They havent done anything wrong, and are cute as hell. Whats not to like?
How do you feel about Native Brazilians like Kuruminha, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
There isn't enough Zyklon-B to go around
They aren't cute though
Usually have fridge bodies
delete these threads
say that to my face not online see what happens
uma delicia
but thats a white girl
Why did Iberians replace these with niggers?
Who the fuck is this thot?
>native brazilian
>not white
>haven't done anything wrong
Their very existence is an affront to nature.
>tfw could have been born blonde but my father had a thing for kuruminhas and now Im a half breed
Thanks dad.
they havent done anything wrong, we could tolerate their existence ezpz
We had this thread yesterday...
Option A: Its a bot
Option B: Its a slide thread
Option C: A burger thristy for (you)'s that uses the same formula that worked before
Lock in your votes
Since it plays right into my fetishes (haircut, facepaint and skin) I'll give the thread a reply either way.
Option C is imo the most likely btw
my friend sent me kuruminha and explained to me what she was, so i was curious what Sup Forums thought about them, as they did nothing wrong. i didnt know there was just a thread on her.
Have another one then
>Native Brazilians
do they all look like the natgeo african niggers with under-inflated-water-balloon-nailed-to-wall tits, shit-and-mud-caked hair, and dirt covering their entire bodies?
my guess is yes
ok now post actual natives and not some made-up attentionwhore on a photoshoot
send nudes
But I bet their parents are happily married broken home billy. I bet their mothers didnt file for divorce like yours.
>projecting this hard
If it has brown eyes it's not human. it's a fucking animal. If you're sexually attracted to it then you're into bestiality.
Where do I get a monkey gf?
It is your fault. It isn't too late to abort your child.
If your dad didn't fuck your mum at the moment he did, you wouldn't exist.
Here's the truth;
Give her a shoelace and she'll let you fuck her.
Give her 1 shoe and you can marry her.
I'd keep her as a side fuck and extend my white genes further with a white wife, but sure sex slave seems fitting for a shitskin
The funny thing is that Kuruminha would not be what native brazilian men call cute. She would be considered too skinny.
Africa. In Brazil you can't date monkeys, it's crime.
I bet native brazilians are cuter than native americans.
ill give her 2 shoes so she can be my side hoe for a few decades while i marry a white woman
ill give her 4 shoes
We were pretty shitty to them, and they aren't invasive, so I guess
;-; kuruminha best they dont know what theyre talking about.
and yes they are much better than other natives
any cute Kuruminhas with dicks?
kill this thread now before this becomes a thing
that bitch is white as fuck genetically
let it be a thing
Spot the sudaca
I like all the natives, they protect the Earth instead of destroying it
you are posting white Brazilians with makeup
I like the natives. They are qt
Too bad non-native brazilians look like fucking apes. Upsets me to know such a qt race is being lost like that.
The cute ones are either 'white' Brazilians larping or underage. Tribal life is hard and they turn into fridge-bod lumps of gristle with saggy tits and feet tougher than croc hide before they hit 20, same with the Himba and all the other native qts you want to colonise.
Do they tuck their foreskin into their belts?
To be fair that bitch has more testosterone flowing through her than a 16 year old boy.
You really like this girl.
100% native
Does anyone know this specific girl's name?
what about this one?
Ugly as fuck. Disgusting hair colour
Fuck Brazil and fuck Kuruminha people.
She's whiter than you :^)
Leticia Evaristo
ah yes, the hourly kike shill "how do you feel about [ETHNIC GROUP], Sup Forums" thread.
anyone darker than pic related is a filthy degenerate nigger
Nothing. Leave them alone. They live in harmony with nature and in contact with their ancestral Ayahuasca gods. That's the way we humans are supposed to live, not this materialistic, consumerist, concrete hell hive.
bitch on the left looks like she took too much of the Bog pill
why did iberians replace them with iberians. spaniards are ugly subhumans compared to amerindians
t. Muhammad Goebbels
100% natty!
Post the group pictures.
Please post your porn in Sup Forums or /s/
Obviously not. Our natives are mongoloids
can we really blame dagos for spawning huetopia?
sopa de macaco gains
You're a fag
Having a side slut is degenerate.
Chastity is a virtue
Moar or sauce pls
give sauce or your mom dies in her sleep tonight
if you don't want to fuck with OP pic you are probably a faggot or a cuck or even one of those pathetic virgins who spend most of their day humping a cartoon pillow...i just had to tell the truth...nothing personal
>t. Mohammed
by American standards maybe
I can't remember m8
May your mom rest in piece
Porn star with face painted.
She has European facial features, all that makes her different is her skin tone.
Stop fetishizing other races monkey.
I'm your mom
>She's whiter than you :^)
Don't forget more human
Would plow bhole relentlessly
Brown titties best tittes
Savages but I never interact with them so they don't bother me.
Probably not the worst people in Brazil.
Not going to lie... I am getting the jungle fever for some native ass.
thought that was bat for lashes for a second
pretty qt
If you think this is average native, you can't be more wrong, fellow burgerbro.
Then what does the average native look like friendo