Is Putin /ourguy/ ?
Is Putin /ourguy/ ?
Seems like it would just fuel the narrative
Uhf joub
That's exactly his plan. You know who's really playing right into Russia's hands? The democrats.
Potentially, yeah. There's no winning with libs
Yeah seems like it's a win win for Putin and a lose lose for Trump
>Gives tape
>Trump confirmed working with Putin!
>Doesn't give tape
>Trump literally handed the nuclear codes to Putin!
>Putin saying he has unauthorized recording of classified meeting in the most important security room in the world of the supposed most powerful guy in the world will surely win USA people over
>MFW you are too stupid to realize that this is a deliberate provocation by Putin, as he is suggested the Russians were permitted to RECORD a classified conversation with the U.S. President.
ebin hlebin grunon
>brainlets too stupid to remember with precision a conversation from a mere week or two ago
>hear the slightest muttering
>remember it precisely years later
I do this but I am still a brainlet tbqh senpai
absolutely. Putin and the dems have a win-win over this mess. Who is losing is the American people.
But isn't he trying to make the point that libs are overreacting about the nature of the discussion Trump and Lavrov had? And that it in fact wasn't as secretive as everyone's been saying?
it is a trap, putin did it on purpose
look nothin here, hehe!
He's trying to appear to be saying the libs are overreacting while using the implication he made to provoke a reaction out of those same libs. Russians are notorious for these sorts of between the lines provocations when they feel they have the upper hand.
Always think twice when Putin wants to "help out to clear the air."
The people lost when we elected man-baby-in-chief
I can't figure out whether Putin's bluffing or he actually has something.
Wouldn't it be great if he rickrolled us.
Highly doubt hes /ourguy/. I'm sure hes just as sick of the MSM as we are and would rather have Trump in office then a neocon who would start ww3.
>Is Putin /ourguy/ ?
He's one of them.
Has been for a while.
We're just too tsun-tsun to admit it.
Putin trolls demshits.
literally our guy. I bet he posts here.