>pol BTFO
>makes BTFO
What now ? Looks like we aren't allowed to discuss abortion.
>pol BTFO
>makes BTFO
What now ? Looks like we aren't allowed to discuss abortion.
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck sakes.
Okay, I will leave. Have fun raising the kid by yourself!
>50% of baby's DNA comes from man
>men can't discuss what happens to it
Really takes the ol' noggin for a joggin
We pay the tax that they use for abortions, it's like they take our money and expect we don't react on it or something.
Trying to read this butchered sentence gave me cancer.
It's her body though and no man should be able to tell her what to do with it, example being abortion
You can with a fist though.
OP BTFO's himself lmaoing at your life faggot. Fuck you and your faggot thread faggot.
Uhh don't get pregnant..
are you implying males cannot get pregnant? what are you transphobic or something?
Fine, then don't expect my fucking tax dollars to pay for your state sanctioned murder.
In all fairness though it's her body, it's her choice. I'm a libertarian and believe everyone has the right to do wtf they want as long as it's within the parameters of the law
as soon as females can produce and rear offspring asexually and totally without any kind of paternal contribution, i will gladly agree with her 100% as it will in no way, shape or form be a male related issue.
>assuming my gender
Into the gulag xe goes
Whose law? You sound uneducated, or at least not well-read, so you should be quiet.
Men choose the standard by which women behave. You don't fuck them, they don't get pregnant and kill your baby
The law of the land of which the person resides. If abortion is legal in your state or country then you have the right to do it. If not then you don't. I think we should all be able to live freely and have a choice on what we want to do and not want to do. As long as you aren't hurting anyone
I guess women can't discuss child support then
I would never date any woman who supports abortion.
Why do liberal millennials curse so much in their daily sentences?
I don't have to fuck anyone for the government to fuck me by using my hard earned money to fund abortion, you want an abortion that's fine, but you pay for it with your own money, not mine.
FYI I was posting about doing it yourself. You are right though, but that's why birth control is great and welfare / alimony / child care culture is shit.
Did she just assume my gender?
i can't even
has no one pointed out the fact that the person tweeting this is a male? if so, hes not allowed to discuss abortions either and thus his point of us not being allowed to discuss abortions is moot.
Fuck off NazY follow your leader XD
>identify as a woman for the duration of the debate.
>be woman - a solipsistic and child-like creature
>think the issue of abortions is about your feelings and desires
>fail to understand it's an ethical issue
>have no valid input on the issue
>only men attempt to make logical arguments
>act surprised that nobody cares about your opinion
I know I leave when the topic comes up.
>As long as you aren't hurting anyone
well there you have it
Okay then women aren't allowed to discuss literally anything that involves men.
Actually is a chick with her cuck boyfriend in the picture.
Yes, her parents named her Stevie
> literally anything that involves men.
Which includes abortions, because it's some man's child. And if somebody doesn't agree with this perspective, then they should oppose child support as well. It goes both ways.
>male scientists discuss uterus research to develop healthcare technology that provides women with better quality of life relating to periods, preservatives, abortions and pregnancy
what if it's your kid inside?
> a man said I'm wrong
> it should be literally impossible for him to say those words to me
Who do you think votes for bigger government? Jews niggers and women
Praise kek
"Your" kid? No, that's the woman's child. You were simply a catalyst. It's part of her. Her body, her choice.
Check your privilege.
Holy shit she deleted her status update after I commented on it calling out her shit and replaced it with this.
KEK, what did she mean by this?!?
Reminder that abortion is 50% the man's right.
A car in a family's garage is, by legal definition, half the property of a women even if its under the roof of something entirely created by the man and paid for entirely by the man.
A child in womb, on the other hand, can't exist without the man's input and accounts for ~50% of its body.
This means that not only can men discuss abortion, but in some cases they have even more right to the child than the woman does. The man may well be paying for all of the food and care the woman consumes during the pregnancy, while she is contributing nothing but the womb.
When females think they get to discuss males
>women can have their baby yanked to pieces but a guy has to pay child support no matter what
If women aren't obligated to become mothers then men aren't obligated to be fathers.
Just respond with how many male feminists get arrested for pedo and sexual predator shit.
This needs pushed
When dickless females think they can discuss rape, you can't. Fucking leave.
so basically if you have a wife and she decides to abort and you actually wanted a kid you'd feel okay with that?
This is so true. And we are told to be the "privileged" ones.
As long as the woman is pregnant the man can choose to opt out of being a father - this would be equality
Well no my wife would never get an abortion because I would marry a more conservative type of girl. I mean it in a general sense like girls can do it if they want however if you're in a serious relationship with a male, then his input matters just as much as hers.
But if a girl got drunk as fuck at a party, had unprotected sex and forgot about it because she's a dumb slut, then proceeds to develop a baby, then in that situation I think an abortion is not a bad thing as you are doing that kid a favour for not having to be born into that dumb cunts life.
>When females think they can discuss child support, you can't.
Fucking leave.
>be based shylock
That's true
they don't realize that it's the man's baby too. selfish ass feminazis
Such terrible bait yet so many replies.
>when women think they can discuss politics
Fine by me. They were never worth talking to on the subject. Let them murder babies all they want, this country will pay for its actions one day by allowing society this level of selfishness.
Let the republic burn
The day when artificial wombs replace women cannot come soon enough. Then men and women will likely either form separate civilizations, or women will be destroyed in a genocide.
baby killing whores should be publicly executed
> Then men and women will likely either form separate civilizations
>form civilizations
>muh feelings matter more then anything you say.
Fucking women.
Oh look another (((Male VS female))) narrative driven propaganda thread.
Fine but I should be able to opt out of it so my tax Money doesn't go to genocide innocent children
Why isn't heroin legal? It's MY body, nobody should be able to tell me what I can do with it!
Surely no Jewish people are involved in this narrative at all!
Mutilated penis rage thread?
Uncut fag master race reporting in
It's not like jews want to divide and conquer at ALL!
Mandatory abortions for non whites now.
>Okay, I will leave. Have fun raising the kid by yourself!
>implying the courts aren't going to steal all your shit and give it to women and jews
its a clump of cells you fucking fundamentalist psychopath.
Why can the law require wearing clothes then, or ban taking drugs, or ban prostitution?
The body is regulated. Deal with it.
>women think they can discuss rape (a male act)
They can't. Just leave
Make sure to not go against the Zionist jew goy.
So say, you have a relationship with a twat who "accidentally" get's pregnant and is now forced into paying childsupport because he didn't have a say in aborting the baby...
a single jew is responsible for all of this:
>According to Freud's theory, in the earliest stage of a child's psychosexual development, the oral stage, the mother's breast became the formative source of all later erotic sensation. This new philosophy was the new intellectual and cultural underpinning ideology of the new age of sexual frankness. Much of his research remains widely contested by professionals in the field, though it is has spurred critical developments in the humanities.
Not like that's not my child, my DNA, my flesh and blood, in there. Ok....
Because all jews are totally cool goy!!
Don't even question that!!!!
If I put a coin in the vending machine to whom does the can of coke belong to?
Me or the vending machine?
>forming a civilization
not even with your help, schlomo.
>only women can discuss abortion
>only thieves can discuss theft
>only murdered can discuss murder
So can only slave owners discuss slavery? Good to know
When females think they can discuss alimony, you can't. Fucking leave.
If you sell flour to a baker to whomst does the bread belong to
>It's not a baby you fucking psycopath so let me kill it in peace.
The hypocrisy is mindblowing. It makes it easier dehumanizing the baby doesn't it?
Sure sounds like a another jew made up degeneracy.
And male doctors shouldn't perform them either, right?
If you put bread in a toaster, who does the toast belong to?
>men don't have any rights when dealing with their children
if you share a house with your wife, does she have the right to burn it down without consulting you?
Close, but let's work on it.
If I bake a cake, who does it belong to? Me, or the oven?
1 and 3 are the same.
When nonmillionaires think they can discuss high income tax brackets, you can't. Fucking leave.
Ooooh, I like that.
People who pay no Federal income taxes cannot vote.
witnessed and confirmed
The one eating it
Don't give me that "Don't get high on your own supplies" bullshit.
wew polska, took me a second
I agree with that unironically.
>The day when artificial wombs replace women cannot come soon enough.
>get 1000 artificial wombs
>grow babies
>kill them and harvest them at 20 weeks
>sell to George Soros so he gets his life extending fetus smoothie in the morning
>my artificial womb my right
>praise moloch
What a time to be alive
Trips speak the truth