Why does the gov release guidelines to women that alcohol may harm kids? How patronizing this is to women who want to get wasted while pregnant?!
Women should have a right to drink alcohol while preggo
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They need a staircase apparently if they're that retarded.
Because fetal alcohol syndrome.
Their body, their choice.
The fetus is not a human being. It's a parasite.
women who drink while pregnant deserve to be executed
Diversity is beautiful. Fuck your twisted notion of "normal"
Giving any right to the women was a mistake.
If you want you could get an abortion
Its funny the way people that never had an abortion support abortion
I wonder how those woman feel after getting one
Yes goyishche, now child, come sue your mother. Yes, I only take 20%
This is why muslims will win. They ban alcohol period and thus they will never have problems occurring from it.
Who the fuck wears their watch on their right arm
The guardian. Not even once.
Is this even enforceable? If you're going to deny them a drink, just say it's because you don't like their face. They can't prove that you didn't serve them because of their pregnancy unless you specifically said so.
Women don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. Its pointless telling them what they're doing could harm someone else. They just don't care.
Fathers should have a say in how his baby is treated in the womb.
the reason women arent allowed to drink when there pregnant is fetal alcahol sydrome and the numerous other birth defects that could come from it.
Drinking while Pregnant. Oh boy.
Here's a fact: If you drink while you're pregnant, your baby will begin to develop Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, in a worsening degree based on your alcohol consumption. This is going to be YOUR child. Your offspring. The ones to carry on your family line and shape the future. With that in mind, if a woman drinks while pregnant WHILE KNOWING THIS, I find it absolutely dispicable.
But, that's MY opinion. I don't have a say in what other human beings do with their own family and life, but I sure as hell can voice my grievances about it. Drinking while pregnant is nothing short of showing a mothers lack of self control, morals, or foresight. Anyone who does so is a disgrace.
Drs already say you can have a couple glasses of wine per week in your 3rd trimester. Alcohol in moderation is good for your heart because it thins your blood and makes your heart work less hard.
But if females want to drink so much that their baby comes out retarded I say let them. They have the dead weight of a retard on them for EVER lol
My gf parents work in a pro life organization. They received plenty of help request by former feminists who believed in the "muh body muh choice" meme, had an abortion and felt like dying for that. Now they all work in pro life organizations
Should be an option if it was an accidental pregnancy, but not an opt out every time someone's irresponsibility gets them pregnant
They are doing gods work. Abortion rate is way down since 1970s when it was made legal in the US by a now converted Christian and hardcore pro-lifer. Sad.
they shouldn't need to be told. its sad theres a law in place, but its there for a reason
You dont irrisponsibily get a bitch pregnant unless you straight up violently rape her. Cunts need to stop having sex
Left handed people.
Go fuck your self faggot
What if you where an accident
What if you were never BORN
Remember to sage
Only bump relevant threads
Yes goys, don't breed.
What if your dad said to your mom
We need to get an abortion and here you are
Women because they're fucking stupid.
Heard about that story. The only positive new we can get is the fact the most feminists do not reproduce so this shit will not last forever
kys cuck
In this day and age a pregnant woman who knows who the father is is becoming a rarity.
You know (((why)))
Considering the whole logic behind abortion is that fetuses aren't actually life until the magical moon goddess blesses the child with her light after birth, it makes sense they would see FAS prevention that way.
I recall getting into a huge public fight with my ex because I caught her drinking while she was pregnant. I was FURIOUS. She wasn't really showing, so I was automatically assumed to be the bad guy and was kicked out of the bar.
Thank god she got an abortion.
Kinda bummed that I had the opportunity to be a father taken away from me, but I'm also thankful that I'm not stuck with that crazy cunt. She would've been a terrible mother.
this her body her choice
You just can't handle a strong independent womyn.
If they sign a waiver with their insurance company stating that insurance will not pay for any treatment for fetal alcohol syndrome, then go ahead and allow it.
It changes them man
My girlfriend got pregnant and she was a total liberal "abort the Fucker" mentality, but afterwards she become depressed. She talks about how she misses him. I'm pretty sure if she could take it back she would.
One could only wish
I was actually having a pretty good day and this picture fucking ruined it. Why do I still come here?
What about failed birth control?
And people say slippery slopes aren't real...
This is sort of the next step in the "anti-ablism" shit. At first it was "having a disability you're born with doesn't make you any less of a person". And that is true. That is true. But now it's become "intentionally giving a newborn child a disability just because you wanna get a buzz on is totally fine".
You know god damn well why.
>mfw women want to have disabled kids because it'll get them more attention for being strong moms
>senior lecturer in sociology
If a woman can't go 9 months without drinking for the sake of her child then what kind of parent will she be?
I don't understand what's the issue.
Why is not having a drink for 9 months such a huge issue?
Why did you let her do it?
I tried to talk her out of it. I told her that I earn enough to support the three of us. But she was convinced she was too young. I couldn't force not too, that's just not how it works. She scheduled it and went by herself.
He was seven week and two days.
On mother's day she had a breakdown because someone jokingly gave her a mother's day card and candy.
based nips
>On mother's day she had a breakdown because someone jokingly gave her a mother's day card and candy.
Damn that's sad, what exactly is the part that hurts, that it's a human they aborted? That it's their own child they aborted? I wonder if there's science on the psychology/physiology changes during an abortion.
>On mother's day she had a breakdown >because someone jokingly gave her a mother's day card and candy.
Don't worry, I'm sure these feelings of hers won't get worse and worse with every passing year . . .
>Damn that's sad
She knew what she was doing. Fuck her.
And you're a kike
Why can't women make reasonable decisions?
Because they were created that way.
They were created to follow and assist men.
Men have the reason and women have the guidance to help men make decisions but are therefore incapeable to make them on their own
It's even in the first chapter of the bible.
Its like women want to ensure they are holocausted for being burdensom adult children their entire life. Youve got one job and it's raising children and its a important one. Yet theyve never grown past IM 15 DAD ILL DO WHAT I WANT.