Women banned from some streets in Paris
oh hush its because of the hot sun
has nothing to do with anything
the street
fallait pas voter pour une tarlouze.
This bitch is literally a memeball
yea i'm sure a lot of blue eyed blonde white women live and work there
I can't read Sanskrit. Translation into first world language please.
Thanks God for the stunning and brave feminists standing up to this patriarchal bullshit.
There will be pink-haired riots in no time.
Fuck it's sad to watch France decline into third world status.
there is shithole everywhere, in america you have Detroit, Chicago and new mexico
This area is 'la goutte d'or' it is well known for drugs, crackheads, shitskins, prostitution. It is the worst area of paris. Near this place, there is also the most radical mosque where the last terrorists went.
Man or woman, i don't even know who would go there. It is nothing new, even when i was a kid this area was shit.
something must be done to that place
"Just get used to it".
Women can't walk in the streets of this area because too much aggressive shitskins. It is their territory. It is like a no-go zone for women. But i guess for white guys too.
Thank Ms Skeltal
>throwing in new mexico
>voting time
>vote for this
Europe had a chance to change this but chose to allow it.
Whatever happens the people wanted it this way.
Well get used to it. Demographics are destiny of France. This will become more and more common once whole turns brown and black.
>new mexico
Watching Better Call Saul, are we?
Even right gov / right mayor did nothing. We must nuke all the north of paris
Islam's got something right for once! Back to the kitchen for those hags!
The muslims are going to beat the western degeneracy out of these french whores, I love it. Maybe we do need islam over here too. Back in the kitchen, no more drinking/smoking, no more casual sex, no more make up and slutty clothes, no more talking back to men.
exactly what i was thinking
why the fuck would u throw in NM? did u watch breaking bad/better call saul and think that NM is some crystal blue haven?
Well, you had a chance to bttfo, but you choose Macro, so...
It's all part and parcel of living in a madinah
t. ahmed
next you'll have shariah law and your govt will do nothing
Not nukes, tactical neutron bombs - kills the organic matter and leaves the infrastructure intact.
All those napoleonic buildings can be cleaned out and revived, after they are blessed by druids.
But France is the most cuckified Muslim cuntry in Europe.
Worse even than Sweden and Germany
kek dumb women reap what they sow
shouldn't have voted like utter retarded children for the last 40 years.
>which need nukes as fuze
>What're you looking at smooth skin?
french are disgusting
What's the French word for quarantine?
Which need standard explosives as detonatorz.
New Mexico BTFO faggots
My sides! It's true!
it's a shame nobody will ever read this
It's Paris, people can just cross there for billions or reasons.
We should implement that here as well.
Why don't you gentrify that area?
>Enrichment intensifies
>fallait pas voter pour une tarlouze.
"Should not vote for a tarlouze."
Guess the humor is in the meaning of the word 'tarlouze'.
This is why you needed Madame President you sexists.
To be fair, Albuquerque is a shithole.
Tarlouse mean fagget in a fagget way desu
Why you defend women?
You are just like that buttmad cuckservative mad that Erdogan goons beat leftists
If we aren't doing it, and we aren't, I'm glad someone is
What's wrong with New Mexico?