Redpill me on the good stuff Trump has done.
Hardmode: with sources
Redpill me on the good stuff Trump has done.
Hardmode: with sources
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Appointed Gorsuch to SC
Haha yeah I was once a Trump supporter and I'm not going to lie it's super hilarious watching him crash and then burn but in all seriousness we can't allow this guy to be president any longer
I don't follow the news closely but, as a non-American, off the top of my head;
Deported a fuckload of gang members and illegals
Put big dents in Obamacare
Created hundreds of thousands of jobs
Increased border security
Appointed Gorsuch
Yeah. I support Trump because he's the president, and it'd bad if he failed. I do believe he was better than Clinton. I just hate the heel kicking all the dems are doing about how he's the second coming of Hitler.
Gorsuch, for sure.
Links to jobs and that dent in Obamacare is good? Dems don't like to have their "free" healthcare taken away.
Stopped Hillary from becoming president
Everything else is icing on the cake
What's better, a slow decline or idiots rioting in the streets and on the brink of civil war?
Reversed the streams protection act so your country could go back to using waterways as sewers. I applaud him on that.
I was under the impression that the EPA could deem any water way as protected which was overreaching and could lead to the EPA shutting down simple things like faucets
I agree but part of me want Trump to rest because I feel like he's a magnet for prob!ems. I want tpence to be president because I think he would be able to get a lot of stuff done quickly.
Oh perhaps, but dumping heavy metals in a river can be pretty devastating as well. I feel like most issues there needs to be a balance but its where to draw the line thats always the issue
>no TPP
>Fired Comey
>Deporting bad hombres
>Tightened border security
Yeah. Trump so go back to delegating and being whimsical and let the people who know what they're doing do the stuff. Basically what he did in Art of the Deal - he got the best people for the job and then poked in every now and then to make sure things were on track.
Of course, but I think the EPA gets over zealous just like the Antifags get over zealous by calling anyone who disagrees a nazi. You can't have that.
lowered gun and ammo prices
filled the swamp with Goldman Sachs
Donald Trump even managed to get Alex Jones pro-globalist and pro-Goldman Sachs
I've never seen bigger cucks than right wing retards.
We're not on the brink of civil war. We're on the brink of impeachment with another petty 15,000 person protest that will amount to nothing because there will still be a Republican in the White House and that's all that matters to (((them))).
Unironicaly, there is a huge shock wave that is being sent trough the Balkan, from the US.
They are purging the ((NGO's)), and slapping their ambassadors and shills over the fingers for (and this is direct quote) "meddling in the matters of sovereign states" mind u that comes from the ((US))
So I do not know what to think, he is obviously being obstructed heavily.
He isn't a faggot.
>pic related
idiots rioting in the streets. love it
He triggered all the SJWs
The best thing about Trump is that he'd impeding the NWO process of taking over the entire middle-east.
I dont care what he does as long as it makes the left look like a bunch of spastic retards
But if you're talking to a spastic rioting in the street, how do you explain to them that the political correctness BS has to go?
Time for a redpill