MAJOR news sites are calling this the Kremlin.
MAJOR news sites are calling this the Kremlin.
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would anyone 60 years ago have imagined that leftists would be using anti-russia propaganda to push their agenda? oy vey
Holy shit, the hysteria is out of control.
Any delusional leftist buying into this garbage needs to be gassed. Or put into a mental institution at the bare minimum.
The US is corrupt as fuck. The president can't even do anything about this garbage either with the deep state holding on to his balls.
forgot to add haha to the filter
thanks for reminding me
>oh no! Evil trump is letting the Russians take over!!
Fucking disgusting
I cannot believe we're doing this stupid McCarthyism bullshit again
We need to spin the Russians as commies and end this.
McCarthy did literally nothing wrong.
Technically Saint Basil's Cathedral is a part of the Kremlin complex. The Kremlin isn't just a one building, you know.
You better believe, goy.
Glad I could help!!
At least Sen. McCarthy was trying to stop the spread of communism. This shit is accomplishing nothing.
Kennedy was very anti-russian though.
That's not even the Kremlin in the picture.
Always thought this was the kremlin. but hey im not a fucking reporter
It's St Basil's Cathedral
Can they even name one thing trump has done since he became president that in anyway has helped Russia or shows that he is "selling the country out" to Russia? And dont they realize that they are the ones undermining the country? Theyre are the ones making Russia look strong and like they can influence and control any country on a whim?
>Time Magazine covers
it serves to convict trump even further in the court of public opinion and make the united states look week. i dont proscribe to either side of the political spectrum but the left seems to have to qualms with harming america out of pure spite of losing. blinded by hatred.
Is there any chance these people actually believe trump is controlled by russia?
Yes they think everyone is this stupid.
wow fucking phone
>The church has been part of the Moscow Kremlin and Red Square UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1990.[15] It is not actually within the Kremlin, but often served as a visual metonym for Russia in western media throughout the Cold War.
It was clear from 3 years ago this was gonna happen you faggot.
Most of the dumb american normies I know are just on the "Trump is incompetent" stage of the narrative. They repeat the headlines they see from NYT or Gizmodo and giggle to themselves "lol dumb cheeto man gave israeli intel to russia, WOOPS!" and then instantly forget about it 30 seconds later, continue consuming their dumb hollywood garbage, conveniently never notice when the last narrative gets disproven, then repeat the cycle.
Cost a number of people their jobs, a few of whom later successfully sued for libel.
mccarthyism was right
at this point you have to be stupid to not realize this
it IS the Kremlin:
>The church has been part of the Moscow Kremlin and Red Square UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1990.[15] It is not actually within the Kremlin, but often served as a visual metonym for Russia in western media throughout the Cold War
Honestly i dont care whether its actually the kremlin or not
At least they don't call it minaretes like CNN do
It's still a Cathedral
>It is not actually within the Kremlin
So you btfo yourself
Remember when the podesta hack was blamed on russia? and hillary clinton during the debates kept bringing up russia when it had nothing to do with the questions ? for some reason ((they)) want the cold war to continue
>it IS the Kremlin:
>It is not actually within the Kremlin
I knew i shouldn't have loaned my bull to you, he broke both you and your wife
>Racist capitalists are only now against McCarthyism
Hmmm it's almost like there's an ulterior motive or something.
Kremlin looks like a several scoops of icecream.
Like it or not a cold war keeps both countries innovative
He be right wing today.
Good, the more Russian influence, the better. America is incompetent.
>It's Saint Basil's Cathedral
>They have shopped out the crosses to avoid sympathy with Russia
Are Burgers really that stupid?
comedy world
>MAJOR news sites
So major with all that zero credibility and all.
These fucks are giving Russia too much credit. Just like my co-workers that think Russia has miracle weapons that can obliterate anything.
It's too late mate, aren't you getting sleepy, today is very boring day on Sup Forums let's get some sleep
That's the funniest thing about all this. Demofags are the only ones being played. The chaos is exactly what a country like Russia wants, and it's why they do the shit they do, because liberals and left are that fucking stupid they eat all of propaganda up
Why we should do anything if Americans do it themselves?
burger education
two years ago:
>muh frankfurt school destroying the west
>israel is a liability for america
>wtf! stop criticizing russia
>israel is based, we need them
what went wrong?
>Time magazine covers
No one here says any of that except faggot libcucks trying to shill. Jews are still shit and all the muh russia boogeyman shit is distracting people from bigger problems
shilling campaigns actually work, or at the very least they confuse.
Now everyone is calling everyone a shill and there is no cohesive ideological movement.
Because those subverted by Russians think those not subverted by Russia are shills. And the actual shills encourage this to push their narrative.
Thats only one example, but every group has a % of people following it, and to those people all disagreement is shilling. Instead of discussion/debate they just down entirely because it goes against their programming.
The problem is millennials never developed proper reasoning and debate skills. They just shut down and reject all counter views as they were trained to do. It doesnt matter if they are communist or NatSoc, every side has this same flaw. The ACTUAL shills know this and use this to their advantage.
The end result is a confused mess. Where idiots screaming SHILL drown out those intelligent enough to lead or form ideas.
All ideological arguments end in shilling or violence theres no other solutions
McCarthy didn't hunt communists, he threw around baseless accusations. He was hated for being a faggot, not for being anti-communist.
Google is retarded as well then...
But Zhirinovsky said Russians can shift the Earth's gravity and sink Australia.
Cool. Nice seeing the Cross of Jesus at the White House. Better than the Star of David.
>search Kreml in google
>half the pics are the cathedral next to it
>what went wrong?
your brain
> be media
>don't know minarette freom hole in the ground
Right cause we all know communism wasn't present in hollywood and high levels of government.
Ooooh those damn Reds!
sort of, but times have changed a bit.
Instead of the government using positive shilling to inspire the populace into an agenda.
Political rivals use mostly derogatory shilling to confuse, divide, and weaken opposition.
Sup Forums is a good place to witness this because you see multiple groups from American leftists to Kremlin /sg/ shills all attacking Donald Trump, but then also using the opportunity to attack each other.
They share the goal of weakening true Western conservatism/geopolitics but then oppose each other in every other way.
Again this is only one prominent example. You also have Pro-Iranian shills arguing with Pro-Israel shills. etc etc.
All to the same means, using negative shilling to divide support for the other side.
yea look sweety. its not the kremlin. its a famous orthodox church
im not even mad
if USA became russia i would be completely ok with it, i drink vodka and smoke cigarettes all the time anyways, i would fit right in.
Looks like we have a new maymay
yeah, especially when you consider how they've shilled for far more heinous instances of treason and erosion of national sovereignty before
The idiocy of what this empire has chosen to represent it at this stage in its history is being put on display for all to see.
Journey to the end of the tape in the same epic fashion as previous empires.
They're SO DESPERATE for this myth to take hold in the public's mind
>muh Russia
We're talking about Israel kike.
We broke the law, pity us!
They actually shopped out the crosses.
>The problem is millennials never developed proper reasoning and debate skills.
The problem is that only a select few were. That was the entire point of the "gifted children" programs, the honors/AP-level courses -- it segregated the individuals with an understanding of reasoning from the masses with no distinction of whim from wit. It fostered a culture in which knowing how to employ reason in civil debate became the "other" by means of segregation.
uh yeah.... The Basilica (better known as Saint Basil's Cathedral) is not the Kremlin.
>I'm your husband, just not legally.
Another Attack on Christianity.
Refugees Welcome
The word kremlin sounds scary like the word gremlin
It's propaganda
McCarthy was right about Soviet agents being packed in the Democrat party and in Hollywood. He was just wrong about what they were doing, they were about ideological subversion not outright espionage and sabotage, for the most part, there were exceptions.
Something deeply wrong with these people.
Always wonder why Kreml' is Kremlin in English
The Russiaboos and cult of Putin have been a big part of this board since it was /new/.
Same reason we pronounce Goebbels as "Gerbils"
We say "Gurta" for Goethe too
Just the lack of an equivalent phoneme in the language, so we fill the gap with a more common one
Blame sid meier. They called it the kremlin and used St. Basil's cathedral in all their games
A question to ask Scott Adams:
Would Americans fear the Kremlin so irrationally if it didn't sound like "gremlin"?
That's because you are cucks.
Sorry to burst everyone's bubble but this is an error caused by a Google algorithm that selects photos attributed to specific locations which are then used as thumbnails for news items. I know this 'cause for years any articles that showed up on the mobile Google News site regarding the NSA always had Bradley Manning's photo as a thumbnail, even when he had nothing to do with the subject.
I'm not even mad about the silly mistake or about them shopping the crosses out or sbouy the general lack of originality. What I'm mad about is how much of a circkle-jerk the media has become.
This is news now.
Russia is great
McCarthy was right on every single point he ever raised, he LITERALLY did nothing wrong, and he exposed MANY communists and ONLY communists. In fact he missed many of them in academia and the media because he was only looking at government.
Any lurkers who are interested in an exhaustive examination of the facts should read Blacklisted by History, an excellent book that will thoroughly enrage you.
They know what they're doing. Raw propaganda. They probably think they're being clever and righteous because they're using Trump's marketing techniques against him.
Reporting something through a quote from another ''''''''''news'''''''''' source is a common tactic when they want to push the same narrative but don't want to be responsible for it.
It's a metonym you dicklick
>McCarthy didn't hunt communists, he threw around baseless accusations
Everyone on his list were confirmed to have been Soviet agents.
>for some reason
It's because cultural marxist infiltration of america has reached a tipping point. They now have enough control over society through the government and media that they can be open about their ideological possession. Russia, on the other hand, has returned to tradition and done away with overt communism, so the roles have switched. The ideological war between collectivism and individualism never ended, friend. And it never will until it's enshrined overtly in the law of every nation in the world.
>This is news now.
Feminization combined with Social Media normalization.
This is life in the office now
>they were about ideological subversion not outright espionage and sabotage
Close, but it's even worse. Read Blacklisted by History. They hijacked the federal US government agencies (primarily the State dept) to SHAPE American official policy to be favorable to communism during and after WW2. Probably their crowning achievement was getting the USA to support Mao Zedong over Commander Chiang Kai Shek in China, leading Mao to win the civil war of the time and doom China to communistic enslavement.
Would anyone 60 years ago have imagined that rightists where knowingly colluding with Russia because that was the only way they could win?
Would anyone 60 years ago imagined a Republican politician named McCarthy joking about how the future President is being paid by Russia?
The ridiculous thing is that they think they're smart.
It is just getting embarrasing at this point. I don't get upset. I don't really even laugh at them. It's just sad.
It truly is. Imagine being as capsuled into an illusion like they are. Brainwashed, and confirmation bias just builds the illusion stronger. It's like a mind prison. Sad.