I know you don't usually do this but...
Can we get this video to over 1000 likes? It's from Ireland's newfound National Party - a right-wing, anti-immigration party. The rest of the country's political field are all staunchly pro-immigration. The country went from >1% foreign born 20 years to 20% foreign born today. Please help save Ireland. Thank you.
I know you don't usually do this but
No, fuck potatoniggers
This is a kid's soccer team in Ireland. I don't think the rest of the world knows how bad it is. The mainstream media sure as hell won't tell. Sup Forums is our only hope of getting the word out. Please help.
I cannot hate another white man so I bear no resentment towards the British. We gave you chaps a hand with 24/7 shilling for Nigel Farage and Brexit. Perhaps you could return the favor? Just click like on the National Party's video. Cheers Britbong.
The white guy in that pic looks Slavic not Irish.
not your personal army
>your entire """"""country""""""
Perhaps you should learn his name. You'll be chanting it at the mass rallies in a few months.
>Justin Barrett
I understand brother and I wouldn't normally ask but we're desperate. The population displacement of Ireland is happening at an alarming rate. Everyone is aware of what's happening in Sweden, Germany, France etc but nobody ever worries about Ireland. All I'm asking is for an upvote on the Youtube video to spread awareness. Cheers.
PS: The Left in Ireland are not shy to attack the God Emperor either. Your enemy is my enemy. Pic related.
I was on about the pic with the nigger football team. I'm well aware of who JB is and pray God he gets the ball rolling for ethno nationalism.
The situation here is much worse in terms of amount of immigrants but barely any Arabs or Pakis here. I was around before multiculturalism and remember Ireland as she was and now when I see niggers in our beautiful country I feel like vomiting.
organize you faggots, fight back
>Arabs or Pakis here
Not sure what part of Ireland you're in but it's clearly not a major urban area. It's true that Nigerians are the largest non-white group invading the country but there are burqas and hijabs everywhere now. Sure a dirty Paki was arrested on plotting terrorist attacks in Waterford a week or so ago.
We're trying. That's the point of this thread.
Please like and share the video in the OP.
Already did.
Do you have a group online or in real life. If so you need to build your propaganda machine
I live in a rural area in Donegal. The largest town in Donegal is Letterkenny and now nicknamed Letterkenya because of the amount of niggers there now. We have been earmarked for destruction no doubt about it. Nefarious forces want to destroy our people and take disposes us of our homeland.
Personally I'm focusing on online activism now to gauge public reaction to a right-wing anti-immigration movement. Last time Pegida tried to have an anti-Islam rally Dublin they were chased out of town by antifa faggots. Worst part was the Pegida lads were mainly Eastern European. It's sad that Slavs care more about preserving Irish heritage than the Irish themselves.
That's one angry leprechaun right there.
Those Antifa faggots were mainly from the UK and some Dublin leftists and most people condemned them. The reason so many Dublin leftists came out to attack Pegida was because of their association with anti Irish Republican groups in the UK. There's no love for Muslims in this country and no one but middle class leftwingers want them here.
Geert Wilders and Justin Barrett alliance when?
Also if you watch any vids on YT of that incident it's mainly middle class cucks cheering on a handful of Antifa and it wasn't the ordinary decent people of Dublin. Someone was saying on Éirepol that dissident Republicans met after it all and decided to oppose mass immigration and if those lads are on our side you'll not see Antifa pull of such a stint as they did in Dublin again because all it would take would be a warning from dissidents to scare those cucks away.
>Pegida association with anti Irish Republican groups in the UK
Source? First time hearing about that.
I personally have no love for Irish Republicanism. They are some of the most ardent supporters of immigration and Marxism. "Brits out, Blacks in" has been the mantra for Sinn Fein. Give me Pegida over those guys any day of the week.
The English defence league is anti Irish. google.ie
you also need to prepare for an attack from the opposition, they will use thugs, the mass-media, the secret police etc.
you need to use those attacks against them
The same English Defence League run by Tommy Robinson who has Irish heritage? His real name is Stephen Lennon.
EDL, BNP, Pegida UK....There are too many far-right splinter groups in the Britain. They need to unite.
Sinn Fein supporters are mainly working class and nationalist and were most against taking in refugees. 70% against.
I know and he himself has even made anti Irish comments. Irish blood but English heart.
Tell, me how is your capital city again? Oh that's right it's under a Muslim shitskin mayor.
The Irish state broadcaster RTE has cameras set up to film the attack on right-wing leader Peter O'Loughlin. They are in bed with antifa. The whole system is set up to destroy any opposition to their population displacement agenda. Same way the British used the famine to clear Ireland of the Irish.
video related youtube.com
Don't gloat lad our own capital isn't much better.
How long does it take for Youtube views to register?
also you need to create some kind of ideology, i sugest you start looking at the succesfull movements from the past
It would be sweet if the Don on YT joined them.
Our state was founded by Nationalists and we only need look to them for our ideology.
im from Derry I drive through there constant, pack of fucking niggers send them back to swing from trees. Maybe you should use some of the Loyalist tactics and smash their windows and spray racist shite everywhere - > it works
I've always had a begrudging respect for Loyalists. They take care of their communities. No tolerance for gypsies or blacks. They have the last all-white neighborhoods in Europe.
First sight your greeted with driving into that place is fucking niggers and the place is like Lagos on dole day seeing as how the worthless apes don't work and are parasitical in nature and lack any sense of shame in sponging of folk who owe them nothing. Thank fuck barely any non whites in Derry. What are people in Derry like in regards to all this multicultural faggotry? Also that piece of shit McGuinness brought refugees to Derry and said the lives of the people will be enriched for having them among yous. Meanwhile in Derry there's fuck all jobs and many social problems but at least you're now "enriched". Buncrana and Carndonagh are getting enriched now soon too by the traitorous establishment in Dublin. What was the story too with the rapes recently in st Columbs park was it locals or foreigners?
They sell drugs in their own communities so I have to disagree.
Thanks to those who gave the video a thumbs up. Your solidarity with the Irish struggle is appreciated.