Piper Herron, Math professor at the University of Hawaii has said that all white men should step down or be fired to make room for "others". She says ALL white cis men need to clear the way for women of color and transgenders.
Professor Wants to Fire All White People
>hawaii for hawaiians
why is this a bad thing?
she's black tho
>(I can’t even pretend to know how “normal” mathematicians feel when they read math, but I know it’s not how I feel.) My thesis is, in many ways, not very serious, sometimes sarcastic, brutally honest, and very me. It is my art. It is myself.
Seems legit.
>america for amerindians
why is this a bad thing?
That's fine.
We're keeping the math, though.
Have fun, spear chucker.
Because the issue of who occupies a profession at any university should primarily be decided on merit?
TLDNR stupid dindunuffins said something stupid.
Gee, I wonder why people think black people can't make it on their own merits.
Jesus, niggers are even stinking up Hawaii. Is there one place on Earth that doesn't have to look like a suburb of Somalia?
>my math is art
does not compute
Give medal fields to this niggress
I wish we could deannex Hawaii and send all the pacific island niggers there
Get rid of the STEM professors. That's good for the university business.
>It was written with you, the people, in mind. It is math (Number Theory; keywords: equidistribution, lattice shapes of number fields), but it is also me (Non-visual Art; keywords: social justice, layspeak, mild hilarity, home birth).
at least she could pretend to be a philosopher
what is this retarded shithead
dude fix your eyes or make a podcast, can't watch your video since you are a retard
I am honestly surprised people haven't just said fuck it and beat the living shit out of her. This is the real issue, these people have the ability to say what ever stupid idea comes into their head.
It isn't, fuck it, let them have their homeland as long as they depend on the tourist income and we can still visit fairly.
This is the problem.
well you suck at what you're trying to do
Her PhD advisor was a Fields Medal recipient.
Sorry to have posted mine after yours OP. I did not see it
Link to the AMS post where she spews her shit
the dude in your video has got a fucked up eye
Yeah, she's the ugly kind of black, probably smarter than average in school, that thought that one white boy was cute but he would never ask her out.
I can see why she's pissed.
punch your local racist
This is my new favorite site.
>blame and criticise white men for colonising Hawaii
>suggest niggers and the mentally ill should take their place to 'fix the problem'
>an actual professor
A mug's eyeful.
(((Systemic Racism)))
Bias is inborn, unconscious, and undeniable.
Therefore the dominant race or gender inevitably exhibits bias oppressing the other.
Therefore multiculturalism will lead to 3 inevitable outcomes.
1. White opression
2. White genocide
3. Brown world
Once whites give up power it is the end.
how can we signal boost this?
this needs to be normalized across government, academia, corporations
ideally, it would get to the point where 50% of the white population are just drunk unemployed rednecks with guns
drunk everyday still better than the most educated nigger
>what makes you qualified for this position?
>W-welcome aboard...
>this needs to be normalized across government, academia, corporations
>Some poor soul had to read this dindu's scribblings
How about she fucks off then to the black people paradise that is Africa?
Oh right, she won't because it's a big shithole and she'd rather stay in white people's country.
That's a funny joke
Today it is. Universities are holding pens for retards, ideologues, lowlives, and the rare precious minds.
RWDS when?
GUYS, have you seen her PhD thesis, that was defended in Princeton???
Fuck that. Send them to Samoa. I like Hawaii. It's ours now.
This FUCKING NIGGER spent 10 years clogging up one of America's best universities in order to shit out some affirmative action thesis. Now she is a "Doctor" and gets to go around spreading anti-white bullshit. Please Trump, get rid of affirmative action enough is enough
>Mistress of Arts in Self-Liberation
Burn everything
Have you read what is written there? It's like tumbler posts written in LaTeX
>ideally, it would get to the point where 50% of the white population are just drunk unemployed rednecks with guns
would they get subzides for that?
If you've been to KTH in Stockholm, you may notice the cobblestones put exactly everywhere around the campus.
The story goes that KTH was made to admit women beyond the occasional genius, and KTH did what it could to keep women away from their facilities. The cobblestones being particularly nasty to people in high-heeled shoes.
>Okay, so you’re undercover posing as a “natural mama” with your bilingual robot baby in the baby
carrier when you have to stop and count bicycles. You press the screen of your spy phone (I almost said “on
your watch” LOL)
fukken math n shit yo
She's right.
White people need to know how it feels to be oppressed.
Hawaii is full of Asians, thoguh, you cuckfaggot. Firing Whites would just be antiwhite faggotry, not actually going to establish a homeland for Hawaiians.
Also where the fuck is the White homeland?
Gas yourself
Yea so we can rise up and fight for our own people. Cuck.
Yes, there's are stories like that but I don't think they're true.
KTH didn't even allow women to take certain degrees once, some claim. However, women have always had the ability to study and influence society in other ways than securing that one degree.
I wonder if it were a mistake to allow women to influence our universities to the degree they're doing it today. They are redistributing resources from so called male dominated fields to female dominated fields. Causing, at times, classes and facilities, like laboratories, to be closed down.
What a wonderful world we're living in, where grasping women are destroying part of the bedrock of Western modern societies.
I would support this if all cis white men become a protected class that are given 1500 USD per week in welfare.
>BA cum laude in Romance Languages
>MA in Mathematics
>Single Lady of Arts in Oppression
>Mistress of Arts in Self-Liberation
>PhD in Mathematics
my fucking sides
Her thesis is so weak. I don't know how she got PhD. In my University that would be a master's thesis.
>having kids made it easier to throw my hands up like I was okay with things and not at all failing, but I was never okay.
>passively saying her children only compounded her abject failure, going so far as cementing it
>saying it online so it lasts forever
>someday her children will see it
This should be enough for anyone to dismiss her garbage rhetoric. She is broken inside to the point that her own biological destiny destroyed her.
>I don't know how she got PhD
Affirmative action.
Kek, is that gravel guy?
>leave me alone with your nigger logic PhD
You mean they graduated her just not to see her anymore?
Is it that bad? Even on PhD level? I thought it only works at BA BS.
>Wanting us niggers in charge of running power plants and the electricity grid
Do you have any idea what you're asking for?
Poland. Every polish I've met (there's a lot in this country) goes full 14/88 once you get a few drinks in 'em.
Plus didn't all their """""refugees""""" flee due to how hostile it was?
very few people in Hawaii have substantial Polynesian ancestry.
I support this in academia
Take everything she say and swap male female, trans cis, color white and it will be the most racist sexist transphobic shit you've ever heard,
>muh terminology
both skew symmetric and antisymmetric are perfectly acceptable terms senpai
yeah, even regular people will give them hell. that's why i'm not worried about relocation of refugees into poland because i know what polish people are like ("this guy is getting free money and housing? don't we have enough of our own poor people to take care of? fuck this guy!", etc). and the more die-hard nationalist types would look for any excuse to fuck them up. they would not feel welcome here to say the least
Absolutely appalling
she's making a very BIG statement with that
Poor Pfaff would puff over this proof bluff.
>advisor: manjul bhargava
bet she is topping him
looks like we've got ourselves a bunch of youngfags. making fun of a smart man because of his eyes while disregarding the information he's providing is the same thing as being a nigger. you fucking niggers.
because the stupid indians sold us the land for beads and blankets. fuck them, no returns
> Want only PoC to have jobs
> Also want high taxes on those who hold jobs
> Also want generous welfare benefits for the jobless
> Basically want PoC and other marginalized groups working to support idle white men
I seem to remember the Democratic Party advocating this system using different terminology in the past.
>beads and blankets
Don't forget whiskey and guns. You make it sound like we tried to Jew them out of their land. Something that we did not do.
>> Want only PoC to have jobs
>> Also want high taxes on those who hold jobs
>> Also want generous welfare benefits for the jobless
>> Basically want PoC and other marginalized groups working to support idle white men
>I seem to remember the Democratic Party advocating this system using different terminology in the past.
except this time we tricked them marginalized people into thinking THEY want this, its brilliant.
Oh, he is a pretty decent mathematician actually.
Sad that he has tolerated this hag. Lowered my opinion of him greatly.
> We
I wasn't advocating this myself, just pointing out that the Democrats have never really changed. They've probably been planning this since Appomattox.
>I wasn't advocating this myself, just pointing out that the Democrats have never really changed. They've probably been planning this since Appomattox.
oh sorry, my ancestors owned a few thousand I haphazardly threw out a 'we', MY APOLOGIES YOU NON SLAVE OWNING FAGGOT.
The beginning of her very first sentence:
"If you are a human person...:
What other type of person could you be? All persons are human/all humans are persons. I would fail here after just reading that. A big fat red F.
they jewed themselves though, thats the point
>three camera shoot
>picks the wrong two cameras
is it even legal to talk like that in sweden?
>defining the things
>(if you care)
>Alright, already, am I right?
>exclamation marks
What the fuck is this? It's certainly not good scientific text.
>60% ilokano philipino
That's like saying mexico should own Texas.
I wish that every stupid comment about race was immediately compared to prejudice back in the 50s-60s so that these people could get some perspective on the shit that comes out of their mouth
is no fucking different than
Yet they don't get it - they don't even think to consider it or compare it. How? Fucking honest to god, how?
This seriously.
it starts with a redefinition of terms.
Gender isn't real. Sex is the term you're looking for.
Fine. Let China take them over.
Those "integrals" look very wrong...
There's nothing wrong with a nigger being dragged behind a truck won't fix.
I'm actually down with this sort of thing, only accelerationism will wake up the masses from their televisions and cause a real political movement
The pot needs to boil fast so that the frogs jump out
This is always the answer.
This is a fucking PhD thesis?!
My Bachelor thesis is more in depth than this garbage
What the fuck yes i'm mad
she's a racist
THEY EDITITED THE PAGE WITH AN ADDENDUM!. The page is different than the archived version that can be seen here archive.fo
ADDENDUM: Since last Friday, this post has been getting lots of comments, some of which are very inappropriate. We would like to remind our readers of a few things:
This is a blog post, an opinion piece, and a provocation to think. As Piper says, it is about “shifting perspective”. It is not being written by a university president, nor is it something we are acting upon. We are not actually firing anyone. A common argumentation device is to take something to the extreme to really help us do the shifting (and often with things regarding race and gender, this is an effective device, albeit upsetting for some). This also does not necessarily represent the opinions of the AMS and its members, it represents our point of view.
We assert our right to express controversial opinions in a civilized way, because it is legal to do so. We are not even the first or most extreme, we are just doing this from a different point of view. Here is a Breitbart piece on the exact counter-argument, which I found deeply offensive but nonetheless did not cause me to explode in rage and start a social media war.
Please do share your comments if you disagree, but recall our guidelines for posting comments (see below).
Any comments containing profanity, insults, personal attacks, or suggestions of violence will not be approved, no matter how carefully reasoned the rest of your comment was.
We will try to respond to comments, but the sheer volume is making it hard to do so in a timely manner. Rest assured that if your comment follows the guidelines (and see item (4)) it will at least be posted.
Thanks for reading the inclusion/exclusion blog.
— Adriana Salerno, Editor-in-Chief, May 18, 2017.
Look at her CV. How she got into Grad school is beyond me. How she got a job is beyond me. She is mentally ill. Here is a sample, and link at the end:
Princeton University, MA in Mathematics
survived external and internalized misogyny
survived external and internalized racism
survived pervasive and internalized cult of genius mythology