Why do so many people on Sup Forums constantly parade around the term "Cultural Marxism" to refer to anything they don't like? Notice how they never cite the works of the Frankfurt School themselves but merely go off on conjecture about the members' Jewish origins, or vague accusations about the mainstream media being allegedly owned by communists? Well these Marxist youtubers have debunked the myth:
"Cultural Marxism" doesn't exist pt. 2
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you dodged the race thing when people started going into more detail...
Because it's based on factual errors. There is no evidence whatsoever that there's a correlation between race and IQ, or that "IQ" is a definite thing.
The term "Cultural Marxism" is used in a different manner than Sup Forums uses it.
Even wikipedia admits IQ is at least 75% hereditary.
>or that "IQ" is a definite thing
t. never seen an IQ test.
I was tested for autism when I was young. Mind you, this was back in the 1990s before all the autism hysteria and most of the tests they gave me were IQ tests. Trust me, the only things those tests actually measure are abilities to recognize patterns and memorization.
lol now you're just being willfully obtuse. myself and dutchbro typed out a nice tidy bit and all you can say is durr iq doesnt real u guise, intelligence is subjective.
So Evola and Guenon, where to start?
pattern recognition is a great way to test fluid/general intelligence.
don't pretend it isn't real just because you didn't like the results.
Ask someone more familiar with those authors.
So what is the original meaning?
Fuck off kike
In what way?
But what's it mean. Autism is a marker of higher pattern recognition? So why act like it is a disease?
Oh no! We started to lose arguments because we are retarded, better make a new thread and start fresh.
The old thread 404'd.
>I was tested for autism
Thought you were a troll before, but now I know for sure, see ya soon when you make the same thread and get BTFO in the exact same ways.
left took over the center, and morphed with liberalism. now liberalism is a secularist and materialist ideology of humanist cancer, multiculturalism and multiracialism. of course there is cultural marxism, extreme leftist ideas of "equality".
Why does the official term matter to you so much? It is what it is, and it is communist in nature.
I second that. Don't deflect, give me the information and I'm willing to change my mind.
>There is no evidence whatsoever that there's a correlation between race and IQ
there is actually. most of the debate over the past several decades has been over environmental or genetic causes, or both. you're just butthurt because it blows your equality shit out of the water.
I rather like the Unabomber's critique of the left. He was a big fan of Marcuse FYI.
Get a real job, scum
I'm more willing to believe environment causes the IQ disparity, if we believe this myth at all. IQs for inner city kids went up once lead was removed from paint.
Which one of these guys are you?
Because I come from a country which literally I saw this happening
If you guys are not seeing you might be the next, first they take the "high intelectuals"
then the colleges, then the media
After all that they take over politics...
It happened on Venezuela and we here are fighting each inch to no happen here as well.
>I'm more willing to believe environment causes the IQ disparity
Twin adoption studies dispute this. Environment is a factor but genetics is at least as large a factor.
Autists have trouble with social interaction and relating to people, do not handle unpredictable situations and are not able to handle their emotions. They consequently have trouble functioning in society, they experience suffering from their state and create problems for their surroundings. Autism is more than just pattern recognition, or else they'd be just intelligent.
BTW there is gramcism as well, a fellow lefttard made it
it's probably both actually but genetics is a huge factor.
Your country was never socialist though. Even the Workers' Party kept the austerity coming.
>IQ is not hereditary
You are so full of shit that it's unbelievable that you even take yourself seriously
I don't see myself there. Sorry.
please tell me that's not real holy shit.
Cool picture, can you now inform me where to start with these fascist and traditionalist authors?
Τhis kike keeps making the same thread over and over. Linking the same fibro by some scrawny communist larping kike.
Filter this filth.
Muke is actually a British Cypriot. The woman in the first video is Jewish though.
It's real, son. These people are simultaneously the most pathetic things imaginable and extremely dangerous because of how hard they've invested themselves into their murderous revolutionary fantasies.
>I'm more willing to believe environment causes the IQ disparity, if we believe this myth at all
You dont just get to pick and choose what sort of world you want to live in, dipshit. IQ has been proven to be largely hereditary, and until you can actually PROVE it to be otherwise, you are just another person screaming about on pol, in denial of reality. Dont worry though, you'll either end up committing suicide, or getting redpilled one way or another; you cannot hide from reality.
>beady eyes
>kike nose
Yeah, fuck off
he was tested for autism
be nice
Jews are Mediterranean people as are Greeks and Turks.
Proper care can turn a small maple tree into a big maple tree but no matter how much are you give it, the maple tree will not reach the same heights as a redwood.
It almost were, thankfully the military intervention in 64 prevented
So the left changed their ways, they know they could not have won in a direct combat, so they started brainwashing people...
You can see in my country, almost everyone related to education,today, was fighting in guerrilla wars to a socialist state...
Fascism and nationalism were killed, despised in academic literature.
It was small steps, until the military realized they had already won...
Both of our former presidents(excluding temer)
Were fighters in the Guerrillas
but the left until today never had popularity enough to transform Brasil into a fully socialist state.
Something that may change, the right wing only uses internet, while being each day more shutdown on academic speaks and on the media, the left have all colleges and all media to their side.
the part that gets me is how they pretend to be against "identity politics" when their ranks are full of radical feminists, black activists and trannies. i think these guys are more of a threat to themselves at this point, jesus.
So are you going to prove that ((communist)) aren't socially engineering the youth or not?
Watch those videos. The two communists explain that the Frankfurt School wasn't trying to "destroy" western culture at all.
Post hand with time stamp. White or yellow we'll know what the results of the autism test were. If it's black or brown you're not autistic.
Yes, I know. They legitimately thought what they were doing was right. Just as you legitimately think comunist would be a good thing.
You're both wrong.
Evola, MacDonald are a good start
Devi and Serrano for the more esoteric stuff
Blavatsky and Trehlebov for the deepest astral-tier truths
You will soon ahahahahah
>be Marxist
>study culture and decide it sustains capitalism
>promote critical theory
Thanks, which titles?
Sure sure, look these two communists explaining why THIS TIME, we won´t try to destroy western culture...
Socialists are naive to the core, fuck me
spengler and evola are alright
bowden if you want to have fun reading
the international jew by ford
suicide of the west by burnham for anti-communist content
I'm white...
Jews aren't white.
You're gravely mistaking the whole crux of Critical Theory. It doesn't "propose" anything, it merely shows how capitalism fucks with culture.
Aaand dropped.
Didnt even have to argue with you, you played yourself.
Extending the Marx doctrine of the accumulation of capital, class, proletariat/bourgeoisie to culture, race/ethnicity is easy to do and is one reason why people call it "cultural marxism". What the frankfurt school said or didn't is irrelevant.
What does this have to do with Critical Theory?
Marxists like to play word games, they will change definitions and move goal posts to fit whatever agenda they have,
And given the school was founded as a study centre for Marxism is it not natural that their theories had revolution at heart? The economic argument was lost. Culture, or 'the superstructure' is all that is left.
Ride the Tiger
Men Amongst the Ruins
A Culture of Critique
basically pic related
Also once you're deeply enlightened read Koshuny Finista (hire a Russian escort to translate it for 3 hours worth of work)
>Marxists like to play word games
Those would be postmodernists.
postmodernists are overwhelmingly leftist. language is another oppressive aspect of the cultural hegemony.
I hope you're intentionally being ironic.
Again, the only member of the Frankfurt School who kept believing in revolution was Benjamin, whose works were based much more in Judaism than in traditional Marxism. The rest of the school, including Marcuse, became very pessimistic.
So if they didn't believe in revolution were they real socialist? or is your argument 'cultural marxism is not REAL marxism'?
ITT Marxists cry that neo-Marxists aren't real Marxists
Spot where European philosophy went to shit.
Most of them drifted away from conventional Marxism.
So cultural marxism is real just /notyourcomrade/?
It's not real. There is no plot to destroy culture.
Part II?
The point is, there was no plot to destroy the west. That's not what critical theory aimed to do at all.
You are an imbecile. If you were educated in statistics, then I bet you'd be Gish galloping and tossing around statistical jargon in hopes that the typical Sup Forumsack is too dumb to know anything about statistics (true).
I hope you die horribly.
Revolt Against the Modern World
Holy fuck. Another piece of evidence that education doesn't increase your intellegence.
Sorry but this is bullshit and apologetics.
Marxist Academics saw the nature of an emerging mass culture industry. Practitioners decided to exploit it in a great display of unethical psychology (For BIG profits too) contorting society for what some would consider the worse and using the nature of peer pressure to force it on all and harass other groups.
The whole shitick is fake and used to induce a mentality in the audience that can then be exploited.
You idiots chose the dark side.
You argument that is was later disowned by old men (after others got hold of it and ran with it)
So what?
What are you trying to impress upon us?
Is this a "sorry guys, go back to sleep (kill all white people) tehehe" ?
Yes, the Franks critiqued the Culture Industry as it was a product of capitalism.
Another dodge... fucking over dodger.
Take your thread and fuck off. Stay out of education institutions as well.
IQ isn't to do with race but idiots like you kicking around dragging everything down.
I don't understand what you're arguing.