
the alt right does not exist

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tl didn't watch
Take this somewhere else.
Please rate my webm """german""" user

i am sure she likes sex in public places and she is coming to Greece every summer to find young strong slave-lover boys

after summer , she is going back to Germany to work the whole winter

life is wonderful if you are German lady ... isn't it ?

Could you imagine what that smells like?

desu this is redpilled as fuk
the creator obviously spends a lot of time here

and the jew is getting btfo

KFC chicken


νέγρε τι

is kek here?

I miss when Nyk wasn't a degenerate tranny

he has other videos where he thinks he's special for actually knowing what we argue instead of like everyone else just screaming

wtf Sup Forums is over now

I'd fuck the qt traps

Sup Forums is no longer ahead of the game and as hip and kool as they thought they were
listen sweetie
your arguments aren't secret or forbidden: just dumpb, mmkay?

better than other leftist videos desu

this start with the false premise that theres anything wrong with being a nazi

so glad to see Sup Forums btfo


Expect more people to dismiss legitimate criticism of SJWs, due to the Jewish conspiracy nonsense



v. redpilled channel
i'm done with Sup Forums now
eternally btfo

watched it. The tranny brings up some good points. don't care if it's a tranny let the normies be redpilled.

Fuck off autstralian faggot, stop bumping this shill thread about ugly tranny version of hbomberguy, nobody gives a shit.

i see you've been btfo and can't compete with even a "tranny" as you call her

I haven't even watched the video, I have high disgust sensitivity, just like Adolf, I would rather just gas this parasite.

unfortunately her arguments can't be gassed ^_^
you're afraid to watch because you know she's right - not just angry at you; she understands you and has defeated you logically

He is right about what? Pointing to Nazi clowns, isn't to address criticism of SJWism

>12 minutes long
stopped right there

yowza pol thought they were special...proven wrong

wow the golden one can never come back from this

This faggot is from /leftypol/


does it have a penis?

Stop shilling your shit.

Hmmm. Wanting to secure the welfare of a degenerate .07% is cool
Wanting to secure the welfare of 67% majority population isn't cool?

after watching this video literally 100% of Sup Forumsweenies are scared and confused (because their "arguments" are btfo)

Of course it does. It's the neo-nationalism that is so popular these days.

you have to go back to r.eddit emu fucker


t. white nationalist

The only peaceful resolution to the conflict is honest, open debate. Contra seems willing and capable to bridge the gap, presumably in hope that a new centre emerges.

>He fails to realize that this video could literally be our own propaganda if you cut out the rhino shit

sadly it btfo Sup Forums

ummm no sweeite
it shows how pathetic your paper prejudices are

I disagree.

The nazi won this round. Contra will come out with something anti-nazi soon though, probably.

Fucking disgusting tranny

He does a wonderful job at portraying a complete faggot. I hope he's not supposed to be the smart guy, since I'd love to gas all like him. Fritz is obviously in the right here.

>it shows how pathetic your paper prejudices are
why? if we can convince people to become rhinos with our arguments, maybe they hold merit

the only thing you have is argumento ad hitlerum, which is that because we are similar to hitler it means we are bad.

hitler also liked to build roads, does that means roads are bad? no it doesn't. you have to evaluate each policy on its individual merit.

Now the argument that our ideas will eventually lead to something bad happening. If that is a valid argument than spreading communist ideas should be seen as just as bad because millions of people have been killed by communism also.


tfw the nazi won the debate

sigh Sup Forums's views have been demystified and now they can't pretend to be a victim and pretend everyone "shuts it down"
watch other videos and see your shit get pushed in:

Why won't a nigger in Baltimore kill him.

cause he just killed all of your shitty stormwenie "arguments'

Go look for views elsewhere, you ugly delusional faggot.


he didn't kill any arguments

arguing our ideas are "dangerous" does not make them incorrect

I have never in my life actually seen anyone refute Sup Forumss arguments about immigration, race, crime and population replacement. Because it's impossible to refute them. The differences left and right side have are mostly in values, so both sides are right in a way. Questions like 'who deserves to live here' simply have multiple correct answers. In some aspects, like race realism, left just ignores all empirical evidence by saying 'it's more complex than that', so they can't refute that either.

The thing about value systems is that some times the differences are too great to overcome. In such cases only violence can solve the conflict. You would call my arguments 'shitty stormweenie arguments' only because you are a leftist and not very smart. Rightists are not actually evil, and our arguments are not invalid. Surprisingly the reality is a bit more complex here, but people like you can't see it.

except she just debunked anything about them being spooky or scary - they're just pathetic and bullshit

tell it to the video sweetie
i'm just here to shill

why are they pathetic? where did he disprove anything?

Look at what modern women have done to men....they have turned them into some queerbastards....

listen sweetie
you just got thrumpft
and a huuuuge audience now sees your arguments exposed
go see the comment secion for yourself:

I don't like to comment on youtube videos. Besides, it's clearly a leftist channel, so it wouldn't get upvoted and only hardcore leftists would read it. And hardcore leftists are too far gone for me to speak any sense to them. I'm not expecting to change your opinion here either, of course, but some lurkers might at least see my messages and think for themselves.

>huuuuge audience now sees your arguments exposed
good. tell contrapoints I'm eternally grateful he is spreading our ideas