>be me >try to renew the cucked toy industry by making real fighting action figures great again> knights and dragons>Stop letting your boys play with barbiedolls> feedback Sup Forums?
Let boys be boys
Actually not bad at all. Make a little story and more action scenes that look less cringy and you can catch some investors eye.
Not really politics but those are pretty cool user
well we can agree that we are emasculating our boys on a young age right, there is a battle to be fought there in my opinion
>think this was gonna be stupid shitposting
>mfw I would have went crazy for these as a kid
Damn I can see all the different styles and shit already
Almost all toy inventors get fucked for failing to secure the correct patents. Its cheap, do it now.
Two types of knight would be good. Have hand wars with friends.
got the concept patented, i wouldnt show it off without it
Just make a bunch of lore so you can resell the same knight designs with different paint.
Then afterwards you can licence the whole thing out to Disney for the star wars cashout
Did you get the international patent?
Also there needs to be some kind of mat that comes with it to play on
I have a whole line of characters ready to go. knight monsters etc.
Jedi hand knights
I think your toys kind of sucks, but nice feminine hands.
Or come with a case.
Thisthisthis. Please patent this, this website is observed by millions. including very rich people that will just make a shite prototype and patent it, themselves. You have made it very public, it is now a race against time. God's speed, user.
>if you want my ideas because my mind is lighting up; this shit is so cool.
Animals, like big cats or bears (middle finger head, and claw fingers on each side)
Weird ass monsters, multiple heads and shit since 2 fingers aren't really being used
i have a dutch patent wich gives me one year right to get it globally patented without losing the rights, so i got time.
These are legit great. We've just had a son literally a couple of weeks old. Keep us updated user I'll definitely pick these up!!!
I really like it
Oh nice, good luck then
That's very cool user. I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors
Really cute and cool, clever and attractive too.
My 2yo son knows the difference between boy and girl toys. Did i win?
He likes cars, trucks, trains and airplanes
yes! i am getting no help from toy companys so i may need to go solo for now, ill probably go crowdfund in a short while, need to get the 3D printing going.
The carving is pretty rudimentary, but with more detailed and interesting designs these could be pretty cool.
that's cute user
This is make believe levels of autism.
Kids should be beating each other up with regular sized sticks.
Alright man, just a warning tho, Erno Rubik only got the Iranian patent and now Hasbro sells his cube globally with his name on it.
If you posted that here before applying for a patent, you're an idiot, OP.
I would have loved this as a kid. But the internet is everywhere now, and everybody, even kids have smart phones. Kids are little faggots now. My little cousin just plays with a fucking tablet instead of real toys. It's sick.
Look to sell in poor places. idk, eastern europe or something
Not OP, but just filed.
t. HasBRO
My wife just watched your videos as well and loved them. Really looking forward to putting a bit of cash behind you mate.
Good that you've done the knight vs the dragon,
Now you just need to do one for the father that you have to save from the underworld
Maybe do some SJWs that you have to slay, though I don't think the damn bloody neo-marxists would let you
It's no joke!
Those look fun as fuck, and probably help with dexterity too.
Also love the plain/stained wood aesthetic. Good luck OP.
He's the passenger
He thinks he's the prostitute getting picked up
>trains and airplanes
He imagines himself as the stewardess
Your son gay, son. Get him a bow and some arrows for a few months I'm sure the symptoms will subside
that's fucking dope. obviously the actual toys should be more polished when they hit market but the concept is sick
no idea how well they'll sell though, do kids even play with toys anymore?
What are you going to do regarding health and safety? What will the rings be made of to avoid fingers getting trapped, brusing/rashes etc?
Draw up plans for cheap production (units [like a knight set] must be $20 or less) and start a kickstarter ir gofundme and Ill donate to it.
Kids don't fucking play with 1800's era hand whittled toys anymore. They're not clamoring for fucking wood trains and dollies anymore.
They just ask for tablets and smartphones and watch whatever shitbird youtuber their friends told them about.
Im 24 and i want these.
You better patent these so the jews dont get to it.
Some jewy investors will tell you "they can swallow the small parts" just scream back "thats why i dont support LEGO, do you?"
But seriously. Ill buy me a set and a set for my son and there you go, good father son quality time without any jewish intervention with girly toys.
Unironically cute.
Especially the little knight.
Yeah, that's pretty dope. I would've played with that when I was a kid. I didnt play with action figures or anything because they were boring. Puppetry and more animated things like that were my jam though.
For everyone, yes i got a patent, and if you like what you see and want to help out, ill be doing a crowdfund pretty soon ill probably post on Sup Forums again. also you can check my youtube for daily updates. god bless
You have a small understanding for how children age
And have a colorful prototype.
When I was a kid, every kid ran around with toy guns and "shot" at each other, every kid had gi joes or similar and a billion plastic green army men and we played mortal kombat and lethal enforcer while watching the dirty dozen and die hard. Now adays kids are told if they make a finger shaped like a pistol they are mentally ill and teachers call social services. Fuck these pieces of shit lefty pussies
pretty cute :3
When you repost it, maybe drop a thread on /tg/, too. Knight and dragon finger puppets is a bizzare enough concept that I think they'd be down with immediately.
>bow and arrow
Now he thinks hes being hunted by elites thanks bitch
Nahh hes good he aint gay.
I thought it was retarded at first, but it actually looks great in the videos. Good luck OP
A child young enough to enjoy these won't even understand what they are and they'd be a major choking hazard.
This fag has the idea
Free and it builds character.
favoret toy as when i was a wee lad
fucking army men
shit was great. Forced me use imagination to make the most violent wars my child mind could think of which made it so much fun
This is really cool user I'm not gonna lie good fuckin job
This is actually a really neat idea good luck OP
Lol on a sidenote, I just realized it's like Tech Decks for larp faggots
Heh, kinda cool
This is great!!!! would buy a lot of these for my kids or for me. I already thought of wooden swords (pic related) but your toy ideas are very inspired. liking them
I really love that
You say that but the current toy fad is a piece of plastic on a bearing
wooden toys suck man
it's nerf or nothin, until computer games
congratulations mate!
Love it.
Have you thought about the packaging design for it? You're going to need a nice presentation for this idea. I've done package work for toys.
Pretty cool user, good work
Looks bretty cool, don't skimp on your kickstarter vid
keep it up user
my son set up elaborate battlefields on a train layout. He would cut the legs off some, paint the stumps red. Put tiny bandages on some.
he's a lawyer now lol
THIS. This perfectly explains why I want them so bad. Not even ashamed. Also, obviously if this gets off the ground they can be mass produced using safer plastic moulds, they don't have to be wood forever.
you just posted this on a site that gets millions of visitors every day.
that said, I could see kids liking this stuff. as has been said, different styles. DIFFERENT WEAPONS are bigly important. the biggest thing I remember as a kid was that the viral toys were ones that we created a trading economy around. anyone else remember those plastic monster things that you used to set up in formation and flick at each other? basically, make em colorful, make some better than others, create an economy of trade within them. bam. millionaire.
Fidget spinners is were it's at you faggot. For fucks sakes is 2017 n shit
Show this to /toy/ I think they would love it.
Now go bump a seth rich thread.
Very cool, user.
I have a patent, no worrys bro
>mass produced using safer plastic moulds
looses all it's charm
i don't think anyone would donate on a kickstarter if it's from plastic
>They're not clamoring for fucking wood trains and dollies anymore.
You clearly don't have kids.
Mine just must not be retarded, sorry.
Cheers man :) He's hale and strong so I can't really ask for much more!
You could easily produce these with in large quantity with plastic injection molding, would be fairly cheap to make the molds too if you had an initial investor
Today OP was not a faggot
>be you
>don't know how to greentext
>shill your toys on the internet
This is the most positive and uplifting thread on Sup Forums since Nov. 8th
What do you expect, we live in a world where apple actually did this
I think the best thing you could do with this is make a bunch off of already well known figures. Spiderman or Batman or some shit. Fin from Adventure Time, I dunno what kids like these days, but I know people will always have idols.
Do it with fucking Ninja Turtles
Thirty four years old here, if i'd had those as a kid it would have been a good fucking time.
God damn, what a good idea.
Please bring this to market. Just married the wife, kids are coming soon. I need to give them these.
The wooden models look cool af
Are you into 3d printing for prototyping? That's far easier than remaking the whole figure if you want to make minor changes.
also, first request for a white cop / nigger thug fingerfighter
I'd play with these.
I will post within the next week on Sup Forums to show more and get a crowdfund going. check my youtube for daily updates
>was expecting complete shit
>all rings on, crusader action happens
I'll throw money at a crowdfund for this. Like others said you could have a bunch of different colors and styles.
You should make a thread on if you haven't already.
would be pretty simple to make a design in a cad tool, then get the dimensions transfered to a PIM cast company and mill that out, very low tolerances too
Fucking good luck mate, really hope you will succeed.
Don't ignore what the other said: get someone to shoot a nice video of it, SFX, backgrounds, different color schemes on the fighting knights. A failed first crowdfund will drop heavy on your project's chances
I know. I'm passionate about that shit.
I tried some different printers and by far, the best results came with the models printing with resin, like the KingdomDeath miniatures.
Hiring some Zbrush modelists once the product gets off the ground is something I'd do.
android too
I hope you do something with it. The problem is that goys don't think for themselves anymore and they think "imagination" is like the Grifter. You see kids fucking cry their eyes out if they have no (((electronic device))) in their hand. That's why you know whenever anyone posts a book on instagram they've never actually read it because it requires imagination.
I wish you luck though.
Hope your little faggot kid dies, this toy is bullshit only good for choking your dumb kid to death
thats cute as fuck
wouldnt pay more than $4 for the whole set though senpai
what cad software you using?