Is following your folk's faith the ultimate redpill?
Is following your folk's faith the ultimate redpill?
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Creating your own mythology is.
Get this pagan filth out of there.
is it triggering you?
Nah, is cool
Germans were rightfully forcibly converted lol. Imagine believing in shitty fairy tales like this. Believing that gods walk around fucking people and fighting giants and shit?
Basing your spirituality on blind inheritance instead of truth is the ultimate bluepill
>Imagine believing in shitty fairy tales like this
Imagine a universe popped out of nothing, imagine some jew dying for your sins
Paganism as you almost certainly imagine it IS jewish propaganda. It is a construct made up by Jewish-dominated past-Enlightenment academia that has almost fucking nothing in common with what even ancient Greeks, never mind practicers of paganisms from which very little survived to our day, like that of the Norse, actually believed. It was made up to seem anything more than a collection of bloody and incosistent superstitions specifically to undermine Christianity.
Take a look at the most advanced paganism in history, Hinduism. A small bunch of Christian adventurers BTFOed a whole sub-continent its adherents and their descendants only failed to kept India under their thumb due to events that flowed from the Europe abandoning Christianity. Hinduism also was not very successful at teaching people to poo in loo of course.
its the ultimate meme, you divide the unity created by big regions and make a lot of little shit religions witch will fight for power and influence.
It simply opportunists garbing for the shekels.
The reason paganism is gone is because Christianity specifically existed to invalidate it. You no longer deal with powerful gods, they are nothing compared to the infinitely powerful god of the universe. You don't need to sacrifice anymore because God himself has offered his blood up for you to use. There is literally no reason to leave Christianity for reconstructed primitive beliefs
t. branch of the tree of israel
Indeed, why is it that Varg is against the nation state?
t. edgy swedecuck bum-fucked by muzzies
>Paganism as you almost certainly imagine it IS jewish propaganda
Tell me how I imagine it
>shitty fairy tales like this
Have you ever read the Bible? It's full of that kind of shit EVERYWHERE, which is why modern Christians like to distance themselves from the Old Testament as much as they can.
Jesus promised to return, Thor promised to destroy the frost giants. I don't see any frost giants.
Yes he did what's the problem?
Why do you say Hinduism was the most advanced form pf paganism? Wouldn't Roman paganism be more advanced, considering it was inextricably woven into the Rom,an government itself, with various high offices and orders that held real political power?
The answer is yes, follow your own culture's history and path in life. Race mixing is degenerate, you don't need some sand nigger's religion. Look how well those sand niggers are doing in the modern era, do you really want to worship their god? Fuck No.
I don't think unironically believing in pagan gods is very "Redpilled" but pagan stuff can be surprisingly valuable. Here are some wise words from the The Hávamál of the Norse Codex Regius:
>even just this bit of The Hávamál is a little bit tl;dr for Sup Forums but whatever
Not all sick men are utterly wretched:
Some are blessed with sons,
Some with friends,
some with riches,
Some with worthy works.
The halt can manage a horse,
the handless a flock,
The deaf be a doughty fighter,
To be blind is better than to burn on a pyre:
There is nothing the dead can do.
It is always better to be alive,
The living can keep a cow.
Fire, I saw, warming a wealthy man,
With a cold corpse at his door.
A son is a blessing, though born late
To a father no longer alive:
Stones would seldom stand by the highway
If sons did not set them there.
>Let's worship mythical creatures because our retarded ancestors did so and also because I can't get my head over the Nationalism meme that caused so much irreversible damage to the West,even in things like religion
Don't you White people ever learn?
Then I guess everything is possible
Sounds like a blue pill to me
>Don't make your own decisions
>Blindly follow a specific religion because your countrymen do the same
yep but you should add on it, not turn it into dogma
>posting pictures of a leftist transexual blogger
So you're either trolling or you actually consider that a valuable source.
Which is it?
Yes, I worship my ancestors and the divine archetypes of my people.
>Believing that gods walk around fucking people and fighting giants and shit?
>A ghost impregnates Mary
>Jesus walks around
>David kills a giant
Yes, I agree. Mythology is often absurd. Besides, Europeans never stopped believing in these concepts. The idea of fairies and incubi etc walking around and fucking humans was a common belief all the way into the 20th century, not only among peasants but among aristocrats and even the church.
Reminder that the only knowledge you have of this dead Religion comes from outsiders writing about them because they're too dumb to write. Compare this to Christianity which has enough libraries and archives to fill several lifetimes.
Why is every, and I mean every single last Anglo autistic?
welp many pagans are larpy ,but christian morals is what brought us all into this mess. So i hope we as europeans find a way to unite us under some other ideology/religion than christianity
Besides pagafags being right
Is it any wonder that the most advanced form of paganism (hinduism) eventually started to look like christian monotheism as civilization developed? But nah lol fuck civilization lets go back to the stone ages and hit each other with rocks for for blood god.
>following others' imagination
A cuck detected.
Christianity uses pagan mythology for everything, not a single original line in that kike fairytale. Being pagan is just appreciating the nature around you at a high level. Being a Christian is disregarding your environment and following the law of jewkind
>Lets worship some sand nigger dessert nomad's god, because their obviously the superior species.
YHWH = Moloch. fuck off mohammed medhat.
>Compare this to Christianity which has enough pedo and human abuse cases and documents to fill several lifetimes.
>Jewish-dominated past-Enlightenment
>Then brings up domination of India
Domination of India was also Jew-dominated in the Jew-dominated enlightenment era, genius.
Anyway, no one is more a slave to Jews than modern Christians.
Kek! Sounds like xe would fit right in at UC Berkeley today. Would xe have pink or purple hair?
I find it difficult to believe that even a neopagan is retarded enough to claim Christianity caused the fall of Rome.
>t. fedorautist or pagautist
Christianity is real deal with it faggot
Pagan myth typically has a lot of cuckolding, transgender gods, and powerful females. It's everything that's wrong with the world and the stuff that's destroying the west. Why would you want paganism?
Why would you want to worship some sand nigger Arab god?
It's just metaphor you should be familiar with that.
>Christianity is pagan
>t. complete retard
For once a Turk is spot on!
this angers the negro
>implying I'm religious at all
Can't you get arrested for such homophobic and haram statements by the way?
No. Ancestor worship is stupid.
I mean if you want to follow some beliefs just becuase your mudhut dwelling great great great great great grandfathers believed it tentatively, its up to you
>Pagan Greece
>calling someone else a pedophile or human abuser
Mictlantecuhtli protects me with his darkness
Yes it is, and my folk are Christian ever since the Britons peacefully converted (while the Roman invaders persecuted them for it) almost 1800 years ago
Because we've done great, incomparable things in his name. The overwhelming majority of pagan worshippers were cavemen while Christians were at the forefront of technology and warfare despite what retarded atheists who believed Zeitgeist the movie think.
that odin has an extra eyeball
>he said posting on Sup Forums
I'll admit Sup Forums is not one person, but you'd be a fool to assume most people here don't just blindly follow and believe whatever infograph or greentext shlock is posted here, without digging deeper to find sources and references.
No I literally don't see any frost giants. Stop defending some fucking dessert mother fucker, kike inspired, Islam analog bull shit.
If you want to believe in "metaphors" find meaning in your races ancient beliefs and take it metaphorically instead of literally.
Christianity is a fairytale as well user, but it's some fucking Sim Salabim fairy tale instead of one told around campfires but the white people of the ancient world.
>Pagan myth typically has a lot of cuckolding, transgender gods, and powerful females.
Did you learn that from your mandatory gender studies class, Americuck?
>British education
Yep it is and you're going to have to justify every last shitpost and insult you've made on this board in front of God better beg for forgiveness.
Why don't you google the bosnian pyramids, which are 25,000 years old then get back to me.
>implying Christianity isn't Jewish propaganda
It was pushed by a literal kike on a stick.
Yes, the kikery was very successful, as Jews typically are a very successful race, your point?
>Let's not worship the real God because its religion didn't come from the exact same fucking place I was born in because I still can't get over the same "muh lands" mentality that my dipshit warmongering ancestors couldn't get over and also because it came from a bunch of Sandniggers xdd whom even tho they are inferior species,they were able to conquer the last and only 2 empires of their time.
>We worship Satan meme
Stop obtaining all this bullshit info of yours from sites like
Why don't you also google the roman empire, you 14 year old faggot. Get molested at your youthgroup new fag.
>americans in a thread about native religions
what's your problem?
Whats wrong about what I said?
>conveniently not showing the source
>The overwhelming majority of pagan worshippers were cavemen while Christians were at the forefront of technology and warfare
The world would be a better place if people didn't talk about stuff they have nothing about. What you said is simply wrong.
Some of you people have a real warped view of history. Did you get that from KANGZ or something?
There isn't enough caves to support the entire population of Europe and much of Europe doesn't even have caves. Pic related, most of the important cave sites (including Christian usage of caves).
Oh I'm sorry, did you forget what it's like to have racial pride and to honor your ancestors? Keep getting cucked by Mohammed's dick, and remember he worships the same sand nigger God you do.
Juden raus
Should we worship the great sky turtle like the Iroquois?
>Yes, I worship my ancestors and the divine archetypes of my people.
Yes, I think it's important not to take the gods literally, those forces were carefully selected as our people advanced through time. It reflects the inner world of our ancestors and perhaps ours as well.
I believe the image is supposed to represent the great Indo-European skyfather "Dyaus Pitar" in a Germanic form. It is from this archetype that Zeus, Jupiter, Perun, Odin come from
The true redpill is becoming a god via technology
This, he's a 14 year old faggot who hasn't taken any world history classes yet. I hope he gets banned for being underage.
>t. faggot who doesn't believe in sola fide
>stacking mudblocks in the most intuitively stable yet least space-efficient shape, that even toddlers understand, using brute human capital
>we wuz engineerz n shiz!
>putting fake source
Christianity was brought by the Romans in Britain, and even then, it wasn't particularly strong. There was even a temple to Nodens built in the 5th century. Then the Anglo-Saxons came and converted everyone to Anglo-Saxon paganism, then were converted to Christianity again. So I don't know where you got the Brits were Christian before the Romans. The Romans did persecute Druids, though.
Fuck you Chernobog will destroy any false god easily
>Thinking Pagans lived in caves.
What is the Coliseum? What is the Pantheon? What is ancient Greece, Ancient Rome?
If Christianity is a kike invention then why does it call them out posing as not the real Jews? Saying they are of the synagogue of Satan and their father is the devil? I never see you guys that say it's a kike invention explain that one.
>Roman empire
>Meds thousands of years ago, ended up collapsing
>Since then the last thousand+ years of progress and civilization have come from Christian western and northern Europe
What's with the eternal burger and thinking all Europeans are the same and that Anglo/Scandi's can take pride in what ancient Meds accomplished?
Are you retarded? I was obviously pointing at >muh pagancucks burgersharts
It's no concern of yours, you aren't Iroquois
Kek, over my dead body
t. Belbog
they can't
Because Christians are the new jews, dumbass. Look at the name changes from the old testament to the new testament.
> Nebuchadnezzar
goes to
This. It's the ultimate uncucking of your spirit.
Actually believing in pagan gods and thinking they're actually real -- that's not necessary or important.
What's important and necessary is rejecting ALL abrahamic religions and of course also other foreign non-white crap (like buddhism and hinduism for example), while firmly believing in your Race and your kinsmen, and in your own authority as a sovereign individual, and in your family and children -- while keeping the memory and spirit of your ancestors alive and exalting them.
>Yes, I think it's important not to take the gods literally, those forces were carefully selected as our people advanced through time. It reflects the inner world of our ancestors and perhaps ours as well.
Yes, they should be looked upon as inspirations and ideals. Having a personification that looks like you and represents your people is healthy. That is one thing Christians in Europe always had right, Christ as Baldur or a Greek philosopher, God as Zeus, Mary as a Mother Goddess, etc.
What the fuck are you talking about leaf? He said pagans lived in caves. I disproved his hypothesis. Where did you get lost in those 2 sentences?
christianity is a reformed version of judaism
doesn't mean it has anything to do with Europe and isn't still plentyful of semitic elements
you literally still worship the same god as jews and arabs, just differently
Oh, I see you forgot to post the panel where Christian Rome is even more glorious than its pagan predecessor.
I also notice you forgot the panel where are carved gleaming ivory sculptures of Jesus and the Saints, or of scintillating mosaics, or of porphyry statues still-beautiful despite their desolation at the hands of Islam.
I see you've forgotten the panel showing the beauty of Byzantine architecture, of the Hagia Sophia, or the splendor of Gothic Cathedrals which is unmatched among all religious buildings on Earth from all ages.
I see you forgot the panel where Christian Rome saves European genes by acting as Europe's shield and Constantinople.
I see you forgot the panel where Christian Europeans reclaimed and expanded Europe's borders and influence to encompass the entire Earth.
Funny, innit?