The Rise and Fall of Modern Women

Good looking women and a large portion of females in general can literally walk up to guys on the street and find sex in

Other urls found in this thread: ratajkowski nude

women never rose, men just put them on a pedestal. and then women used it to destroy everything.

If a complete stranger came up to me and solicited sex, I would fucking WHEEL on her and knock her the FUCK out with one punch. I hope I kill the whore.


>women never rose

this. also white women have always been the most degenerate out of all women throughout history.

fuck white women.

>How can we stop the jews from destroying us through women and sex?
Dont them them raise your daughters
Do it yourself

yeah after you cream in your pants and are disgusted by yourself.

Op, just admit you want to become a trap.

this is literally asking for rape

You mean the Fall of White Women.


No, im not a disgusting degenerate


This is how you fucking act, men.

t. autistic permavirg playing video games and jerking off to anime all day

>implying this generation's level of degeneracy and retardation would even be sustainable for another 5 years
>implying they aren't doubling down on it

Jews will be finished by 2020. I'm even being generous giving them until 2020.

Ah the good ol days when beating women was promoted and even praised

did u even read the post noah

Who is this semen demon?

emily ratajkowski


How much dick did she suck to become a Hollywood "actress"?

Six hundred and sixty six Jewish dicks

yeah shes just a hot instagram whore who poses nude occasionally, I'd hardly call her an actress. She sucked thousands of jewish dicks.

America is such a disgusting nation, you have girls just walking up to nogs asking for sex. Sad!

>Not million

need to nuke denmark asap they cant even read


If ANYTHING offered sex to most of you fat ugly permavirgins, you would sell your own mothers for it. Everyone else will eventually grow out of your delusions.

>mexican flag
they are not sending their best to Sup Forums

>Didn't read your garbage therefore I can't read
>American education???

Obviously you're exaggerating, but I feel the same way. I was at a bar with some friends and went to grab a drink. At the bar this cute chick in cat makeup starts pawing at my arm and going "meow". I ignored her at first, then she starts rubbing my leg through my pants. I just looked at her in the eye and said "what the fuck are you doing you dumb slut" and walked back to my girlfriend. I still feel good about it

>my own delusions affect others
how do i stop them from growing out of my delusions

>shitposting before reading the op

absolutely degenerate, gas him with the kikes

And where do we find the nudes?

This. White knights and betas that think being submissive to women is cool.

>gassing kikes
what, are you going to inject gas into your foreskin before they suck it off?

... ratajkowski nude


It's been going on since ancient times. Baal Peor worship. God of the opening. They used to have temple prostitutes. Now we have men ogling strippers on a pole up on a stage giving them dollars. It's the same thing repackaged for modern times

my foreskin is intact thank you very much

>How can we stop the jews from destroying us through women and sex?

How the fuck is this destroying "us" and what the fuck do Jewish people have to do with it?


I really need to explain it? He's the basic gestalt, Jews display degenerate whore-like tendencies in film, ads, TV and other outlets of propaganda, thus creating an overload of sex crazed sluts and other general degeneracy. The jews have everything to do with everything.

Children are the future. If all women are whores instead of mothers, who raises the children? Television, government education system...
Should I say the rest?

(((emily ratajkowski)))

>The jews have everything to do with everything.
This is what stormfags actually believe.

>The jews have everything to do with everything
-chaim from jidf

consensus cracking doesn't work on Sup Forums

Journalist: What is the seventh adjustment, Mr. Tesla?

Tesla: The knowledge of how the mental and vital energy transform into what we want, and achieve control over all feelings. Hindus call it Kundalini Yoga. This knowledge can be learned, for what they need many years or is acquired by birth. The most of them I acquired by birth. They are in the closest connection with a sexual energy that is after the most widespread in the Universe. The woman is the biggest thief of that energy, and thus the spiritual power.

I’ve always knew that and was alerted. Of myself I created what I wanted: a thoughtful and spiritual machine.

You're cherrypicking.

I don't see a problem with ''modern'' women at all.

In fact, I prefer millenial women over millenial men. At least the women have ambitions and careers. The millebnial men are just lazy people who play vidya all day and smoke weed.

I prefer millenial women WAY MORE than you men. Better to socialize with too. Much more interesting.

I would insert my penis into her (((vagina))) and using a thrusting motion with my hips I would have sexual intercourse with her until I achieved orgasm and ejaculation. I would do this until my penis could literally cum no more, if you know what I mean.

pic. VERY related

have you cleaned the smegma from your anteater turtleneck penis yet uncut fag?


totally forgot, thank you mate

The novel The Time Machine by HG Wells seems more and more prescient every day

In the future humanity will be made up of mindless, beauty and tactile sensation obsessed eloi, ruled by a shadowy group of hideous (((morlocks)))

wtf I love Reddit now

>women have ambitions and career

i wash my dick with cetaphil, dick clean

cutfags are just mad they have destroyed sensory glands and got their tissue harvested and sold by jews


But attention whores deserve it
I heard that she deleted her account after this roast

Not saying that they're ultra ambitious, I'm hjust saying that they're better than men.


Yes but at least girls get wet when they see my dick instead of nauseated.

t. mulatto who gets bullied by real blacks

It's a handful of Jews. Just like in The Godfather. Remember the senator said the majority of Italians are good, hard working people. There's a few bad apples

>How can we stop the jews from destroying us through women and sex?
Artificial wombs and robowaifus

Damn...that was savage. I hope she cried after that.

And before they put women on a pedestal, natural selection favored men that were the most gynocentric and white knighted for women the most.

>women are more interesting
>i prefer millenial women 2x
>ambitions and careers

are you even trying?

really dude come on, here's your obligatory (((you)))

>being this mad that you're ugly and she's smoking hot.

Protip she's probably smarter than you. There's a reason she's so fucking hot and it's because her genes are better than yours.

She is better than you


If women preferred uncut you would see dildos with foreskin. The vast majority of dildos have no foreskin. Dog dicks btfo.

Found the nigger

>she's better than me because she's good looking

Okay white knight.

She deleted her account.

special forces

another delusional cutfag

i simply pull back my foreskin when erect, you wouldnt know tho since you're (((cut)))

Foreskin retracts when you get an erection you retarded circumcised burger

>(ID: cUOK
what did kek mean by this

I'm sorry that you have no argument there. I'm I'm just stating the truth. Especially when it comes to American or German women.

They seem to have their lives on track, and they have their own homes. Meanwhile masses of men are just losers. A bit like that guy in your pic.

Explain how liberty is bad. What is the problem?

Also, keep in mind that we will probably legalize human production in factories, so babies are not an argument.

It's just the truth dude.

Girls seem to be into travelling, educating themselves, and learning new things like yoga etc.

Men do nothing but fap over anime, leech off of their parents, play vidya, and smoke weed

must be from pre-election reddit

Capitalist. We make human factories. We automate cloning. We centralize education. We make a master race.

bruh i had no idea

4dchess hes a mastermind

Then how come its so obvious in porn when a dude is uncut...they look like dirty lil weasels putting on and taking off a turtleneck 30x a minute


It means he sees me and thinks I'm OK

>playing life on ez mode
must be pretty boring having everything you want handed to you for free

theres nothing to argue tho

>i prefer millennial women
you said ^ that twice in your

>educating themselves
>learning new things
>like yoga

Was from 7 days ago

>girls that resemble that in video or pic related can choose literally any sexual partner they want and can find and acquire a partner in an insanely short amount of time.
are you implying it wasn't like that for entirety of human existence?

How does it feel when while you learn only 1 thing, like calculus, meanwhile she learns, like yoga, flower composition and even light bulb changing.

How does it feel to be so retarded compared to women?


neither of those

just a usual person stating the truth,
did you also know that young women in america, germany, and sweden earn more than the young men?

you three countries are turning into matriarcies. not that that's a bad thing.

>she learns
tippytopparoo hoo hoo


hot as fuck 2 b h