Brit/pol/:reckles and provocative edition

>5 days left to register to vote

>BBC empirically biased against Labour

>Politicians face investigation over abusing data harvested and sold from social media

>LibDem manifesto: Ganja YES, Brexit NO, Tampons FREE

>Scot Labour threatens councillors for fraternising with the enemy

>Grime artists support Corbyn, rave planned before election

>Wages can't keep up with inflation: Stagflation since 2008

>Man charged with terrorism for not handing over passwords at airport

Other urls found in this thread:


black hole sun

Are you having a fucking laugh

Just tuned in
Literally heard NHS mentioned 5 times already

wont you come

This ITV debate has been utterly appalling.

QT is still on tonight, at least.

I haven't been this annoyed in ages.

They're jumping on Paul no matter what. Apparently trade deals with America is bad for our country.
Fucking hate these self-loathing unpatriotic politicians nowadays.

>leaders debate
>wee jimmy crankie having pops at english no body MPs and a welsh woman

No ta

>Watching Three Girls

Tl;dr on the leaders debate lads?

I'm watching the football instead

And wash away the rain :(

Thank you OP

When will Welsh Lady shut the fuck up and let Nutall speak
She's like a child winging as soon as nutall opens his mouth

End me.

that, combined with the giggling smirkishness

>A man who won a £101m Euromillions jackpot does not have to "cough up" financial support for his son "whenever asked", a court has ruled.
>Central London County Court heard Mr Dawes' son Michael, 32, was given £1.6m, but funds stopped after a row.
>He was seeking a ruling that his father and stepmother must financially support him for the rest of their lives.
>The court heard the former naval officer and his civil partner James Beedle, 34, gave up their jobs and spent nearly £1.6m over two years.

Top kek

>this biased as fuck audience,
>this shit presenter
>4 of the "debaters" all fucking agree with eachother on everything anyway

>Apparently trade deals with America is bad for our country.

Interesting how 'because of Donald Trump' was the argument, so it would've been fine with Obama?


I purposefully avoided watching it. I'll get less annoyed watching the programme about paki ray guns.

id love for priti to stamp on my white dick and call me scum

Why is Corbyn so unpopular, lads?

>we could sign free trade deals with other countries of the world
>"you mean with donald drumpf the racist??? NO"
>*audience loudly claps*

It's four people vs. Paul Nuttall, he gets two words into a sentence before everyone starts interrupting him.

I'm pretty sure the majority are against big government / status

Yet most major parties push public sector, public services and big public spending

Nightwatchman party when?

Tying skin color to "values"
Im brown and shes a fucking twit

>foreigners need money for tights
>we need immigration to stop our chicken being pumped with chlorine
>tims dad had a bad knee and a polish plumber fixed it with a bag of peas

>no meme contestants



Paul's done alright considering it's 4 v 1

>"user, I know we're getting kinda serious now and this has been the best trip ever....but I have something to tell you about my past..."

What do?

Because he's an IRA sympathising Commie cunt.

If it was 400 v 1 he was still terrible

Paul just got a regular sized clap and wasn't interrupted...

glass her


Listen Lads There is a GCHQ/ Grass here ?
who that ORG will fuck with you ,Dont Pretend it wont happen ok
I know guys ip here I will Cluedo

Whip your black hosepipe out there and then

Reveal that you were born a woman

>race is just skin colour
Stop. Accept who you are.

Nuttall was going full libertarian 30mins ago


The person in charge of the debate can't moderate for shit. Would help things 10 fold if she stopped the interruptions and stopped the people who keep going on and on with no restraint.

Johnathan "Car crash life and interview" Bartley



Muh education. They're all literally repeating each other, even are Nutt


she is a lezza ?

>Tims dad and polish peas
Did he really say this?

You're not allowed to interrupt in the beginning statement
Get checked for AIDS

>no meme contestants

Pretty sure Vince counts as a prime cut meme. Maybe this is literally your first election?

Angela Rayner is fucking, legitimately retarded, it's a joke that she is the shadow education secretary.


Where is the outrage that the Tory party did not even try to cost their manifesto?

It does not even try to work out how much the skills tax might cost the NHS or the University sector, have any front pages attacking Tories for a non-costed manifesto? If it were Labour it would be headline news; the Tory manifesto is pretty much number-free while Labour & the Lib Dems provided lots of fiscal detail on their plans.

In the eyes of the public, they don't need to prove their economic credibility to win people over, despite all the facts showing they don't do it any favours. The deficit is running £50 odd billion a year the national debt is £1.7 trillion, and this despite needless austerity and over £300 billion of Quantitative Easing.

How they get away with this image utterly fails me. How can people be so badly misled as to believe them on this aspect?

That means her point would be valid according to your logic...?

Glass him

Welsh Birds love a bit of big city cock

t. momentum facebook group

Fuck off.

He got a clap though!


Those alien fingers tho

Wish i had gone to a grammar school, too many Niggers and bad behaviour in my classes

>no ring ring

Fuck me i thought it was a shitpost when i saw it in the other thread

Caroline Lucas's education sounds so shit.

>user I got BLACKED in uni is that okay?

how do you respond lads

When their opposition spends more time calling people racist instead of calling out the Tory's bullshit it only has one guaranteed outcome.

>Grammar schools

I lasted 15ish minutes, I couldn't take any more

The question from the nigger who could barely speak English complaining. That she wasn't getting enough bennies sent me over the edge.

I like u

That's how they gain votes. It's the same here in Ireland. Growing the private sector is never an option, and if you even dare mention reducing the size of government you're labelled a mass murderer, practically

That's a wonderful collection of integers you have there.

You should assume that of any girl that went to uni anyway.

It's coming up to a fucking election and only 2 people on that panel were actually MPs in the last parliament and only one of those is really British. BBC, you could do so much better, you could start by putting Nigel Farrage on instead of some nobody from the Lib Dems (they want to go against the will of the people and cansill our red white and blue brexit so they don't deserve to be on my telly).

Tbh a free trade deal with USA would tear our arseholes asunder. They already fucking RUINED Cadburys tbqh senpai. I want dem poo in loo trade deals so we can sell them advanced technology (e.g. toilets)


Answer the question you cuck.


He's at least a politician

I thought she was on a 10 day ban? Not the same without her desu

Does anyone have a clip of this? I was out of the room making a cup of tea at the time.

I'm happy you didn't go completely supernova with the numerical signature of your posting.

t. momentum facebook group

Your stats are all twisted/biased bullshit

tfw voting Tory, used to vote UKIP. Live in a marginal seat too ;)

She doesn't have a 'point', it's drivel. Doesn't mean race has no other impact than how much melanin's beneath your skin.

Your "one race" nonsense doesn't fly here.

This. We need to protect ourselves against massive economies like US and China and so on. We need to abuse smaller, growing economies like India and shit. Just without immigration,

I agree, unfortunately QT can only take who they're offered from the party.

What the fuck is the point of a debate where everyone violently agrees with each other?

>Subtly photoshopping JUST hair onto the green party representative

Great job user

Go on

[Citation needed]

Aye. The quality of discourse has increased dramatically.

>tfw we'll never have truly based politicians ever again

What has become of UKIP?

>Implying I'd ever be on a date with a chick with fake peroxide blonde hair, those tacky nails and non blue eyes


Is that the "Romanians next door" of the era?

Paul dropped the lolberterian pill tonight yet he still gets ragged on about immigration

Can't win

>muh winners and losers


Shut up Natalie. As if they are relevent enough to bother remembering their names

>watching Three Girls
>someone says "it could just have easily been white people"

Stormed out. Went for a walk, bit nippy.

No, it means her point is wrong for a completely different reason