Trump should just resign because of this tweet

Trump should just resign because of this tweet.

Haha yeah, former trump supporter here not going to lie it's hilarious watching him crash and burn, but seriously we can't let this guy continue to be president

This isn't even the full quote. He was referring to the media, and he is probably right.

But he won't, and you will have to continue to suffer. Sorry

Um.....sweetie JFK was shot in the back of the head, not the face :)

Your thread is shit.
You should probably drive into a brick wall at a high rate of speed for posting this thread.

>Nutter kills someone = Coordinated smear between MSM, DNC, RINOs

This is the stupidest shit since the Spicer "Chemical Weapons on the battlefield = Gassing Jews with insecticide"

>kys faggot

Remember to sage

Remember to bump all anti-putin threads.

>wahhh i've been treated poorly

Who was Abraham Lincoln?

>no politician
Hitler and El Generalísimo Francisco Franco

They're in Heaven at the moment. Trump is also a kosher nationalist, fraud, and con man.

I hate the people that hate him. I really don't give a fuck what he does as long as he keeps pissing off nigger lovers.

You should just resign from life, if you're so upset by a tweet, you're considering hurting people. Not saying you ARE, OP. Just saying IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF

He was actually shot in the face by someone in somewhat close proximity. All i can say but the exit wound was most definitely in the back of his head.

I bet Kennedy was not attacked for taking two scoops if icecream.

This. Leftists can't even history correctly.

Is he saying the media assassinated JFK?

This. I thought the left trusted the CIA and FBI.

I saw this on reddit too.

He said unfairly

He also says you've got to just keep fighting no matter what. He ain't giving get up.


Being killed isn't really being treated unfairly or bad, it's being killed. I don't think anyone has thought "that guy was RUDE to my friend when he killed him!".

You should resign from life because of this post.

JFK was loved by the media and the United States. Regardless if he was a dem, he was a man of the time that captured the true spirit of America at the time we needed it.

For pete sake I went to a school named after him