
I took the David Icke - Orwell/Huxley - Fritz Springmeier - Manly P. Hall-pill.

Fucking help !

There is no turning back to standard reality is there?

I can't watch TV anymore without noticing every single Illuminati sign and brainwashing technique.

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a wise user once said
do not let the information destroy you, let it enrich your life.

iktf my mayne

The blackpill is for nihilists. Give yourself to something greater user.

i thought the black pill meant becoming nihilist?

Say what you will about the tenets of national socialism, but at least it's an ethos.

Just stop watching TV. You'll feel great.

you took a purple pill

The only cure is to grow stronger. Not to un-know the realizations, but to be able to bear the burden.

What a boring picture.


i guess i cant be that upset, you people do have hideous women

i want to bang a black chick so bad. pol did this to me

It's realizing everything is controlled by a certain group of people who originate from Egyptian mystery schools and only the name has changed.

These people worship Lucifer at the high end. Freemasons, Rosicrucians, even subverted churches.

Even Huxley told in his last speech that Brave New World is actually true. He should know because his brother worked for the fucking UNESCO.

Indian mythology, Western mythology, Egyptian mythology. It's all related.

Leviathan is the fucking KUNDALINI. FUCK.

So your an anarchist communist now? Good.

Black pill means complete pessimism, defeatism and nihilism.
OP probably thinks that we live in an irreversible dystopia and I don't blame him

You seem oblivious to fact that both Huxley and Orwell had high connections to the Elite. They wrote nonfiction.

>he's trapped himself in the world of metaphysical symbolism
Take a walk out in nature, rest assured that nature has symbols and patterns, yet none can ever exactly discern them. There is still mystery in the world, it's just not manmade.

newfag, once you come to live with that, you'll learn to fight it

watch samurai jack, it's a story about satan taking over the world and what does it look like once he took over (which is now) and how to stand up to it.

who /hermes/ here

Welcome to the planet motherfucker

what do you know about cathedrals?

The Elite for one. Hermes received his teachings from the Dragon, which I guess was Satan.


Make no mistake, it is a Jew World Order, and it's already here.

Blackpilled literature recommendations?

>Manly P. Hall "Secret Teachings of All Ages"



>Fritz Springmeier "Bloodlines of the Illuminati"

>Aleister Crowley "Liber777"


Wrong, Hermes defeated the Dragon.

No he didnt?

I want to know more...

O.T.O, the satanic cult which many celebrities including the Beatles and politicians, lawyers etc. have belonged to advices sex magick as one of the highest forms of magic.

The final stage is having homosexual sex with a young boy and thus activating lower chakras.

That's why there's so much pedophilia amongst elite, of course blackmail being also one of the reasons. The people who rule this world are not atheists.

I got a black gf because of Sup Forums.

You would be closer to the truth if you stopped getting your info from vigilant citizen tier youtube videos.

it's nothing special, do it once to get it out of your system

Do tell your theory senpai.

David Icke and Alex Jones are obvious disinformation cretins - Icke was either brainwashed or corrupted - Alex Jones might just be a direct plant or a loud mouthed self advertiser.

Neither one is reliable for any information.
It is possible to see patterns in anything - if you watch clouds all day while thinking about aliens, you'll see aliens and ships in every cloud shape.

Keep it simple, and thinking rationally. Most of it isn't worth worrying about.

I used to think like that until I read Secret teachings of all ages.


Aleister Crowley was a fad spreader, a hipster of his times.
Nothing to do with reality.

The Dragon Poimander was the All/God/Cosmos manifesting in that certain form. Poimander = Shepard of men.

Read Corpus Hermetica.

Smelly smells that smell

I didn't say there weren't goings on, but just don't listen to loud mouthed government plants.

Masonic symbolism isn't a secret - but it isn't the biggest problem. Whoever is in control isn't important - stopping them is.

Don't know about O.T.O. that much but don't they follow Thelema? It seems mostly based on Crowleys autism and I haven't seen anything linking it to straight up satanism.

Imagine having sex with a homeless man - covered in grime and stinking of stale sweat, with leathery skin and urine soaked, unkempt hair.

>chilean soccer teams plane crashes in Andes mountain
>no food
>can't get down the mountain
>decide to eat the dead bodies
>peoples reaction

What else would you have had them do? Lay down and die while meat was in reach? Fuck that, if my plane goes down I will be snacking on the first person I came across, alive or dead. A burgers got to keep his weight up after all.

Knowing what the Elite believes in (occult) is important to knowing how to stop them.

The reason they are having blood prostitutes and drinking baby blood is because the egyptians thought it gave eternal life.

Take the consciousness pill and read Prometheus Rising. Then Middle Pillar.
Start meditating and non-cucked yoga.

Also read these:

At this point, you may as well go full on rejection of the world and it's ways, and start on the path to self-realization. You already read about Fritz Springmeier, so your chances of being able to genuinely connect to another human being that is more interested in serving their own material senses are pretty slim to none. A y a h u a s_ c a is your friend. Care to go deeper? Look up the Tibetan Book of the Dead, The Bhagavad Gita (as it is), and the book of Enoch.

You cannot serve two masters. One who loves the World, has no love of the Father in him. If these words are confusing or don't immediately reveal their meaning to you, perhaps in time, they will.
Good luck, user. Beware the nihilists.

>ou already read about Fritz Springmeier, so your chances of being able to genuinely connect to another human being that is more interested in serving their own material senses are pretty slim to none

I assume you are speaking from experience?

As far as I have read, the egyptian symbology is a relatively recent resurgence, and more to do with a 'members only club' than a true belief.


>I can't watch TV anymore without noticing every single Illuminati sign and brainwashing technique.

post details
youtube vids etc

Yeah ... cant even go innawoods since we have no space here!

All I see are niggers.

Become a Sage OP. Read more books.

Unwash your mind. Be a true free thinker.

There is a worldwide apparatus set up against such things.

good lad. also reality is a kike meme


You're crazy lad

>feeling bad about having the veil lifted
Soon you will feel pity for those who can do what you no longer can.

I'd take her brown pill straight down my throat, if you know what I mean.

But kundalini has the opposite effect. Those who awaken don't really care for worldly things

you all gotta understand that the fact that there is no meaning in life , means that you are free to be whatever you want(in the laws of reality of curse)

Are the nobodytm videos black pilled?

If you haven't also done a large does of LSD or taken a lot of diphenhydramine those books will not red-pill you.

Also look at the Tim Leary Robert / Anton Wilson pill

I don't think so.

I think nephilims really existed

the reason why your life has no meaning is because you are a mindless subhuman slave

and yours has some meaning because of jesus or some shit , right?

you life also has meaning, you are just to dumb to realize it. look within yourself

Niet fokken m8

Hueanon, your whole life, you have had people dictating to you what reality is under the guise of science. Science in all actuality, is the neverending study of life, the universe, and how it works. Science in it's current kiked out form, is a farce that is designed to lock the believer into 3D(material) consciousness forever, via manipulation of what to believe and what not to believe.

I dont know man. How is LSD not just chemical effect instead of real spiritual experience?

Icke is someone who knows things, but has no idea what he actually knows

Orwell and Huxley were socialists who believed that the future would be determined by a biological caste system. Intriguing as a science fiction concept, but pretty lacking in terms of any real understanding of politics or society.

I don't know who Fritz is.

Manly P. Hall was a freemason. Free masonry is garbage. They push ideas without knowing the implications. They exist only to guide the goyim in service to the kikes.

Dig deep and read the Bible or some of the Apocrypha.

Orwell went to Spain to kill fascists and got shot in the fucking throat, he has zero (0) to do with cunts like David Icke

shrooms are better

Didn't David Icke say he's not ruling out the fact that reptilians are running the show. And not in the metaphorical sense. Spoopy.

take the pink pill and jerk off to the sauce for that photo, youll feel better

tell me the meaning, better, tellme where you see your meaning.
you gotta understand that any meaning that you have, was given to you by another human or you made it your self,
but hey, give yourself meaning in life , that is what i was saying before

Even leftists know that TV is brain rotting garbage. Turn it off.

I believe there is some truth to Bible but gnosticism seems also have some real stuff in it.

Fritz is a cat with a giant penis.

no, science is mostly facts and some probabilitys, but there are so many facts that show that there is no meaning, like evolution and the size of the universe

What form of Gnosticism? Which texts have you been reading?

Giant balls too.
>On January 31, 2002, Springmeier was indicted in the United States District Court in Portland, Oregon[7] in connection with an armed robbery. On February 12, 2003, he was found guilty of one count of armed bank robbery in violation of 18 U.S.C. §§ 2113(a) and (d) and one count of aiding and abetting in the use of a semi-automatic rifle during the commission of a felony in violation of 18 U.S.C § 924(c)(1).[8][9] In November 2003, he was sentenced to 51 months in prison on the armed robbery charge and 60 months on the aiding and abetting charge, fined $7,500, ordered to pay $6,488 in restitution, and assessed an additional $200.[10] Springmeier's conviction was affirmed by the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.[11] He was imprisoned, and was released from federal prison on March 25, 2011.[12][13]

its not above giving yourself meaning or me giving you meaning, its about remembering what you are and remembering 'meaning'. reflect on yourself. find your soul and understand what that is

The tranny pill is the craziest one. Literally 'They Live' infestation of the media, TV, politics. Then you start to look closer at your boss, lecturer or landlord. Even doctors and cops!

theories are not fact, thats why they are theories


Next is realizing there is no good and bad.
user, listen to some more of Manly P Hall,
But also listen to Alan Watts, Sadhguru, Mooji, and most of all. - yourself.

Read this as soon as you can and it will help make sense.

First to read

Second to read

I went through the black pill years ago and came out the other side much better; don't worry about trying to explain it to other people. They can't see and they don't want to yet.

Remember that most of the advice you hear in your head is for you!

You got more?
When was this written, 1928? Is there any new material I should pick up after finishing this that you would recommend?

Its true

that's what i'm saying, there're no rule above us , no evidence of it, so just give yourself meaning, follow your animalesc essence and do what you want

i replyed the wrong one

i was answaring this

no, you are totally wrong. the animal is not you. allowing the animal to rule you is why you are a subhuman.

but evolution is a fact user, the scale of the universe is a fact , no theory

Absolutely right Ahmed, needs more cultural enrichment

did you even read the op

Demiurge and stuff. Not sure what form?

>still trying to find pleasure in watching tv


no, they are both theories and to try to pass them off as facts is a blatant manipulation

That's because hermaphrodite was a major symbolism in ancient egypt, hence the push


Spirit interfaces with our brain, affecting one's brain with chemicals can provide insight into this.

Shrooms are better than LSD in general, however there is something unique from LSD. DPH is basically at DMT powerlevels, except it's basically always very unpleasant (a true redpill is rarely pleasant)