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this guy and all of his followers are the lowest of humanity
White. What a surprise.
Do you "LE EPIC BASED TRUCK OF PEACE! BASED ISLAM BROS" retards feel stupid yet?
There is no threat from Islam to anyone in the Anglosphere. MAYBE Europe can be said to have problems, not us. We have problems with home-grown terrorists; typically white supremacists like our very own stormweenies, or /r9k/-type misogynists like Elliot Rodgers.
Kys my man
fake news
not sure if satire or just another australian cuck
>Overwatch and SAO
what did he mean by this?
No fucking way. Cx
Bascially this. Your daughter or son is 10x more likly to die from some lonely and depressed, and broken white male than the islam boogey man. Like how stupid are you people. How do you not see that 9/11 was an inside job.
He's white
fake gay
Literally who?
Time to stop. These fucking koala fuckers need to know their place.
this is fake dumbass. he's a twitch streamer or some shit.
Real driver was some drunk beaner
Image of the driver being arrested
Making shit up again are you?
Paul Denino is a livestreamer who recently was streaming while waiting for a plane at the airport, and then midflight someone swatted him. Thus when the plane landed he and his girlfriend were arrested and interrogated about a bomb threat for a few hours.
2 second google : twitch streamer
> vechile
Typo in headline. Try harder OP
>"NYC terrorist"
>this is what classifies as white in america
Lick my boot yank scum
anglosphere is the primary target the empire cut up their lands and plundered them for the lolz and america bombed them
anglos have had arabs under the boot for 100s of years
He's not white haha
Ice is funny and all the unfortunate shit that happens to him is underserved, also fake and hope you get banned
is this retard still banned on twitch ?
Icepusseidon didn't do it. You fucking retards fall for anything.
Learn2google and stop shitting this board up.
Classic Paul Dano
Actual driver was Richard ROJAS
fucking ICE POSIDON!!!!!!!
I think he's funny too and I can't stand streamers. Dudes extremely nice to the autists who are obsessed with him. It's hard not to like people who are kind to their fans.
>people on here don't know who ice is
Italy is invading America!
Not anymore
>instead of being at risk to just the white male, lets import shitskins to up the risk even higher
I remember watching this guy, what a retarded man
Richard Rojas
Yeah dude, he even gets rides from these fucking weirdos like that Asian with pink hair. I don't watch him much anymore since I got a job and started college but I heard his story how is flight got SWATTED
It was drunk dude trying to escape the police after a robbery
His last words were reportedly "what's your combat level? I'll kick your ass!"
>Giving a fuck about e-celebs
I'm sorry you have no friends.
I think you mean Jewish.
>i'm sorry you have no friends
>projecting this hard
Why are you trying to act cool britbong when you are on the same level as he is browsing Sup Forums.
classic paul denino!
Classic meme
no he isn't and neither are you Mehmet
*looks at flag*
*sees Australia*
*realizes its a troll*
>no one else noticed this
Sup Forums is truly illiterate lmao
Australian banter/trolling is still superior to maple syrup
jesus christ, that thing is fucking unbelievable. how does he eat any pussy?
The Bronx man who is accused of driving a sedan into a busy crowd in Times Square, killing one person and injuring 22 others, has been identified as Richard Rojas
WALL ?!! WHERE IS !!????!
He doesn't. He uses his nose.
t. Muslim Internet defense force
I have CONFIRMATION it was a white supremacist. This is Amerikkka now. fuck drumpf and fuck white people
With his nose his the girls anus
>Your daughter or son is 10x more likely to die from some deranged and drugged, and angry black male than anyone else.
Put that into reality for you.
is that a spic or a mudshit? i aint seen enough mexicans to learn the difference?
In this pic the nazi had already disguised himself.
It's brown. All you need to know really.
What the fuck is going on here?
>Select all the images of cars
He drives
obviously a Hillary Supporter
Black lives matter?
nice that image has teh plates for anyone that was looking
if its a spic what is he doing in new york? i thought mexicans stayed away from the 13 colony areas?
Found this picture of his accomplice
even this autist found the sarcasm in your post. I hope.
>i thought mexicans stayed away from the 13 colony areas?
That was the idea but the muricans had to break the NAP with their betrayal at the alamo.
t. Mossad
dude sort yourself out
Ice Poseidon? What the fuck?
Cx in the thread
Light skin does not equate to white.
awwwww shiiieeeeeeeeet the nigga be floatin using mexican voodoo
enza would be proud
> Overwatch and SAO
Time to ban these games
top kek
Reports are coming that it's Sam Hyde in black face
Why is there an Israel flag on the vehicle on the left?
north america belongs to the whites,central and south america belongs to spaniards
that is a fair deal...also you lost the war you should of fought harder m8
>if its a spic what is he doing in new york?
There's plenty of spics in NYC, Caribbean spics and central American ones
No, it says NYPD on the side.
what car thing homie
Richest man in East LA
fugg :DDD
there goes the plan of retaking the colonies lol
Sup Forums takes all types quite literally.
pretty much every person I know who can name drop streamers and youtubers is a low energy dude who has yet to sort his life out.
looks just like him
Here's a photo he took hours before the rampage
I can confirm this
t. anonymous source