Comey DENIES Trump Interference under Oath:
Don't let (((them))) Slide it!
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Put on your running yarmulkes, kikes. It's time for 110.
Trump haters will never recover from this
Fuck Sharblue/Seth Rich threads posting dogshit conspiracy theories, this destroys the entire MSM narrative. Comey states without equivocation that the he has NEVER been instructed to shut down an FBI investigation during a hearing regarding Trump administration interference in the Russian investigation. He also makes the distinction between being ASKED to terminate an investigation or redirect resources vs. being ordered to.
fuck it's getting slid
how will Shariablue ever recover?
Why doesn't this have more responses? (((hmmmm))))
(((You're))) out in force today, how many threads are you shills running?
My thoughts exactly. The Seth Rich story is the fake Sup Forums posting from shareblue HQ. It's attention grabbing but completely unproven and probably unprovable - a distraction. Meanwhile Comey is caught either a) perjuring himself or b) denying that Trump admin ever asked him to shut down the Russian investigation for political reasons. Either way the last 48 hours of MSM coverage turned out to be nothing but a staged drama to force the FBI to appoint a special prosecutor who will haunt Trump until 2020, if not longer - this is how they get the taxes, how they dig through every bit of business he has ever done until they find one questionable transaction and blow it up to impeachment level controversy. Unbelievable. This is how the republic died.
The shill narrative is becoming like the Russian narrative
Btw, why Fox News doesn't talk about it?
You cut out the part where they specify if the DoJ ever interfered
Waddup shareblue.
With subpoena power Mueller can dig through anything, Trump's personal finances, campaign records, everyone and every person who had anything to do with Trump 2016. This is how the deep state gets to intimidate all his highly placed supporters into silence - guilt by association.
He just has to declare martial law but does he have the nuts to do it?
It's the only way to stop the (((deep state))) at this point
Now MSM is trying to slide it.
Comey is at a hearing discussing possible Trump administration efforts to end the Russia probe and after being asked if anyone at DOJ has asked him he replies:
"It's not happened in my experience."
The whole point of the hearing is whether or not the Trump administration is interfering with the FBI but Comey "forgets" to mention that Trump was interfering because they didn't ask him directly? Give me a fucking break. I'd love to see him explain that one.
Guess who wrote that CNBC story ?
Can you guess?
Damn I didn't know I was shareblue thanks for telling me that. I gotta go demand my paycheck from them now.
Deserves a bump. But there is not much to say. People keep talking about Trump/Russia when there is nothing there. There is nothing to find. There will be nothing to find.
I highlighted the wrong post.
>TRUMP: i'll kill your whole family if you don't deny it
>COMEY: *vid related*
>Sup Forums: there's your proofs hurrrrr
You people are all retarded.
So the truth comes out...
Fuck the legacy media
Uh no sweetie, Drumpf ADMITTED to Russia interfering with our election. He's going to be impeached and Republicans will never have any power again.
Could you point me to that vid?
Pic related here.
Probably just larping but whatever.
Just like he DENIED Hillary did anything treasonous or illegal.....or half asses. Of ourse everyone knows, like many other traitors, he's own, and copyrighted by those yid bastards, may they be destroyed soon
That's the problem. There is something to find. There is no way a special prosecutor will not find something to nail Trump on. If the FBI appointed a special prosecutor to investigate Jesus Christ he would come back with an indictment because it's impossible to live life in America, especially if you're a successful business person, without committing a crime or two inadvertently or by skirting the law. Put anyone's life under the microscope you will find an offense. All it takes is for one person in Trump's giant retinue to fuck up and lie to the Feds and you have a felony under 18 U.S.C. 1001 and then you can make them testify to whatever you want in order to avoid jail. This is my whole point. The Deep State plan is complete, the MSM ginned up a fake story, which forced the FBI to appoint a special prosecutor, who WILL find evidence to impeach Trump or threaten so many of his important supporters in the party they can force the Congress to impeach him or get taken down with him.
Then you have civil war.
A special prosecutor has subpoena power. He will find a way. Nothing can stop it now. At the very least people should acknowledge it is a coup and live with the consequences.
>This is how the republic died.
Let it die then.
But it is up to every fighting age white male to speak to his fellow white men. In the military and police, of which the far far majority voted for him. They/you? are the real power, and Trump is your emperor. Who will the military follow, that is all that matters.
At some point once Mueller has "investigated" sufficiently and leaked every detail that could be misconstrued or deliberately conflated by the MSM he will present a report to the FBI, who will present it to congress, who will leak it?
Is Mueller really going to stand up to the MSM, the Deep State and 1/2 the country and exonerate Trump? What are the odds on that? Not good. At this point it would be like denying the holocaust.
Bump for based Drumpf
*yawn* boy im getting really sleepy think i'll go for a nice long nap
get on the phone with the new york times with your TRUMP THREATENS COMEY'S FAMILY story and they will probably print it.
Comments are claiming it only applies to DOJ.
BTFO of them if you can.
I think you're on the wrong board.
when is this footage from?
I mean in terms of public opprobrium, obviously.
The question was specifically with regard to the DOJ but the context was obstruction of the investigation by Trump administration, the implication being that Trump asked the DOJ to shut it down. What can Comey say when asked about why he didn't disclose Trump's obstruction?
"Because I wasn't asked"? You think that will fly? He was the fucking FBI testifying to Congress about obstruction, he had a positive duty to disclose it at that time. Bullshit word games will get him into more hot water and destroy his credibility.
It doesn't matter, don't you see? He will NOT say that he has evidence of Trump obstructing justice. The whole point of the "memo" was to force a special prosecutor who will do the real dirty work. Comey's memo was a red herring for the MSM to publicize/justify the appointment. The point was always the special prosecutor.
So what are the progressive left's rebuttal to this?
Im really interested in what their defense of this is.
They don't care. They want all this Russia shit to be true, so they'll just brush this off.
>So what are the progressive left's rebuttal to this?
None. They got a special prosecutor with a "memo", which the NY Times doesn't even have yet. it was read to them over the phone.
The priority is getting rid of the special prosecutor and to do that we have to expose the phony MSM/deep state collaboration on the memo story.
>If the Memo doesn't detail Trump obstruction.
>And Comey doesn't claim it does next week (he won't)
>The special prosecutor must be dismissed since it was the implication Trump was obstructing the FBI that lead to it.
Simple as that. Pushing that in social media will enrage the MSM/shareblue/deep state.
but but what about the (((sources)))??? what about the scoops?!? THE SCOOPS, I TELL YOU!!!
Have another bump