Publisher of VNN wants to be called "Alexia" from now on!
Says "her" new gender changes nothing about the truths contained in "her" work or the struggles whites must face going into the future.
Fuck this shit!
Publisher of VNN wants to be called "Alexia" from now on!
Says "her" new gender changes nothing about the truths contained in "her" work or the struggles whites must face going into the future.
Fuck this shit!
archived source other then tweet?
last pic looks like a fatten uped christ chan and the tweet source doesn't look very objective. Also the neck hasn't been well photoshoped.
1/10, you tried
Wow what a based tranny! Sure shows those racist, sexist, transphobe democrats huh pedes.
>Oct 26
Fake and gay
>tmw whites are so desperate to secure the future of white children, they are turning thenselves into women to try to bear children
Looks real to me dude, I knew he was Jewish but I didn't think he was this much of a freak.
He always said he had a girlfriend and a kid but never produced any evidence. He was living in denial.
>He always said he had a girlfriend and a kid but never produced any evidence. He was living in denial.
Just like me :D
Doesn't anybody know who this fucker is?
I'm going to bump this until it becomes a reality
lmao someone should meme him on one of those before and after Sup Forums memes and have a third slot where you become a trap.
Top Kek
>b-but I heard 6 million died in the holocaust!
Normies swallow 6 gorillion because they never critically examine such a grisly topic, believing (((Hollywood))) and Allied history is 100% factual
>b-but what about the Nuremberg trials! Some Nazis admitted war crimes, so it must be true Hitler had a Final Solution to kill all the Jews!
Rudolph Hoess confessed 25 million were killed at Aushwitz, does that sound believable? Allies tortured German POWs. At Dachau Nazis had their testicles kicked in and crushed beyond repair
At Auschwitz, (((Soviets))) said 4 million died in gas chambers. Today, the death toll sits at 1.1 million (from ALL causes), though still grossly inflated going by Red Cross reports
>Auschwitz - Why The Gas Chambers Are A Myth:
>b-but it wasn't just Auschwitz!
At Majdanek, (((Soviets))) said 2 million were killed in gas chambers.
Now they say The Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth:
>b-but the Reinhard death camps: Treblinka, Sobibor, and Belzec!
There is little to support the claim that tens of thousands, let alone 1.3 MILLION died
>1/3rd of the Holocaust (debunked):
>b-but Nazis made lampshades out of tattooed Jewish inmates!
The lampshade myth comes from a propaganda film made to de-Nazify Germany by a US Psych Warfare unit
>Buchenwald: A Dumb Dumb Portrayal of Evil:
>b-but I've seen Steven Spielberg's Survivors of the Shoah!
Watch the following
>The Last Days of the Big Lie
>o-ok, let's suppose you're right. Why does it matter?!
It matters because no one can criticize the Jews without being labeled an anti-semite. Denial is ILLEGAL in 20 countries
>The JQ:
lets have a spiderman thread
Sup Forums in human form
also checked and caped
Notice how the only photo that exists where he is smiling is the one where he is finally being true to himself and had made his body in line with his true gender!
This guy looks like a Kike with a capital K.
This would be funny and all, and Linder is most likely a crypto-jew, but I'm pretty sure the last pic is only a random hon from susan's forum.
t. femboy on preservatives who has seen that hon pic floating around for years
Who the fuck is he even supposed to be??
"Linder" is not an uncommon Jewish name by the way. That would explain this crazy transgender shit. Maybe it was a Jewish plot to discredit white nationalism from the beginning?
Mate he was like the most prolific Nazi on the interwebs circa 2002
lmao this fuckin guy was probably a fed all along somthing always felt off about him .
I'm not usually one to accuse someone of being a jew just because there is something slightly off about their looks, but this guy gives even me strong Jew vibes.
Just goes to show that pharma's drugs can make you smile even after they literally chop your dick off.
Yeah I know, 85% of Turks look whiter than he does.
but really the shoop is bad, one can see it without going into indepth analysis
He got some kind of autoimmune disease a few years ago that is generally only found in Jews. Makes you think that sort of thing...
I didn't alter that image at all, I have zero Photoshop skills. Besides isn't that program like $800 or something?
Why does spiderman have a 6 legged spider logo?
if the gender change changes nothing about what she deems the most important inner parts of her then why bother changing genders? i love how transpeople scream about how unimportant physical sex organs are and how those parts dont define them or their sexuality.. and then go have an op to get the parts so they can define themselves KEK
They are mentally ill people. The suicide rate post surgery is just as high as it is before they get their balls cut off so it really doesn't improve their lives at all.
This needs to be the top result for a google search of Alex Linder