Explain this to me burgers

How come your main news platforms are so biased? If you watch CNN for example, you can't help but see that every word they say, every sound/effect or edit is to portray one side of American politics in a very negative light. Currently the Trump-camp is taking a lot of shit, but it works to opposite way too: Obama was almost always portrayed in a favorable light. Same goes for Fox, CNBC etc, they all have their 'favorites' and their 'shit catchers'.
>In Europe the main news channels are usually too politically correct and thats a problem in itself, but they are not so blatantly partial as yours.
How can you take any of these ''news' sources seriously if they don't bring you the news in a fair and balanced way at all but with a heavy sauce of shit?

Other urls found in this thread:


because they're not journalists, they're entertainers. thats why its always 'evening news with anchor mcanchorman'

the press we have is not the root of problems, but a major symptom of sensationalism

they're propaganda machines controlled by the kikes/deep state. Basically a Marxism tool to try and mold our thinking.

But what is the source average Americans use for ''normal news''?

Bump for land of the free home of the misinformed

whatever shit that normies post on facebook, to be honest

more conservative / older check drudge report for links too

everyone hates most of the media

Because marxist set out to take control of the democratic party, which intern set out to take control of the commanding hightops of culture, media, hollywood, academia.

Look up the frankfurt school, look up obamas mentor

you're welcome

>implying any mainstream media within the west is telling you the full truth

I'll be honest, I was on board the Impeach Trump train with getting Trump impeached, but yesterday I changed my mind.

All these media pieces they're running on him just feel more vicious than genuine. I'm still skeptical of him, but I don't think he deserves to be impeached anymore. I've never seen someone so viciously attacked like him. It's pretty obvious elites don't want him. I'm still a dem at heart but, I fully support Trump now. We can't let the deep state get their hands on those codes.

They realized a long time ago that they will make more money if they pander to one demographic.

The trick is the just realize that all news sources are biased, but that the major outlets still actually report fact-based news. It's all just about how they spin it.

So as long as you realize that and keep an eye on sources that bias towards both sides, you get relatively reliable news. Especially when you apply critical thinking to everything you read.

Always local news in the morning and right after work for traffic, weather reports, local nigger shootings and house fires.
Nightly news magazine shows on major networks NBC, ABC, or CBS with more detailed reporting.
CNN or Fox News 24/7 cable networks if they seek more coverage.

It wasn't always like this.
Back in middle school (some 10 years ago) CNN and New York Times were known as reputable sources. FOX news were basically Sup Forums lite and were seen as racist and crazy. It isn't until recently that CNN is fucking laughable for their clickbait and BREAKING NEWS: TRUMP TO SPEAK TOMORROW, COUNTDOWN IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT TICKER. And NYT is going full SJW now. Honestly the best thing now is to read multiple sources just for the facts, and form your own opinion.

Everybody is biased you piece of garbage.

The cia literally runs the media

Heh, jokes on you, OP
Ameriburgers dont think

How do you feel now?

CNN is not biased.. nor is Washington Post.
Biased are news orgs like Fox, Breitbart, and others that cater to hateful white trash Americans.

Nobody watches them anymore. Especially after this last year. They are only in business because jews are funding them.

But why is it allowed?
Im not saying its perfect here but we have a state funded main news channel: called the NOS. As I said: the problem with that is they pander to much to the establishment though.

Imho news is too important and to not be an independent branch of government.
link related


Because of this OP.

On 12/29/12, President Obama signed HR 4310, (at night, during the holidays, in the dark, so that no one would even know); the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act. Section 1078 (thomas.loc. gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c112:H.R.4310:) of the bill authorizes the use of propaganda inside the US, which had previously been banned since 1948 when the Smith-Mundt Act was passed. The media was also reclassified as “entertainment”.

Lol why on earth would you want the government to control your only source of news?

US MSM is dying. Just like print media did. They sold their souls to the DNC and Sorosesque groups. They needed money.

Its not our only source of news, everyone is free to make to start their own news channel here and there are others too. But its seen as necessary for balance and continuation to have at least one state funded news channel. Probably because of the reasons mentioned ITT.

>only the shit news outlets that confirm my bias are unbiased
Your bias is showing, nimrod.

It isn't a political bias that any of the big 3 have (cnn,fox,msnbc) , it's a corporate and don't rock the boat/challenge the system type of bias because they are now used as profit machines instead of loss leaders like they used to be.

This is very interesting.

What I wouldn't give for an unbiased news source

Yeah guys, the only unbiased sources are untrained youtubers with no contacts in the political world that.

Aye m8. I dont trust any of them. Even with NPR it's all about the $$$$


- Trustworthiness ratings of the mass media is 32% and nearly in single digits among conservatives (gallup.com/poll/195542/americans-trust-mass-media-sinks-new-low.aspx)
- The trustworthiness rating of CNN *among its own viewers* is 33% (rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/general_politics/january_2017/cable_news_viewers_still_turn_to_fox_first)

Delivering outrage-bait to zealots is more profitable than down-the-middle responsible journalism. Just ask Colbert.

>the major outlets still actually report fact-based news. It's all just about how they spin it.
It's more than that. There are more insidious ways to lie than simply saying something that's technically inaccurate.

- Heavy emphasis on certain stories and total avoidance of others.
- Major >implying in headlines completely contradicted by facts buried in paragraph 45 of the actual article.
- Reporting on what people are saying rather than what actually happened as a way to give yourself cover for reporting known lies. See CNN's reporting about the piss dossier.

Lets act like Fox News, breitbart and drudge isn't bias all the time.
Fuck off.

watch bbc dutchie

I don't understand how US MSM can lie 24/7 without consequences.


Drudge is a fucking aggregator not a news site.

This is actually the reason all my liberal friends switched to supporting trump. They basically said that seeing the media constantly attacking him was a sign the establishment is against him and that he might actually be the real deal. I'm not on the trump train yet but starting to lean that way. who knows. we'll see

Because they are owned by Chinks, Jews, and Saudis with agendas. Because we have a 24 hour new cycle. Because it's a dying medium desperate for relevance.

>because they're not journalists, they're entertainers.

It's not that. The US news media is a business first and foremost.
It's about developing a loyal customer base by telling them the news the way they want to hear it.
Like OP says, the same goes for Fox and the rest of the big outlets.
What you have is the natural result of unconstrained capitalism.
Enjoy it.

I specifically mentioned Fox as biased as well. They all have their favorites and shit catchers. My question is why dont burgers' newschannels at least pretend to be fair and balanced

Their ratings are shit and even Alex Jose has better ratings. But they are kept afloat by Jew adverters who control 99% of ad money in the US, and get paid by big corps who we pay buy stuff from.

Advertizing biz is pseudo state/Jew monopoly in the US. There is no free market here.

This. If you look closely you see many more subtle ways CNN distorts the truth.

>husband puts on NPR
>he says they are the best in news reporting
>hear it one day for the first time after seeing it on Sup Forums how biased they are
>shit its true
>tell him that I wont listen because its unbiased and all I want is news
>gets mad at me for wanting fair and equal reporting
Fuck this, every news is so damn left leaning, I just want to hear balanced viewpoints

>CNN = Propaganda arm of the deep state.

Even RT doesn't get caught with green screens, making up story's or using cameramen as fake protesters. worse than WWE wrestling

No, I don't mean that. They're just outright lying. Not reporting, not using primary sources, just lies after lies that need to be debunked by actual Government officials in twitter

I haven't watched mainstream news media since they were lying us into the Iraq War.

Is CNN's logo a secret white supremacy logo for

"Confederate Whites" ??????

No monthly cable / satellite TV bill in 17 years for me come next month. Fuk 'em all.

There is a reason it's called Clinton News Network.
It's the most biased news station ever.

they've been lowkey /ourguys/ this whole time

>Explain this to me burgers
>Implying the Dutch media isn't also biased as fuck
Have you watched the news lately? Or even turned on your TV? Everything here in The Netherlands is biased as fuck.

It seems like the lies are so utterly common that its impossible for government officials to refute them. Businesses defend themselves trough legal means when slandered or lied about, but you can see how much Trump is struggling: when he adressed a lie or subtle untruth 10 new ones have already come up.

No I totally agree when about political correctness about immigration, black pete etc. But the NOS here pretends to be unbiased and fair in political goings on. In the US its almost a guarantee if you turn on one channel you get anti-x twisted news, turn on another you get anti-y twisted news, etc.

I hate how all the media outlets in the Netherlands do this. They all publish extremely biased articles, lie by omission, sell opinion as fact, and worse of all is that most Dutch people have no idea this is going on. When I tell anyone that the media here is biased and that they lie, they tell me I'm full of shit and that that's all just conspiracy shit. It's so fucking annoying because I see it happen all the time.
Pic related, that was today.

Agreed, great example. Should be shown in schools.