Fuck you guys...
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Haha yeah former trump supporter here not going to lie it's hilarious watching him crash and burn but seriously we can't let this guy continue to be president
Archive so you dont directly contribute to 50 gallon drums of ky jelly and poppers
2017 ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code F64.9
Oh well. They publicly shit on people who don't agree with them all the time, what goes around comes around. If they want an 'equal' society, don't be surprised to be the one to be shat on in turn.
what happens to trannies when they age over 35 and become old and rotten?
That flag is retarded
he looks like b4nny
Sorry are you chad or romaine i cant tell since you fags share the same flag
It's only downhill from the start.
They all an hero in their twenties
gronalf blumpppfff
>implying niggers didn't stole it and tried to declare war on us in 2011
It's clear you can't read too
They realize they've made a horrible, irreversible mistake and commit suicide over it.
Let's draw attention and clicks fo this page that nobody follows in the first place. Alt right teens are retarded desu.
Bullshit. Assigned Male has been kicking off all week about donations.
Looks like yet another false flag by a money-grabbing sjw.
Nobody would bother with shutting down this account, the artist just isn't that well known, and has in fact provided so much evidence that their condition is fucking mental disorder personified, we are far more likely to hack it back up than burn it down.
Interestingly, several internet sjw beggars have been despeartely trying to guilt more money out of their nodding "fans" lately. Maybe the NGO that was paying them has closed under Trump and they have to rely on real people handing over money for once?
>‘I’d also like to acknowledge that this attack was mostly planned because of four explicit reasons :
>I am a woman
>I am trans
>I support non-binary people
>I support intersex people.
its not about the fact that you dont know whats between your legs, its more the fact that youre shoving your opinion down other peoples throat with your shitty comics and that you cant take criticism
Your propaganda doesnt corelate with those of the attackers and you got shocked by actually being attacked for being a public figure
The four facts youre stating are fucking retarded and made up by your defenseless small brain that tries to legitemise your believe that youre always right
If you even got so far to actually read this and are still reading this then good job loser, heres your (You)
How famous is she to receive thousands of death threats? I'm pretty sure I haven't received even thousands of (you)'s.
Oh no the africa of europe is getting mad what are you gunna do steal something or pickpocket the nearest person who doesn't look like theve bathed in shit. Your the butt of all europes jokes and you make Albanians look like first world people
Red pill the comments section.
You know he's going to be reading it.
Jewish degeneracy
Some species have more than two sexes. I believe ants have three, kind of.
You guys should learn some tolerance.
i actually think she's really qt
is she single?
I'm quite tolerant to alcohol.
im 46% sure this is not even bait
I ain't clicking that shit nigga
If it knows what a letdown it is, why does it continue to torture it's father rather than kill itself?
what the fuck is up with that smile, if at least he just closed his mouth he could look somewhat passable, but this is just horrid
>not eating da poopoo
>pissed on French flag
i'm packin' my bags
Is pic related a challenge?!?!
Africa of Europe is still better than the Africa, nigger.
My country has been around for barely 100+ years and still achieved more than the entire African continent in all of its history
Okay, but your opinion is shit.
Cant wait to see your flag without the blue and white
Fuck off you 6 legged faggot.
I don't know what to say but your welcome!
>poland unironically telling someone to be tolerant
Yeah atleast i know my place and unlike you i dont pretend that africa is a good continent but please continue to brag about what little gypo achievements you have accomplished and pretend to be of relevance in europe
>Openly talks shit about those who disagrees
>It's my narrative and not yours
>Talks about punching Nazis and right wingers
>Gets dox
>Needs safe space
>Cries to media about Nazis
Do you even lift, bro?
Me neither t b h lad
Go drink bleach
>help me make better comics
I'll send him copies of "Understanding Comics" and "Making Comics" by Scott Mccloud, and sign him up for life drawing- but any money given to this fag assuredly will not go towards making better comics. his drawing has only gotten worse in the few years he's been drawing this terrible thing. Shit panels, too.
How's the internet over there CARbro?
Fucking lmao I didn't even realize that.
No survive because they'll look like whatever they were anyways the older they get, so they always take plan B before that
How the fuck did I know it would be Assigned Male?
But fuck you guys, her work was so insane it was a parody of itself and a redpill to how mentally ill transfaggots are.
Also her comics are meme worthy
>Mentally deranged down's syndrome sufferer who self-medicates with emotionally-destabilizing estrogen supplements claims something outlandish and is believed at face value
Probably some lame skid discovered an SQLi or some other basic flaw in this person's web site, and did it for the lulz
Everyone knows that "sophie" "la belle" is near universally hated, even among trans and feminists
46% nigga the obvious proxy
If they haven't an heroed yet, they will.
Ah man. Why did you have to put it that way? Here we are shitposting up the world and we can't even get an anonymous letter or a knife in the door or a horse head in the bed from the CIA and this dude gets THOUSANDS of death threats. It's like no one even cares about the important work we do.
Le sigh
This one is actually mentally retarded so it might die of natural causes before coming to the obvious conclusion
>I'm allowed to make fun of you but if you do it you're bad!
She sent her followers to mass report "nazi, fascist" groups and got a good bit taken out. Fuck consequences of actions am I right?
What the fuck is a trans-cartoonist? It that one of them fuckers that want to become 2D and fuck his waifu?
One quarter serious here... if you have any artistic skill, create a transgender comic, tumblr site, and social media account.
Build it up over time and find out how many death threats you actually get.
If these thousands of "death threats" even exist at all, I suspect they are a mix of false flagging for victim points, outright fabrications, and harsh disagreements. I wouldn't be surprised if more threats were from people who aren't "alt-right" than those that are.
>sees trend where people read their hate mail- the intent of which is to humanize themselves in the face of that kind of vitriol
>does the opposite to hammer in the point that he's an air-headed narcissist
I really do wonder sometimes if this man could be the world's most dedicated satirist.
it's the person(term used loosely) who draws the assigned male comics
google it if you don't know
Trigger warning
There's a transsexual I met through our Church outreach programme and I've been to his house, not a single photo of him with his family, it's absolutely heartbreaking and you could tell that even though the parents were trying to be supportive of his transsexual lifestyle it was clearly tearing them apart.
"trans woman" seems like a needlessly complex way of saying man
why do they do this
>over 2.5k a month for drawing shitty comics
>meanwhile I wagecuck for less than a thousand
This is the artist of assigned male?...hmmm
Great job guys, way to take it out on possibly the weakest element of society. Really winning the war here.
Someone is butt blasted....
Why the fuck can't they just let it go?
why do I care though, honestly all they do is draw shitty comics for mocking and bitch and whine 24/7
It needs to be gassed along with the niggers and Jews.
Holy shit romania btfo
Let's stand together against bullying of trans-kids. Don't worry, guys. It's all healthy and normal.
You stupid fucks should quit telling us what to think or how to feel. In fact, just fuck off entirely.
There is actually a xxy. It is a disease though
Hey tranny whatcha doin?
Am I the only one who is terribly creeped out by the fact that some 20-something or 30-something year old man is projecting his sexual fantasies into a little child?
That's pretty fucking pedophilic, no?
You seem to misunderstand that tolerance does not equate to acceptance. In fact he's lucky he lives in a society that is bending over backwards to support his mental disorder.
I don't have to tolerate anything I don't want shoved in my face
Why does xxy and xyy only happen to males?
[S]he's a laughing stock but I think pol/tards went too far with the hardcore hate against this person.
the best hackers and trolls don't come to Sup Forums id wager, we are the old men in the pub to the real shitpost artists out there.
Got to hand it to those leddit fags they actually did something for once
he misspelled 'terrorists'
seriously fuck white poeple
also this
Ugly and crazy, whata catch.