Come help us out, Sup Forums
Come help us out, Sup Forums
OhSnapYouGotServed is a chick, I wanna see her tittays
we've got shit going on if you haven't looked around. we're busy. also fuck you civic cucks and fuck your board that is linked to kikes and the same guy that runs march against trump. your shit is all fucked up and controlled.
Fuck of back to The_Donald you maga retard your god is a kike
desu that's pretty ballsy
I don't care, fuck off, you're not welcome here.
Was that English, nigger?
Reddit has been completely cleaned out. absolutely every sub is now dominated by SJW moderators and admins. it wasn't like that just a year ago. everything changed since the election, all stuff is political now.
The_Donald will be closed sooner or later, it was always going to happen, the only question is when.
throw a le based tranny XD in there and it's complete
T_D users: go to Voat
pol is for pol. TD is for TD.
Come on Sup Forums, quit being fucking niggers and do it.
you have to fight for your home
>I don't believe that there are jewish supremacists attempting to destroy western civilization
>help me the jewish supremacists attempting to destroy western civilization are eradicating me but I still refuse to see it
fuck off newfag l*ddit scum, NYPA
Do what?
Don't be too hard on em. The ones worth anything will learn eventually.
This should be a valuable lesson for them.
I've been around before Sup Forums was even a thing faggot.
Haha yeah, former trump supporter here, I'm gonna be totally honest it's hilarious watching him crash and burn, but we seriously can't let this guy be president any longer
Fuck off reddit cancer
>leddit fags invade pol and mask any sort of intelligence with autistic buzzword shrieking
>begs pol to save them like UK to US in WW2
Fuck reddit
You guys need to leave and go to voat, take all your users with you
Let Reddit die a horrible death, it's become a full on propaganda outlet
As it has to
Kikes needed to craft a tool to counter our memes
Fucking do what? Not your personal army you reddit shitfuck.
she's probably fat
what was the point of that thread? i read it all and still dont get it
niggers tongue punching their anuses or something
spread the word
Theyre getting shit on by about 10 other subreddits that are dedicated to shutting T_D down. The mods think that if they increase the shitposting, somehow the admins will cave in and leave them alone?
Honestly, this looks like the beginning of Fat People Hate being shut down all over again.
then why the fuck do you care about reddit? full-chan does all the heavylifting and those fucks celebrate it like they were a part of it.