NY Terrorist confirmed the work of Christian Spic

RICHARD ROJAS has been arrested by NYPD as the driver of the car who ran down and killed one, injured around 13 at Times Square, New York City.


The question thus arise, why are Christians so violent and barbaric, Sup Forums ? Is it there genetics or just the violent passages in the Bible ?

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Christians show remorse, they dont double down by raping and dismembering the corpse

Sage in every field while your sisters are getting ravaged in the bavarian fields by browns

He was a muslim convert


I'm from the usa, i dont factor lesser peoples into my logic. you wouldnt understand that.

Why would you post something like this?


Hey Muhammad keep in mind that some hispanic people looks like camel jockeys and have some sympathy for islamic extremism causes (mostly the brainwashed guys).

I'm hungry now


>I don't factor in lesser people

Factor yourself out then, faggot. Your (((country))) has bombed and murdered millions in cold blood with the will of the American people with their retarded "MUH military, MUH flag" rhetoric. And then you come and spread bullshit like "Oh my, the Christians are remorsful and peaceful, please don't criticize Christians REEE". Gas yourself.

Quit being a cunt

Why is it not safe for Europeans to immigrate to the Levant?

I knew he'd turn out to be white.

for me to stroke my dick 2

why not?

fuck off to reddit newfag

those are mara salvatrucha from el salvador

Latino Islam is huge, google it if you don't believe me, they also tend to not change their last names when converting over to Islam.

Prislam is also one of the reasons as well.


Had to google it, but it makes perfect sense. Islam always go after troubled youth, that's why they do so well with recruitment.

>butthurt muslim living in Germany

Explode yourself, Mahmoud.

Weak bait OP but it absolutely had nothing to do with him being Christian.

You're just mad that you can't walk outside your house and not have to worry about getting ran over by the Truck Of Peace.

> It absolutely had nothing to do with him being Christian.
>What is no true Scotsman

Also topkek, Burger worrying about Trucks of peace when a shooting happens in the Retarded States of Muhrica every single day

>L..Latino Muslims exist too!

Fuck off faggots, most of that scum is Christian.

>Roach is mad

The largest growing community of Islam here are latinos. Bajana sikteem.

>What is no true Scotsman

That's not what no true scotsman means. He would have had to carried out this attack in the name of Christianity for no true scotsman to even be relevant.

> TFW no QT midget T H I C C Muslim Latino Waifu
> Why even live

>Less than 1% of religious hispanics are non Christian
>mfw an American is more retarded than the memes

Lets not forget the airport attack in Florida either, remember that? Happened in Fort Lauderdale, his name was Esteban Santiago. Well he too was inspired by ISIS and was by friends to have even converted to Islam. You muslims are so easy to pick on because you bring this shit to yourselves and blame others. Take responsibility faggots.