We are reaching levels of McCarthyism I never thought was possible
Cept its the literal commies trying to purge the right of the government because they might b commies
Really chews my khat
That's not even the Kremlin. It's St. Basil's Cathedral.
funny thing is McCarthy was right back then. Now its just pathetic. The US is supposed to be permanent enemies for life forever and ever otherwise we're in cahoots, apparently
saint basils is very beautiful architecturally.
McCarthyism is a dead term to these people
They brought back Whataboutism as a tactic to discredit the opposition while pointing the finger and screaming "WHATABOUTISM!"
Both sides have gotten so entrenched that their idols can do no wrong. Skepticism is dead. Belief is the new currency in this system. This is what happens when the church dies.
Let em keep doing it. They're just getting more and more ridiculous and making more and more people sympathize with Trump and his supporters.
I'll be honest, I was on board the Impeach Trump train with getting Trump impeached, but yesterday I changed my mind.
All these media pieces they're running on him just feel more vicious than genuine. I'm still skeptical of him, but I don't think he deserves to be impeached anymore. I've never seen someone so viciously attacked like him. It's pretty obvious elites don't want him. I'm still a dem at heart but, I fully support Trump now. We can't let the deep state get their hands on those codes.
What was the reason for removing crosses from the cathedral I wonder.
God bless you. Join the fight.
Wow what the fuck.
Crosses are homophobic and antisemtic you goy.
Finally got ya
Actually McCarthy was right. These people have hit a new level of faggoty hysteria and mental retardation.
congratulations on having this post immortalized in my collection for no other reason than the fact that i have never seen a poster from this country, legitimate or proxy based.
That's a neat illustration and everything, but it really is amazingly retarded in concept.
Especially when there are still NO PROOFS.
Did plumbf turn the whitehouse orthodox on us?! IMPEACH!!!!
>pretty cool cover
>pretty dumb implications
it's a constant with Time magazine
(((wouldn't fit)))
because TIMES backwards is SEMIT
McCarthyism was 100% right. In both instances.
the 5th column sovki dickriders of yesteryear are now feeling the heat. maybe they'll start burning their selective service cards and american flags like they used to?
i hope putin vaporizes your entire shit nation from space, i really do
Stop making this stupid fucking thread over and over again.
>It's on the cover of Chaim magazine, it must be true goy - uh - guys!
Talk about a rare flag, damn.
All the shills are the same guy on different computers LOL
You're not a real country!
Germany LOL what a joke of a country. 2 failed world wars and another failed EU control with open borders migration. Germans are good at $$$ and failing but terrible at Europe.
Wait, this country exists? Ever since I came to Sup Forums I've learned about the exsistance of countries I never head about before.
What's that flag someone pls, I'm on mobile
The party who coined the term is now practicing mccarthism.
Central African Republic
Central African Republic
Ty leaf
>tfw I already have you
So is the White House hosting a Tetris tournament?