does he deserve all the hate? Isn't he just trying to help our movement hit the mainstream?
Honest opinion on Richard Spencer?
Other urls found in this thread:
What movement?
Exist a movement?
best meme man
He's just the only one with the financial means and the balls to have his name exposed.
I find him an uninspiring snoozefest personally, but he's useful for now. He is not the leader we need though. He's too much of a cuck to name the Jew and he's too much of a chubby dork to be marketable.
Once we have someone who's an inspiring speaker and has the ability to wet panties doing it we'll be in business.
>honest opinion on Richard Spencer?
He's not even racist, he's a realist. Understands the reality of races and the incompatibility of cultures. Also socialism if fucking retarded. So I do like his politics, they are based on reality not crying and tolerance to the less civil.
What is he trying to portray with that haircut?
Ss cut but it doesnt fit his headsize
He's trying to look like a tooth brush
He's been involved in white nationalism for a long time. He's an organizer, pro-white, and bookish individual. I'm glad he's redpilled, and reaches out to the smaller and lesser known activists. He seems to be good for the movement in that he isn't the "nazi skinhead" type of character that haunts us even today. However, he's not an eloquent speaker. He doesn't do well with interviews, and I can see he falls for their loaded questions and their traps. He also hovers dangerously in left-wing territory. He fails to condemn homosexuality in white people, and even cited Karl Marx in a tweet. However accurate the tweet may have been, he should still be very careful when citing the founder of communism. He could said that from a National-Socialist perspective.
Overall, he's ight, not ideal though. He's 39 and only has one child, which is definitely not adequate for white population growth.
he's a shill. I agree with him on some things but hes a socialist and a shitty public speaker
What did he mean by this
Give 3 cliffs on why he sucks at speaking, i dont want to watch that crap
He's a stupid dildo with a Jew wife and Jew friends who advocates white identity.
It's an extremely transparent kind of scam he's running.
Be a jew, be a redneck, be a nigger, be whatever, but be genuine.
Don't try to be something you are not, or try to trick other people into going along with it. That's just shitty behavior.
>He's too much of a cuck to name the Jew
I think he has talked about Jewish influence before.
>Once we have someone who's an inspiring speaker and has the ability to wet panties doing it we'll be in business.
I dunno about inspiring speaker but he can actually do the second bit
I don't think he considers himself or wants to be a leader of the Alt Right anyway. He says he's just riding the wave. I've read a piece where Spencer said his ideal position was to be some kind of Culture Minister in the white ethnostate.
He's got some pretty volkisch views on race, he spent some time in Germany years ago with far-right groups there and has done lots of reading on these kinds of topics.
Doomed fool. He is doomed to fail because of public perception, he is a fool because he either realizes this and continues on or is just completely oblivious ( I refuse to believe this given the fact he is very good at articulating his points in my opinion).
The irony
here's to (((you)))
He's a bit of a sperg, but he gets out there.
He gets on the television and does his thing. He says some pretty funny shit sometimes
>I'm trying to expand white privilage
>The egyptians were not black
>Hillary clinton wants all of us living in a global marketing, at home, watching porn, wearing virtual reality goggles, and drinking beer
He's not perfect. But he's out there. I like him.
I'm mostly just indifferent to him, but now that he's dragging the civil war monument debate into his shit, I'm starting to hate him. Anyone who tries to politicize a serious part of our history is doing something wrong.
>fails to condemn homosexuality
He actually said that "Homos don't reproduce, they recruit", and also said that the homosexual lifestyle is obviously far darker and degenerate than the media portrays.
I thought he sounded somewhat redpilled on the topic while talking about Milo.
>doomed to fail
It's all marketing. He could re-brand himself easily.
His head is weird, I think it is a dianosable medical condition?
>be literally alt-right incarnate
>"NOT my leader what he says doesn't matter!!"
>be a crazy bomber man who blames a world religion for his actions
>"it's OBVIOUSLY islam!! he even said so himself!"
I know, look at this weird head. So strange, isn't it my shilly friendies?
i think that he's a reject from the left. he agrees with everything the average lefty does up until race and immigration; big gub, tax and spend, regulate everything.
this is wider leftists-alinskian tactics. identitariansm and big gub have been the driving philosophy of the left for decades, but identitarians is necesarilly exclusive. the still canabalise themselves now obvsiously, but the *whites* faction was definitely the first to go.
the leftist media dictates the narrative, so by default, as "not left" white sups must be right.
so i think the dems have just thrown off guys like him perhaps even with the intent of them burrowing into the right. "accuse your enemy of what you are" essentially.
big-gov, identity politics, state controls, socialism. the left, just white.
>a fucking tiki torch
I'm in entertainment and sometimes feel like I could make some noise in this movement but you people would find out about my half jewish girlfriend and that would be that.
So she's gotta go before I would ever allow myself to be doxxed
He has conservative social values though... Sort of.
He's a useful idiot the media built up so they could attack Trump and the right. Same with David Duke.
Same here.
I said that I supported Trump on social media once and received a shit storm of hate. I kinda want to brand my entertainment towards alt-rightish-tier demographic, but I don't know how to do that correctly.
Alex Jones said the most important thing to do in this culture war is to create new culture that is against the globalist movement. I agree with him.
He's a nerd with bitch tits. Fuck his shitty trendy fucking haircut, and attire. Him and PJW with their conservatism is the new punk rock, cringe shit. Nerdy opportunist alt-right hipster fags, imo. Still better than SJW and Antifa, but not by much, as they are posers imo.
I didn't know that. I never thought he "liked" homosexuality, but you know, gotta be cautious when you're involved with this new right-wing cultural stuff.
eh.. i just don't see him practicing it though.
imo the dock worker with 4 kids and a union membership is usually more conservative.
i could see spencer being anti-guns, anti-property rights, when it comes to non-whites.
PJW is actually a major asset to any type of right-wing politics. That dude redpills normies at an insane rate. Look at his "Dear black people" video. Fucking insane.
I'm not sure how much of an asset Richard Spencer has been. He's definitely softened me up to white-nationalist ideas, but he has probably turned off a lot of other people.
>i could see spencer being anti-guns, anti-property rights, when it comes to non-whites
If so, who cares? Go back to the national review, you libertarian faggot. Fuck off.
Oh I'm fully out as a Trump supporter, and that has got me a lot of attention both good and bad. But I'm vaguely concealing my true power level, a lot of my Trump fans are onto me and at least one lefty Jew knows what's going on.
Yeah if you look up that video where he talks about Milo, he goes into some anti-homo rants.
I also hate how these sneaky little cockroaches are trying to infiltrate the new-right and implement the acceptance of faggotry. It needs to be stomped out.
One of the only problems I have with Trump is his pandering to the faggot community.
Some of his views are alright, but he's a sloppy pussy. Needs to work out, and learn how to fight.
>the only problem i have with the worst president of all time is that he doesnt care enough about how adult men use their wee wees
So this is the power of conservatives...
why are americans always lying about Richard ?
meant for
If you haven't been following Spencer since at least his arrest in Hungary in 2014, y'all are late to the party and bought into the media's spin with heilgate.
I had just decided to stay a-political because politics/religion are extremely divisive. People know that I support Trump, but I rarely voice it on social media.
But now there is opportunity to market entertainment towards the alt-right/new-right demographic. There is little to no music/art being made that targets that demographic. It's just sitting there waiting to be capitalized on (not saying that in an opportunist way, I just think more entertainers should make right-wing culture)
What kind of entertainment are you involved in? Music/art/acting?
go back to north korea. theyve got all your favourite nat-soc pillars there. i like the state's republic model. nat-soz is just monarchy, with extra steps.
>All homos are pedos
>they recruit through rape
Trump is doing great.
What are you doing here?
Do you think the majority of Sup Forums gives a fuck about your pedophilia and weed? Seriously. There are plenty of places to go on the internet for you to go. Quit shitting up this thread, faggot.
I unironically think there is some sort of anti-Richard shilling operation here.
I mean, it is just ridiculous. ANY thread about Spencer instantly has 5 responses posting pictures of him with bitch tits, lying about things he's said, and calling him a "CIA shill".
It's just...weird.
kill the pedos, stop poisoning the water, and the gays will simply disappear.
theyre not natural, they're nutured. that is why homosexuality is presently becoming more and more common. there are environmental factors that we should reverse.
obama DoJ didnt police pedophelia, and the EPA hasn't done anything to reduce mercury or progestrogen in the water.
that's all there is too it.
I agree. I genuinely think this board has been compromised. Alex Jones and Milo yiawhateverthefuck gets nothing but praise. But ANY actual white nationalist activist gets attacked.
I wonder who could stand to benefit from this?
He is the closest thing to a modern GLR.
But I don't agree with his "all whites are equal" rhetoric,
but that is probably because European and American definitions for race are different.
im not a libertarian you retarded larper.
plebbit wondering what opinion to adopt.
>Learning how to fight is essential for political speakers and politicians
Controlled opposition/government agent. Friendly with Jews, here he is with (((Paul Gottfried)))
Honestly if I told you, it would be well on my way to doxxing myself since I'm one of only a small handful of people who support trump in my field and probably the only one with a half jew girlfriend.
Sup Forums archive must be so full of these concern troll threads
He does his best. Word on the grapevine is that he's about to get some Sup Forumslackup from someone else.
Nice pair of tits.
He's right, hiswife (((Nina))) is also friendly with Jew "Russian" Bolshevik, (((Alex Dugin))), who hates Ukranians.
David Duke is another shill.
He has bigger tits than my gf
Maybe that's what I find frustrating. He obviously knows about the JQ but is reluctant to talk about it openly.
I'm not slamming him, he's very useful and a valuable asset. He's free to go about this however he wants. And who am I to judge? He's the one getting punched and having his mother's house protested while I'm too much of a pussy to post anything with my actual name attached.
He also believes that the holocaust happened read his interview with Haaretz
I don't hate him at all, I think he is a net positive. His podcasts just put me to sleep is all so I never listen to or watch his stuff unless he's trolling university students irl or something.
His controlled-opposition, just like many of these e-celebs with fishy or Jewish backgrounds that popped out of nowhere.
He leaned too hard on the nebulous paneuro white shit. Lost his way, no redemption possible
Attention whore, I'm afraid.
>He's just the only one with the financial means and the balls to have his name exposed.
Deserves to hang for TREASON
>white nationalist
>believes that the holocaust happened
Pick one
>popped out of nowhere
Pull your head out of the sand, please.
Someone make his hair a piece of carpet.
yes clearly the Confederates weren't proper white nationalists because they hadn't heard of Adolf Hitler yet, who we all know invented racism.
I mean, maybe your country wouldn't have been occupied for 800 years if your political speakers knew how to fight. kys nigger
In a marginalized political scene like White Nationalism, folks need to be able to back their shit up.
>our movement
time to go
Spencer also lives near Langley, CIA HQ.
Confederate leadership were freemasons, which has roots in the Kabbalah. I don't like the leadership nor agree with Jews/nigs who want to tear down their statues as its part of their history.
I like him but whenever I see him I think of this. A true leader can never carry this baggage and expect to be successful. We need new leadership.
Cool guy who constantly gets attacked by (((shills))) on this board.
Richard Spencer is based af
he's everything Sup Forums should be:
not afraid to confront leftists
supports Trump
the only people I've seen hate on him are jews or shills on Sup Forums
>Everything Sup Forums should be
>Supports Trump
>the only people I've seen hate on him are jews or shills on Sup Forums
Trump is just a kosher nationalist surrounded by Jews (all his kids who are married are married to Jews).
No "movement" on Sup Forums will ever "hit the mainstream." Sup Forums is and always will be the antithesis of mainstream. If something on Sup Forums goes mainstream Sup Forums will move past it to the next anti-movement
Did you see how fast he jump off your fibre Trump train during Syria bombing?
Guess he is not "Fuhkin based" now for insulting God Emprah, or it's another 4d chess...
Fucking retard...
He's a fatass with a stupid haircut. Also a dumbass. Also controlled opposition.
>supports Trump
He jumped off the Trump train the moment Kushner became the shadow president.
You mean when Trump first started announcing his run? It was all a sham, not like voting matters in the US, all picks are kosher and approved by the Jew.
Paul Gottfried is a paleo-con isnt he?