could probably find a bad in every building in the US. Just don't smoke in front of my without my permission.
I didn't say anything about stoners not working.
I said I didn't want to pay to put them in prison, Stoneybrahblazeit420.
I'll rape your asshole how about that buttpirate?
Hes doesnt, hes sheltered. A square lmao. Prob no game or social skills.
So is paracetamol. It's fucking deadly stuff. Maybe we should ban it too.
Please, stop spamming this thread every week
You've been doing it for like... months or years?? Please stop... it's getting embarrassing.
We all know you have a broom in the ass it's OK now...
also fpbp
"I'm not a faggot, but I think sucking dicks is the best thing ever!"
- OP
You have to it like 52 whole apple or so one shot to be deadly I think...
Eating a small amount of cyanide wont do shit
kys, junkie
You're a triangle, fag.
No drugs on me, Luigi. That's on you.
You sure it wasn't you that said it?