Post your results goyim
8 values test
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Good results lads
half the time it says this the other half its right wing populism
It's funny how this test labels you as Hawkish when you believe your country should be able to protect itself.
Got 'Fascist', but I don't have the screenshot.
Some of these questions are too vague.
I bet you faggots think Hitler did anything wrong besides not succeeding.
this test isn't that great
Shitty test
I agree
We got weirdly the exact same fucking results tho
National Capitalism is the way to go.
Proud Neocon
Third world rats watch out. I'm coming for your oil and taking your land to give to Israel.
Sounds about right.
r8 pls
you can't be nationalist without being socialist
>National Socialism
Economic Axis: Market
Diplomatic Axis: Chauvinist
Civil Axis: Statist
Societal Axis: Traditional
>implying it isn't the destiny of American corporations to achieve global hegemony
lol oops , don't know how to post this shit what you gonna do about it goy
>I fit in bois xD
What's the difference between state socialism and national socialism
Loaded questions written as to make everyone more left wing than they actually are so as to "compel" them to listen to leftwing drivel, since they have so much in common with the leftyes anyway!
Helicopter rides.
A patrician's ideology. although I technically do favor some intervention to prevent economic Jewish tricks.
Bolsheviks are sub-human monstrosities, that if not maintained and controlled by means of firing squads, will enslave, slaughter our peoples, destroy our way of life, and bring about the end of freedom and honor.
Best result
>Capitalist Fascism
Basically Strasserism.
State Socialism is autoritarian "patriotic" marxism (basically Yugoslavia and some arab socialist states).
National Socialism is not marxist, does not involve collectism and confiscation of property, and is nationalist on the racial sense of it. Hitler said in Mein Kampf that he was against the worship of the state)
Christian democrat
pls dont kill
I'm surprised
What if you don't consider yourself a Marxist though. Not to mention, Matthew Heimbach's idea of natsoc isn't really much different than mine.
INB4 liberal cuck
>8 values test
How'd I do?
National prioritizes your people and their interests, state socialism is where the state seizes the means for """"all the people"""", like in Venezuela for example.
I'm a very centralist person. I see the benefits on both sides of the coin but the danger in sliding too far in either direction. I'm a minority in the political department (and I feel like an outcast.).
kill yourself
Daily reminder
More Taxation == Better Country
Less Taxation == Backwards Barbarism
Without Socialism Venezuela would be owned by Wahabbi terrorists or Russians
Distributist coming through. We need to go back to the Middle Ages.
I bet you're one of those people that drive between two lanes for a little bit after they make a turn at an intersection. PICK A LANE ASSHOLE
No bully please
it's ok
keep calm
and vote jeb
I'm mostly a technocrat. If you can prove something in multiple and repeatable double-blind, randomized trials, I'll probably run with it.
absolutely degenerate
>left-wing populist
>am actually National Socialist
Hitler would have loved me
>Doesn't like free markets
>Demands proof
All them socialist and communist states sure worked out!
Did not expect to get labeled as a "progressive".
Wtf.. Not a neolib. Against globalization and climate change shill.
stupid test...