Why do liberal memes make the most sense?
Why do liberal memes make the most sense?
Haha yeah former trump supporter here not going to lie it's hilarious watching him crash and burn but seriously we can't allow this guy to be president any longer
Free to not pay for your (other Americans') dumb ass.
Liberals claim to believe in freedom, but they don't believe in freedom to use a woman for my sexual gratification at my every whim?
>freedom is the state making you give your money whether you like it or not for a service that you may like or may not like or could get for less money
leaf you are really desperate
can we please get the Japs to sue them for using Anime please?
Are you joking with this copy paste shareblue shit.
>this thread again
Stop shitting up anime characters with your retarded fucking politics.
Also Republicans believe in the freedom to not have to pay for shit you don't want to pay for.
You're basically saying they don't believe in the freedom to be forced to pay for someone else healthcare.
Did Trudeau outlaw vocabulary class for being racist or are you just retarded.
Basically this. If we can have free healthcare why not free whorecare?
>forced to provide any and all healthcare services to anyone regardless the patient's attitude or their ability to pay something in return
>young people forced to pay in to a healthcare system that they don't use
>healthy people not allowed to have it cheaper and easier than the sick
>no one allowed to buy a simple healthcare plan that only covers emergencies
>everyone taxed simply for living
wow that sure sounds like freedom
Literally kill yourself, Shariablue faggot.
Former Trump voter here.
Liberals are right, I went to Germany to suck muslim dick.
Tastes great!
Freedom of a thing and THE freedom of a thing are two separate issues you faglord. I said it in the last thread:
The freedom of universal healthcare provides you the liberty to pursue universal healthcare measures of your own will. All it entails is that, you as a US Citizen, are free to attempt to pursue it as an option. Not that it is a given right of your God.
States don't give Rights or Freedoms, they grant liberties.
I haven't even checked but I assure you OP is a 1 ID by this post faggot. I'm also a faggot for responding.
Nope denied....you don't get to "spam" threads bitch.
>freedom is forcing people to pay for you
>makes sense
@MODS Reported for spam because heres the exact same thread....they are trying to spam (Openly) Same spammer
i dont understand
i have healthcare that's not provided by the government and I dont even have a great job. i only make 50k a year. back at my last job which I only made 27k a year, I had healthcare that was almost as good. what is so hard about getting healthcare?
also stop using Froppy for your shit memes.
Time to leave bitch....before I turn your thread....red.
Freedom to do, not freedom to have.
>shill thread
Which one could it be? I can't even tell anymore.
@MODS the comment count on thread 1 is still under 200....this whore just didn't like the way the conversation was going against her agenda.
Whores....gotta love em XD
What's funny is that Americans spend more on healthcare than anyone else yet they think their system is the most efficient even though large swathes of their population don't have affordable access to it.
Remember to sage
Ahhhh ssshhheeeiiitttttt.........Listen to me and listen to me good bitch there is no place for you here on Sup Forums seek life elsewhere or im going to fuck your psyche up badly.
Already am, you fucked up though
G8 B8 M8
he posts this image every day hoping to drum up support thats just not there. think ill post this image alongside the sage