You heard me Data, set a course for a Star Trek thread.
You heard me Data, set a course for a Star Trek thread
Shit wrong board. Sorry
Sup Forums
Alien vessel
you have violated the NAP
Only the Chancellor knows how to delete material from the Archive fellow Trekker!
You know that this is the violation of the Prime Directive, OP?
I used to love Star Trek but now I feel like it has helped to cloud the waters of our political debate.
Too many left wing people think it is a left wing fantasy.
>left wing fantasy
cuck show for nu-males
OP is a faggot
This is the best star trek show since TNG
Do you think we'll ever develop real warp drive, Sup Forums?
Fuck star trek
Chandler is a naive idiot and has no business being in charge of a naval vessel.
i know the earth is flat but i still love me some star trek. voyager is good when you are on painkillers.
Q is the only saving grace
he challenges the ideas of the "liberal paradise" and points out humanities hypocrisy.
I recommend photon torpedoes, full spread
Pol is getting too mainstream. I had no idea this show existed until today
No it's not
Going where no white man is allowed