Slavs are based and have hot women. Nordics/Germanics are white. This would be the best country ever, if a big wall is erected and guarded... and non-Germanic, non-Slav foreigners are sent home to where they belong.
When can we get to this based union?
you want to control my country again you fucking hun?
no muslim here fuck you and fuck all of them
You'll get them when you join forces with G*rmany and S*eden
Have fun, I don't want to have anything to do with it
he's German Ahmed though
>including Germany and sweden
>No England
>No France
>No Italy
>No Spain
So just the uninfluential euros then?
>Allied with Caliph Merkel
Haha no
Hakim, no, plz
Stop larping and go pack playing your paradox games.
Belarus = Ukraine = Russia. You can take the Poles, they hate everybody.
>be german
>be obsessed about unions because you aren't allowed to be proud of your own people and country
>drag everyone to a union of self hating cucks
fuck you people are just miserable
You could have at least included Finland you dumbfuck. We're not abandoning Finno Ugric Idealism.
lmao this
And Nord =/= German
>tfw sandwiched between the two biggest powers in europe
I dont want to be in any union with cucks.
fuck off, kraut
Not true. We hate everybody except Hungary, Czech, Slovakia
> falls apart in less than two months and becomes the european caliphate
Build a fucking wall to keep Muslims out first. Oh wait, you are a Muslim yourself.
im glad there's a wall to keep the muslims in
Take the slavs out
include France and spain plzz
>slavic untermensch and nordo-germanics in the same union
>heh so what if we have a few muslims and niggers but look at those fucking americans and how many niggers and spics they have lmao t. abdul von cuckhardt
this low-key eu shilling is so cringy and needs to stop
All this would do is cause Eastern Europe to be flooded with shitskins.
Estonia? Fuck you guys.
>no finland
>has germany in it
nty. Sweden is enough to deal with.
Looks fucking good. We need a wall on the east too
>>No England
Massive debt and Muslims.
>>No France
Massive debt and Muslims.
>>No Italy
Humongous debt and negroes.
>>No Spain
Massive debt and massive unemployment.
You were saying?
>Hakim, no, plz
You are not included, Mongol
Would be much better without Germany
Honestly if you leave Norway, Denmark and possibly Netherlands alone, I don't care what you do in your containment zone.
>> falls apart in less than two months and becomes the european caliphate
>French flag
>voted for Macron
You were saying, Ahmed?
I'd support this if it wouldn't have a Merkel-tier cuck govt and if it doesn't attempt to destroy Dutch national identity.
Fuck off with your racist Deutchland Deutchland überalles.
this actually. I think both the Dutch and the Danish economies depend on exports to Germany.
add the good parts of Croatia and I strat looking for grandpas old moist nugget
>letting in the estonia->ukraine strip but not finland
lol memes
Mind your own business faggot
can i come, even if i race traded with a spicy latina?
>he remaps a perfectly good, actually ethnically true map for this piece of shit
Fuck off edgy faggot i don't want more cucks in this country than we already have
If this happened as OP's picture shows it, all of our trade would go entirely through Russia and what is most likely going to be the Empire of Cuckistan. I don't find that exactly favorable.
What is your fucking problem, can't you respect other nations' private space?
Can't you fucking learn that everything that germans touch, every idea that they think of leads to the disaster? Fuck germans and fuck germanic race.
You are the cancer of this continent and you must be wiped out of existence. Eat shit, Krauts.
>sticking us with xoxols and germanic/nordic topcucks
no thanks
Stop this criticism, Germany jr. Also, your German is shit, learn more German.
Belarus but not Croatia?
And why is Estonia in and not Finland? Estonia isn't Slavic or Germanic/Nordic. I'd love to have Funland in that union.
Can't let in all the Asian fucktards, can we? We need to draw a line somewhere.
Adding in the same bag, conjuctural economic 'status', with identity, culture and heritage. How ridiculous m8.
But ok, go on with the d&c
Based union? Replace Sweden with Finland and then call it based.
Fuck that gay union. When whe have sorted out our lefty problem here in Finland we can join together, my dear brother.
no i don't want to pay gibs tp ungrateful eastern euroshits.
You forgot The Netherlands bb;)
90% of europes turks and niggers are in that union gj.
get rid of sweden, norway, germany and the netherlands and then it's a good union. maybe denmark too because otherwise it'd be cut off.
OP is illiterate cuck!
>Slavs are based and have hot women. Nordics/Germanics are white. This would be the best country ever, if a big wall is erected and guarded... and non-Germanic, non-Slav foreigners are sent home to where they belong.
have you ever stopped and thought that maybe YOU ARE THE PROBLEM Hans?
maybe there is something YOU ARE DOING that causes people to see you in a negative light?
maybe it's not your offer that is bad, maybe IT'S JUST YOU
>90% of europes turks and niggers are in that union gj.
How come 70% of Nigerians and 75% of Pakis live in the UK? How does this work mathematically?
Romania can fuck right out of any union
>have you ever stopped and thought that maybe YOU ARE THE PROBLEM Hans?
no, not really.
>maybe it's not your offer that is bad, maybe IT'S JUST YOU
I don't think so, Germany jr. Now start learning more German or we stop paying you money.
germans want to be a part of a single country with all kinds of non-germans. must be painful for fritz to be such a self hating yet arrogant cuck.
So why is Estonia in?
>Trying to d&c this hard
lefty/pol/ plhs
I think France, Germany and Sweden could make a new muslim country - Cucklandia. Ok the name is a bit too obvious. Sharialandia? Northern Muslim Federation? United Nations of Islam?
Your fuhrer respected chinks. He was allied with the japs Hans.
But my brother, you are nordic..
New Somalia
Why is his thread chock full of butthurt Swedish rape babies?
Estonians are whiter than you, Kraut
Helt 100
Pick one
Never ever trust a german. Even the Jews are more trustworthy.
Eternal Krautz had enough fun destroying Europe, it's high time for them to fuck off and die.
this fucking country was invaded by literally everyone. From mongolia to britain to the ottomans. You find here all possible races nordic turkik asiatic slavic anything
basques have dark hair, brown eyes etc.. and they are more europid than the vast majority of blondes. what about that?
Lies, Romania is pure nordic.
At least we are not Russians with your 14% Muslims and slutty women.
Pic related is literally what Russian women wear all day.
it has a little of everything
Can you please take Croatia?They sided with the Germans and really like them,and i can already find 2 Croatian posters who are mad with jealousy that they are not in and i can feel their hatred and heavy breathing.Thanks in advance!
> Left Serbs again
Kys Hans, Serbistanis had respect for you and many would butt in to eradicate the kebab filth.
Eternal Hans will be Hans.
We'd have the whole world fighting us for doing too well. But yes.
>Serbistanis had respect for you
they did not, for fucks sake we waged 2 wars against them, let them be in they gay union it will all be caliphate in 10-20 years so we'll have to fight again fucking shit is there an end to this
The Krauts and Nord are teaming up because they jealous of the Anglosphere.
they can wear what they want their country isn't a sharia no go zone yet
Never, fuck off.
Serbistanis today on pol.
My grandfather fought in ww2. Said he spared many german soldiers lives since they treated occupied people with respect. He hated commies as they had neither respect for their people nor enemies and he had collaborated few times with them to avoid bloodsheds in villages. When I saw his diaries i was shocked.
My other grandfather said when nazis came, they segregated themselves in a barn, went out in woods, killed a deer and ate it.
Barely any food did they touch in my grandfathers house on the north. Only people they killed were commies who attacked them.
People during occupation of nazis said they barely felt the war was waging
Now when commies came, my grandfather had only his leather trousers in middle of winter ans nothing else.
Everything else was confiscated.
Arabic fatherland of europa
I'm so down for this
left behind by the kraut feels bad man
It would be a roman holy empire before it was a roach caliphate.
Even Muslim Russians are whiter than the average german, so it's a non-argument.
The girl in your pic would bait you in her flat, and there you'd be robbed and raped in the ass by a gang of gopniks. No Russian woman is slutty enough for you to have sex with, they don't like pathetic cucks like you. Even your own women mostly prefer Turks.
>Rustled Jimmies.jpg
>Northern Wall
>Great Eastern Wall
Why? :(
>leaving Croatia behind
You know who else is 50% R1a? India. R1b is true white haplogroup.